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From My Congressman In Ohio

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forcement to infringe on the civil liberties of individuals, and since its passage, little evidence has been produced to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new provisions. I voted against the PATRIOT Act, and have supported amending and reforming the most dangerous parts of the new law.

H.R. 3352 would address several of these provisions, bringing existing law more directly into line with the values of individual freedom and collective responsibility that make this nation so strong. The bill would restrict the use of so-called "sneak and peek" search warrants to specific uses, and would require law enforcement to notify the targets within seven days of such a search. The SAFE Act also raises the standard of proof necessary for law enforcement officials to search an individual's personal records, including library and bookseller records.

H.R. 3352 has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary and to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Should this legislation come before the House for a vote, I will support it.

Thank you again for writing. Sincerely,

SHERROD BROWN Member of Congress 2332 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515
