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The Current Crises

By Bruce

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arts of the world.) However, on the whole - life in the US appears to go on. Iraq, Iran, and Israel have been pre-empted of late - with the news from New Orleans. The shindigs going on at the UN - Americans don't see as personally relevant. That the president is going to speak on Thursday evening - they don't find particularly worrisome. So, the good life goes on. House and car payments to be made. Probably more concern about what the fall TV line-up will be than what is going on at the UN.

The current tragic collapse at the UN was brought on by the US. Bolton wouldn't bend. The US goals - were US goals - not world goals. Same can be said for the others - Russia, China, India and the Security Council wannabees - Third world countries - and the Muslim collective. Selfishness, unenlightened self-interest, national sovereignty agendas, are a world problem - not just a US problem - but the US is the world leader - and will be blamed for the UN failure. If the rest of the world was all good - as the US appears all bad - then they could just form a United Nations without the US - and carry on. Unfortunately, the rest of the world has the same selfish shortcomings as the US - very often greater - often capped with internal political corruption, poverty, cultural resistance to technology, and various institutions that doom them to economic failure.

Whoever we wish to blame - others, ourselves, or both - humanity is now on the brink of the events that it has brought to pass.

Politicians do not have the answers. They are servants of self-interest. Their own - and those who fund them. In the US and throughout the world - their first priority is that of maintaining power. Through power - they enrich themselves - and their friends - relatives and associates - with insider contacts, business deals, legislated laws, and a plethora of the accoutrements of power - all to the detriment of the public.

The entrenched bureaucracies are no better. Security rather than service - authority rather than justice - is their unspoken creed. Attack them at your peril.

Courts, lawyers, military, even media and educators - are all designed to uphold the systems - which because of their inherent violation of the cosmic laws of love and justice - have now brought humanity

to the brink of collapse.

But blind is humanity - both to its faults and its destiny.

I have just completed a massive and exhaustive task - of tracking through FEMA to find where today lay the official preparations for civilian survival of nuclear war.

I actually started this task - on March 25th, 2004 when the president of Higher Faith suggested that we try for a FEMA grant. We formed a committee of a half dozen people and spent many, many hours trying to go through the hoops.

Later, in April of this year - after we had published "The Paper" on our own - I again made intensive effort

to make contact within FEMA - to find some interest in the subject.

About a week ago - I once again began to repeat the effort. I have spent many hours each day for the last several days doing Google and other search engine searches, and making dozens of phone calls to FEMA.

No one is home. There are no such plans. The latest thing that I could find was written seven years ago

about a speculation that there could be an accidental nuclear war. No plans - in case there was. It is interesting how America has come to this state of affairs when other countries in the world - such as: Russia, China, Scandinavian Countries, Israel and others, have extensive nuclear war survival plans and shelters.

Years ago - in the sixties - the US had an extensive Civil Defense Plan with shelters, equipment, trained personnel.

This was all destroyed - and replaced by a program called crises relocation - where people were supposed to leave the cities in case of nuclear attack. That program did not last long.

There arose a mentality that nuclear war was not survivable and that there was no need to think or plan about it. By 1979 FEMA had replaced the Civil Defense Organization and the focus became one of concern with natural disasters rather than nuclear holocaust.

We all know how that worked out for New Orleans. The reason is that the natural disaster orientation also got replaced by an agenda called - COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) and according to authoritative sources - over 90 percent of FEMA's funding was going into this agenda.

The COOP projects of FEMA were building and equipping gigantic shelters (such as Mount Weather) for the survival of the government. Under the present administration - all this was folded into a new department called: Homefront Security.

Now, from an informative and reliable source I learned this week that FEMA will be no more.

So where does this leave the general public in case of nuclear war?

The answer is: nowhere.

The possibility of nuclear war is officially spoken of - (as far as the public is concerned) as being "Cold war thinking" which is a thing completely of the past.

As far as the government is concerned there is: COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) and that is all that is necessary.

So if you think that anyone was left out to dry - errr - drown - in New Orleans - let me assure you - that it will be a thousand times worse in case of nuclear war.

This still leaves us with the question - as to why I think that the next several weeks have particular potential for nuclear WW3.

The reason is - that the hawks, pigeons, ducks, of the last several years are all coming home to roost in this narrow band of time.

In the year 2000 there was held the UN Millennium Conference - (at that time the largest gathering of the nations of the world - that the world had ever seen.)

The NGO's of the world - set up a plan of study for a project to be implemented in the year 2005. The Millennium Project - at the UN meeting this week in NY - now the largest gathering of representatives of nations the world has ever seen.

The Millennium Project - was to solve the problem of poverty for people in Third World Countries throughout the world and to bring the principles of Justice to their Governments.

The US sent a representative with the express purpose of destroying the project. He asked that the _expression "The Millennium Project" be removed altogether from the Conference Report.

There were many other things on the agenda - such as adding other nations to the Security Council - but the US representative would agree to none of them. He finally agreed that the phrase "The Millennium Project" could remain in the Conference Report, but said that the US would NOT support it.

While members and leadership of the UN have tried to put a better face on it - independent knowledgeable reporters have termed this crucial world conference - as having been a total failure.

This makes a perfect three for three track record for the United States for destroying the forums for World Peace.

The US invalidated the League of Nations - by refusing to join it. The US invalidated the United Nations by insisting on the veto. The US invalidated the Millennium Project by refusing to support it. The world will remember.

The world will remember - that the US destroyed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Conference and Treaty three years ago - by not living up to its part of it. The world will remember that the US destroyed the abolition of landmines treaty. The world will remember that the US refused to abide by World Court decisions. The world will remember that the US invaded Iraq over the protest of Russia and China both of which had veto power in the Security Council.

Whatever you may think of all this - (that it was all justified - right and good - whatever) I am just telling you what the world will remember.

Today - this very hour - as I write this - the number of deaths (by the hundreds) are increasing in Iraq.

Today - this very hour - as I write this - trucker strikes - (unreported by the national media - so as not to support them) are fermenting in North America.

Today - this very hour - as I write this - the Palestinian Authority and the Egyptian Government are losing control over Hamas and Hizbullah.

Today - this very hour - as I write this Iran is progressing with its nuclear program and the US has no way to take the situation to the UN because of Russia's and China's veto.

Today - this very hour - as I write this Syria is alive with Muslim activists staging for departure

into Iraq, Gaza and elsewhere.

Today - this very hour - as I write this US Ohio class nuclear subs relocated from the Middle East

(where the US now has solid ground bases) are stationing themselves in the Pacific in response to North Korean, Russian and Chinese activity there.

Today - this very hour - as I write this the US has closed civilian airspace routes into those areas.

Today - this very hour - as I write this the preparation for a conflict is intensifying in Iraq, Iran, Russia, China North Korea, Egypt, Syria, Israel, besides many other places in the world - which see the possibility of it coming.

These are the news stories - that I am following today - at - this very hour - as I write this.

Americans remained focused on New Orleans. The stories of hospital patients drowning - of doctors performing euthanasia so that patients left behind wouldn't drown - and of many other tragedies - are horrifying - but nowhere near as horrifying as the world events that may be unfolding.

Stay focused - on the larger picture.

Peace and love,



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Arktwo mailing list

Dear Ann

I found this very intersesting sent from cousin from NY, you might want to share it. Kathy LaSalle

Dear Reader:

I've been to New Orleans many times, and enjoyed the atmosphere, the people, and the po' boys (and the beer). The pictures coming from there, and the whole Gulf Coast, are awful, in the real meaning of the word -- filling us with awe at the destructive power of nature.

The hurricane and flooding in that area may turn out to be the most costly natural disaster ever in America -- in both money and lives. Cleanup and rebuilding will take a long time, perhaps a decade.

Even after the water is gone, the need will continue. The Red Cross can use everything you have to offer: your blood, your money, and your time and talents as a volunteer. Religious and civic organizations, along with other reputable groups, also have relief efforts underway.

Separately, you should take this lesson to heart and consider laying in some preparations for yourself and your family. Almost no matter where you live, natural disasters are a concern. Here in Texas, I'm far enough inland that hurricanes aren't a concern, but tornadoes are. Snow, or rain, or wind, or an earthquake can cut you off from power, communication, and supplies for days at a time, with little or no notice.

Ironically, September had already been designated National Preparedness Month. Given the response to Katrina, you'll obviously have to take care of yourself and your family rather than wait for outside help to show up. With that in mind, here are some ideas for preparedness I've presented over the years in Alternatives.

Drinkable water is your number-one requirement. Humans can go for a month without food, but only a couple days without water. The people in New Orleans must have been frustrated to be so thirsty while surrounded by undrinkable water. A number of them undoubtedly did drink it, causing other problems.

The folks at Hydration Tech have a bag, called the X-Pack, that will convert up to a gallon a day of the most contaminated water imaginable into clean water. The pack requires a sugar solution (such as honey) after the first couple days. It's available from Hydration Tech, at or 541-917-3335. (As you can imagine, they're very busy right now, and you may have to wait a bit for delivery.)

With a water supply that is essentially clear, you can add regular chlorine bleach to disinfect it. One teaspoon will treat five gallons, or 16 drops for one gallon. If the situation gets desperate, one study showed that simply filtering water through folded layers of cloth (preferably cotton) will remove many of the harmful pathogens.

Wounds or injuries turn nasty quickly in a toxic environment. Disinfect them with chlorine bleach. (Be careful, though. The fumes can injure your eyes, mucous membranes, and lungs.)

Honey is a reliable healer. Spread a layer on the inside of a bandage or dressing before applying it to the wound or burn.

You can stop bleeding, even from a serious gash, with a product called QR topical powder, available at many mass-market retailers. (This is similar to a product I used to recommend called Bleed-X, but that company sells only to the military now.) Sprinkle the contents of one packet (or more as needed) onto the injury and apply pressure.

Antibiotics can be a literal life-saver. You would think you'd need a prescription to buy them, but farmers and ranchers buy antibiotics over the counter at animal feed and supply stores. You can even buy antibiotics over the Internet under the same circumstances, from Web sites such as

Use a variety of tetracycline called Terramycin-343. Dosage for an ill 100-pound person is half a teaspoon, mixed with a little water, twice a day for ten days. Adjust the dosage upward or downward depending on the person's weight. (It tastes pretty bad, so you might want to add a little honey.)

Sanitation can become a problem in a crowd after a few days. A five-gallon bucket makes a reliable toilet. Line it with a heavy-duty plastic bag to dipose of the waste easily. Yes, it will start to smell pretty bad after a couple days, but you can close up the bag and replace it with a new one.

These recommendations may seem a bit extreme to some people, particularly using raw bleach on open wounds and dosing yourself with antibiotics. But remember, these are for dire situations.

To sum up, here's what you should have in a ready bag (or put it all in the bucket):

* X-Pack (one for every three people in your group)

* Honey (two or three pounds in unbreakable containers)

* Chlorine bleach (a quart in an unbreakable container)

* QR topical powder (A box or two of their Cuts and Lacerations formula)

* Terramycin-343 (one 4.78-ounce package)

* A week's worth of any essential medications or supplements

* A stash of non-perishable food such as canned fish or nutrition bars

* A standard first aid kit, with bandages, scissors, antiseptic wipes, et cetera

All of these except the medications and supplements should last nearly indefinitely if kept in a cool, dry place. You'll want to replace the Terramycin if it has turned dark brown from its natural golden yellow color.

Many believed a disaster like this could never happen to them -- but it did. If you have family or friends in the Gulf Coast area, please consider passing this information along to them. It may help them rebuild their lives, or at least make the journey more bearable.

I hope you never have occasion to use this advice, but it's best to be prepared.


Dr. David Williams
