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Katrina Survivors Sent To Ft. Chaffee, Ark., A Toxic Waste Dump !!

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ing. Forum Name General Discussion Topic subject I was told to leave or be arrested Topic URL _ ( 4608754, I was told to leave or be arrested Posted by Bison William on Sat Sep-03-05 11:23 AM I live in Fort Smith Arkansas and 360 people from NO have been shipped to an old army base outside our town.

The problem is the base barracks they have put the people in is listed as a toxic waste dump. The barracks are so inundated with lead paint that the people that have to get around them wear masks so they don't have to breathe the fumes coming off them.

There is no air conditioning and it is 95 degrees at this time of year. I am afraid some of the older people will die of stroke from the heat.

This morning I went out and snuck into the area where they are being kept and told many of the people that the buildings were poisonous and got many of them to promise to leave as quick as they could before I was told to leave or be arrested for inciting a riot..

When I say the building are poisonous you must believe me. They have been trying for years to find a way to destroy them but the EPA won't let them do it..If they burn them it will release lead into the air and it will settle in the lakes and streams around the area. They can't tear them down and send them to other places because no one wants poisonous wood..They ground around them is even poisonous from the lead wash off when it rains. So what does our Illustrious Repug Governor do,.. well he puts NO refuges in them... Ain't that america baby..

4609072, Found this: Posted by tsuki on Sat Sep-03-05 11:40 AM The Fort Chaffee Redevelopment Authority (FCRA) was established to develop a set of recommendations for reutilization and development of the remaining property, including removal or disposal of more than 600 World War II-era temporary wood frame buildings comprising about 2 million square feet of floor space.

A number of unique characteristics of the property make redevelopment a costly endeavor. Fort Chaffee has over 700 buildings that must be demolished in order to encourage development. The buildings date from the World War II era and contain a significant amount of asbestos and lead. This hazardous material must be removed before the buildings can be demolished. The projected cost of the entire project is $22 million. And because the lead and asbestos do not pose an immediate threat to the safety of the community (and will not until the buildings come down), the Fort Chaffee Public Trust has been unsuccessful in finding federal funds through the EPA to help with this effort. Other infrastructure needs that must be addressed before the property is ready for reuse total another $10.6 million.

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