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Henry Kissinger Dismissed As CIA Adviser

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to the glory of America were told, the Newsweek magazine reports in its latest issue.

The letters containing the straightforward notice were signed by the new CIA Director Porter Goss. The letters were sent to members of three advisory bodies at the CIA that have for many years been giving expert valuations and advice to the leadership of the American intelligence.

Besides Kissinger, the notifications were received by former CIA Directors William Webster and James Woolsey, former Senators Warren Rudman, Sam Nunn and Bob Kerrey.

Goss said in his letters that he might make contact with the former advisers in the future if he arrives at the conclusion that their further participation in the work of the advisory council of the CIA corresponds to his needs.

Asked for comment by Newsweek Former CIA Director William Webster expressed the view that Goss did not mean to hurt anyone.

Webster said in any case he does not feel offended.

Nevertheless the magazine sources say that other CIA advisers, including Kissinger, obviously were not happy to get such a treatment.

However, in response to an e-mailed request to give the assessment to the events the former secretary of state said he has no opinion on the matter.
