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The USDA's Planned National Animal Identification System

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s will happen even if legislation supporting the NAIS is not passed, which is hopefully wrong. Although I mentioned this as being a USDA project, according to a Government Accounting Office document (report number GAO-05-214), the USDA has turned control of much of this over to the Department of Homeland Security, DHS. It's DHS agents who will inspect "premises" where the animals are kept. Such premises will also be monitored via satellite surveillance.

Those affected the most, at first, will be people with small farms, self-sufficient households (e.g., those who raise chickens, cows, etc. for their own milk, meat, eggs, etc.), horse owners and all other livestock owners. The NAIS is&nb sp;for the benefit of certain large corporations (e.g., Monsanto, Cargill and Computer Sciences Corp., etc.) which will profit greatly from this. All farms and households owning livestock, and perhaps eventually smaller pets, will have to receive a "Premise ID" and their property will come under satellite surveillance by the government. All livestock will have to be ID'd (e.g., numbered ear tags or RFID chips injected under the skin). Every movement of the animal is to be tracked from birth to death. For example, every time that one rides one's horse& nbsp;off of one's property, a farm, etc., one will be required to notify the government within 24 hours (note: horses are included in the NAIS primarily for the protection of foreign horse-meat eaters). All those who come in contact with the animal are also supposed to be reported to the government.

The government could easily wipe out small farms since, if a farm in a nearby area has "contaminated" animals, they'll know how to locate, and will most likely kill, all livestock susceptible to, or able to carry, a certain& nbsp;disease within a certain geographic area---even if the animals aren't sick or contaminated. Destruction of property and people's ways of life. The government's cold-hearted term for this is "depopulation." Their preferred way of dealing with any diseased animals is "slaughter" (again, from the GAO document) since they say it's unlikely that vaccines will be available. If you stand in the way of your horses, cows, chickens, or possibly cats and dogs, being killed, you will most likely be labeled as a terrorist since you'll be interfering with the DHS.

The government, with the help of various organizations, is leading many people to believe that this program will help them, when it's unlikely to prevent either disease or theft as claimed (e.g., a high-power pulse of the right frequency can wipe out the data on an RFID chip). The government is also leading people to believe that this is a voluntary program; while it's voluntary _at this time_, it will become mandatory in 2008 unless we stop it.

There's much more to this than what I've mentione d here, and it will violate several constitutional amendments as well. So far, well over 100,000 "premises" have been registered; nearly 900 in Maryland alone have been registered with the government.

Please visit the following URL's to begin reading additional information about this; what you read may sound horrific, but we still have time to stop this horrid monster. The following URL's contain links to many other sources of information, such as the grassroots movement that's building in an effort to stop the NAIS.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. If we all work together, we can put a stop to the NAIS and harm from it that would result. Please spread the word about this to as many others as possible; there's much at stake if we don't put a stop to the NAIS.

Thanks for reading this and for hopefully helping to stop the NAIS,

Michael Treis

"It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion." - Aristotle