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Confusion, Deception & Contradiction

By Russell R. Bingman

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maybe even version 5, of the "credible information" reports, about eminent, or maybe eminent, or possibly maybe eminent attacks headed our way . . . . . but then again, maybe not . . . but lets all be on the safe side. Now, the American public is being torqued-up by the 9-11 Commission Reports, about how certain, swift government action prevented the September 11th attacks from being more serious — we are supposed to be grateful and paying homage to our benevolent Big Brother! But the information is also being portrayed in a light of warning . . . . . I forget, is that Yellow, Orange or . . . . . bullshit green? The powers on high are subtly letting us know that more, eminent danger is on the way, and by some accounts, SOON! At least my gut confirms that part of it!

Homeland Security is supposed to be protecting us and making us all safer . . . . . more worshipful homage due . . . as our southern border becomes more wide-open . . . Mexican truckers now legally cleared to haul their loads of whatever into the United States, and not subjected to any "un-necessary" delay or inspection. And over the weekend, stories began emerging from the U.S. Border Patrol, now an entity of the Dept. of Homeland Security, which meant they needed new uniforms and badges . . . . . and where are the new uniforms being made? In Mexico of course, where fake U.S. federal badges can be found by the bushel basket full. As some Border Patrol agents pointed out, not only is this "Hecho In Mexico" uniform thing an insult to agents on the southern border, it also means that anybody in Mexico, dressed in one of these new uniforms, with a fake badge pinned on, can waltz right across the border, with little likelihood of being caught, because Border Patrol agents are being so rapidly and frequently reassigned, nobody in the Border Patrol is going to know each other anymore. And when you couple this to the fact that for the last 2 years, ham radio operators and U.S. intelligence agencies have been monitoring coded messages being directed at unknown people in the U.S., sent from Cuba and Mexico, and other coded traffic between other Latin American countries and North Korea and China . . . that Cuban intelligence agents have already found their way into the U.S. via Mexico and the open border.

Some people forget that Mexico is a melting pot, just like America. Too often, when you ask somebody what a Mexican looks like, they describe a small, dark haired, dark-eyed, dark skinned Mestizo-Spanish looking character. The fact is, describing a Mexican is like describing an American — we all come in all sizes, shapes, colors and races. Any number of foreign enemy agents can, and have, walked right across the U.S. Mexican border, posing as bona fide Americans, or even other nationalities, and nobody knows who or where they are — and this is Homeland Security. Confusion, deception and contradiction.

Over the past few months, various "psychics" and futuristic pundits, have been predicting various dates of eminent danger for America, based on whatever psychic or occultic numerology they abide by. Three of the most touted dates were 3-11 . . . 4-11 . . . and 6-11 . . . , none of which came to pass. I have no word from on-high, but my gut tells me that folks should stay home on the Fourth of July and don’t wander out on the 11th. But do as you please — maybe I’m just superstitious! Just don’t be fooled by the confusion, deception and contradiction being dumped on you by the government and the news media — it’s all for a reason, and it’s working.

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