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Sniper Update and Much More--Think Bushmaster

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very gun which the president of Bushmaster states his company did, in fact, sell to a gun distributor in the state of Washington. Okay? NOW.....

In Seattle, Dave Ross, radio host on KIRO, has interviewed a man who "is connected to" WELCHER'S GUN SHOP in Tacoma. The gist? Welcher's sold a Bushmaster rifle to JOHN MUHAMMAD in December of 1999...BUT THEN BOUGHT THAT GUN BACK FROM HIM ON MAY 23, 2000. Welcher's then re-sold the gun to another person in the Tacoma area who STILL HAS IT in safe-keeping.


I just spoke with a man named Brian who works at Welcher's, and he confirmed the sale and the buy-back and the re-sale of that weapon. Another employee at Welcher's told me that the man who now has possession of that Bushmaster is one of his best customers, and "walked in the store the other day along with a lot of reporters."

It was then explained to this good customer---get this---that the whole thing was a mistake. The Bushmaster that Muhammad bought from Welcher's, the gun now owned by this good customer, is OBVIOUSLY not the same Bushmaster the FBI found in the Chevy Caprice---how could it be? THAT Bushmaster is still owned by this "best customer."

Ha ha, big joke.

Holy moley. So we are supposed to believe that Muhammad bought a Bushmaster from Welcher's, then sold it back to them---and then went to some OTHER gun shop in Tacoma and bought another Bushmaster. The man at Welcher's told me that, in fact, the FBI is looking into another gun shop in the area FOR JUST THIS POSSIBILITY. The other gun shop is called Bullseye Shooter Supply. (MSNBC is finally mentioning this latter store--very briefly.) I called Bullseye. I was told that law enforcement "seemed" to be looking into this possibility. No details available.


I have been told that, in one of its early news reports last Friday, ABC News said that the FBI HAD NOT YET FOUND, IN THE CHEVY CAPRICE, A RIFLE THAT COULD HAVE BEEN THE MURDER WEAPON. But then things quickly changed. The weapon was found in the car. It was test fired. It was the murder weapon. Must have been a very big car to search, if the FBI first stated there was no such gun there. THINK PLANTED GUN. PLANTED GUN.

One of the employees at Welcher's told me that, of course, the serial numbers on the gun they sold and then bought back from Muhammad couldn't match those on the gun the FBI found in the Caprice---because it was clearly NOT the same weapon. Yeah, well, who knows what's what in this circus? The point is, WHAT ARE THE SERIAL NUMBERS? And who is actually lying here?



Don't forget that little irony I pointed out in Friday's article. The owner of the Bushmaster company, Mr. Dyke, was, for a time, the chief campaign fundraiser for George W Bush in the state of Maine. Mr. Dyke was contacted by the FBI, who gave him the serial numbers of the "murder weapon," and he did confirm that his company had sold the gun to a gun distributor in the state of Washington.

All we need now is a confirmation that the shop was WELCHER'S, AND NOT BULLSEYE, and the whole FBI cover story comes loose like a slender bridge railing in a hurricane. Because the Welcher's rifle, the murder weapon, is not now with the FBI, it is owned by a Welcher's customer in Tacoma.


Futher update: Welcher's Gun Shop in Tacoma informs me it has been visited by Newsweek, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Time, FOX, Baltimore Sun, AP, Washington Post. The other day. And yet, as I write this, none of these press outlets is running the story. This silence may have changed by the time you read these words, but there has been ample time to put the Welcher's info out to the public ALREADY. And yet, NOTHING. When these boys want to squash a story, they know how.

A Welcher's employee speculates that the media have not reported the situation at his shop "because they all cleared out went over there to that other place," meaning Bullseye Shooter Supply. I can't buy that. What transpired at Welcher's vis-a-vis Muhammad is major news.

In fact, there is an easy way to do a trace on a weapon. The FBI knows this. NBC knows this. CBS knows this. You start with the manufacturer. You give him the serial numbers. He looks it up and tells you whom he sold the gun to. In this case it was either a middleman or a retailer in the state of Washington. That gets you, finally, to the retailer, like Welcher's or Bullseye.

So why is there this media and FBI frenzy focusing on these TWO gun shops in Tacoma? The trail should be as clear as crystal. I'll tell you why. Because someone is lying and covering up and stalling and trying to build a little piece of baloney to feed to the network-media hounds.

I'm giving you all these details now, because, in the coming days, if we hear anything at all, it will be laced with lies. "Oh we thought...but then we found out...a big confusion but it's all sorted out now...there was initial misinformation...blah blah..."

Okay. Meanwhile, media sources are trying to tie up loose ends in all the OTHER cover stories pertaining to the sniper case. They are trying to build a timeline that everyone can live with. In doing so, they've changed a few details. One, that bank account in Jamaica, which was supposed to receive the $10 million the sniper was asking for? That complete and unbelievable giveaway by the sniper? We are now being told the account was actually in the US, and it belonged to a woman (Arizona or California) who'd had her ATM card stolen by the sniper.

Two, the amazing fingerprint on the magazine in Alabama, near the scene of the September murder there? The fingerprint that give up the ID of Malvo? The fingerprint that was found A MONTH LATER by the FBI? We now are being told that this print was not just lying on the magazine on the ground near the murder scene, when the FBI arrived there in the last few days. No. The magazine had been in the possession of the cops in Alabama for a month---but the FBI, a few days ago, ran the print through a national database and came up with Malvo. I see. As if the cops in Alabama could NOT have done the same thing themselves a month ago. Oh, that's right---the local cops only had access to a state-wide database of fingerprints, and Malvo's print was in a federal database. Well, I guess there are no more questions about THAT. Especially since, we hear, one of these snipers supposedly phoned in the tip ON HIMSELF to the cops, urging them to go to Alabama and, in essence, discover evidence leading to his arrest. I mean, come ON. This latest cover story is crazier than the earlier one about the Jamaica bank account. The latest cover story, in essence, says the snipers turned themselves in. There was no good police work involved in the case. THE SUSPECTS TURNED THEMSELVES IN.

Let's see, how about someone ELSE phoning in this tip and turning Mohammad into the fall guy? As the officials try to tie up their own crazy stories, they invent new and difficult-to-believe switches in their press releases. That's the way it always goes. We are also getting an admission from law enforcement that they had several (10) chances to snatch up Muhammad and his Chevy. But in one instance, the Baltimore cops let the sniper go because his Chevy was faded blue and not brown or burgundy. In other words, there was a call out to nail a Chevy Caprice, but only in those two colors. So the cop let Muhammad go.

It appears that the police fixation on a white van or box truck was the main diversion that kept the arrests from happening much sooner. We may never know exactly how the white-van tale was originally floated. But it certainly allowed the murders to continue.

Underneath all the cover stories, we have to consider several real options:

Muhammad was and is a Manchurian Candidate, prepared for a long time though mind control, for this killing spree.

Muhammad was and is a special-ops figure who was sent out to commit murders. He will be tried, convicted, and executed. Except, he will not be given a lethal drug. He will be carted off to live in another land---and perhaps killed later on.

The involvement of the boy, Malvo, is still a mystery. But not one to be overlooked. Could his devotion to an older man be enough to get him to participate in this murder spree? Or is there something else going on here too?

We also have to consider that Muhammad did not, in fact, do these killings at all---but was set up to take the fall. The gun was planted in his car, as the final step.

Finally, regardless of which of these scenarios is true, the after-effects of the killings are clear: We will see further attempts to institute gun control and widespread surveillance of citizens. There will be a stepped-up attempt to require "ballistic fingerprinting" of all new guns manufactured, before they are sold. In which case, criminals can continue to use, with impunity, the zillion guns already floating around. And we will see a stepped-up effort to get every state on board with the national fingerprint database---which ultimately reaches out to get every person fingerprinted and DNAed.

The principal contradiction we are dealing with here is: These killings were the work of a real pro. Yet Muhammad's apparent behavior, in many respects, is not that of a pro. For example, the idea that he would demand $10 million, destined for a bank account that depended on a stolen credit card---it's too much. He would obviously be caught while trying to withdraw the money.

Not to be overlooked: The Pentagon attack on 9/11, the succeeding anthrax OP that virtually shut down federal government buildings, and these spree killings all contributed to creating a climate of fear and confusion in the heart of the nation's political nexus, Washington DC. This IS terrorism. But launched by whom? Not by some Al Qaeda cells. …

UPDATE: MSNBC is now reporting that the Bullseye Gun Shop in Tacoma IS a site of investigation for the ATF. ATF is trying to trace the murder weapon, the Bushmaster, to that store. MSNBC also states that the owner of Bullseye has admitted his store did have the murder weapon and did sell it---but so far, the paper records at the store are incomplete. Bullseye is cooperating with the ATF, to try to fill in the gaps and connect the sale of that gun to Muhammad.

Yeah, well, this smells like more cover story. It covers up the MUCH more interesting events that took place at Welcher's gun shop.

MSNBC mentions NOTHING about Welcher's. I find this omission VERY significant. Why in the world would the sale and the subsequent buy-back of a Bushmaster rifle to and from Muhammad be left out of press reports? Because it's better to leave all that out if a cover-up is in progress.

"Well, you see, at first we (the ATF) thought that Welcher's was the key gun shop, because Muhammad HAD bought a Bushmaster rifle there. But then we found out he sold it back to the same store. And then we found out the weapon was re-sold to an ordinary Welcher's customer, who still has it. So, end of that story. Huh? What's that? Why did we go to Welcher's in the first place? Uh, because we thought...that is, we suspected that he...uh, because, well, we had word that the rifle had been sold by the Bushmaster company to Welcher's...what? How did we get word about Welcher's? Well, from the Bushmaster company itself. I mean, not really. It was an anonymous tip. YES. Exactly. It was a phone tip from a priest in Uganda. That's right. The priest called the DC hotline from his cell phone in Kampala. Excuse me? You want to know if the Bushmaster company directed us to Welcher's gun shop because the serial numbers on the murder weapon matched a gun Bushmaster had sold to Welcher's? Is that what you're asking? The answer is a definite NO. That's not the way it happened. Because if it had happened that way, we would now be in the untenable position of saying that the murder weapon is in two different locations, that the FBI has it and also a regular customer of Welcher's has it in Tacoma, and that's impossible. If you study elementary logic, you know that is impossible. Furthermore, IF the gun were in two locations at once, that would suggest that we or the FBI were telling some kind of huge lie. It would suggest that some sort of gun had, for example, been PLANTED in the Chevy Caprice belonging to Mr. Muhammad. Now THAT would never happen. Uh...if we HAD planted that gun in the Chevy, we would have done a better job, I assure you. We would never screw that up and later discover that the gun we said we planted...or didn't say we planted was now in Tacoma. You see, if we had made such a huge blunder in our effort to pin this crime on Muhammad, we would, in effect, be saying that there are TWO Bushmasters with the same serial numbers. One is now in the FBI crime lab in Washington DC---that would be the gun whose serial numbers we faked---and the other gun with the SAME serial numbers is in possession of a customer of Welcher's in Tacoma. I hope that clears things up."

Another update: News of the World reports on a Reverend Al Archer, who runs the Lighthouse Mission Center in Bellingham, WA. Muhammad and Malvo once lived there, according to Archer. "Mr. Archer revealed that Muhammad, who was existing on handouts, started traveling extensively by air." Where did Muhammad get his money? Who has been bankrolling him?

From reading all of the above in this article, you should think SPECIAL OPS DUPE.
