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Response from Congresswoman Herseth About the Real ID Act

Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin

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ct: Reply from Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin

July 9, 2007 Mr. Patrick H. Bellringer

Dear Patrick:

Thank you for writing to share your concerns about the Real ID Act. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

I have heard from South Dakotans supporting the Real ID Act and from South Dakotans expressing concerns about the law. The Real ID Act became law as part of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act funding defense and tsunami relief, which I supported and was enacted in May 2005. In addition, in 2005 I voted for the Real ID Act as a stand alone measure and it passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 261 to 161. As you may know, in March 2007, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued proposed rules implementing Real ID Act provisions regarding state driver's licenses and identification cards.

I support the Real ID Act because it will make real improvements in our nation's security. The Real ID Act represented a meaningful first step towards addressing the United States' broken immigration system. It will make improvements both at the border and with regard to those who have managed to enter or remain in our country illegally. The legislation will help keep terrorists out of the U.S. and ensure that if any do slip in, they would be denied the most common form of identification used to board airplanes. Congress now must make a bipartisan effort to ensure responsible and appropriate implementation of the Real ID Act and to assist South Dakota and other states with that process. I will continue to monitor closely the Act's implementation to ensure that the government does not unnecessarily intrude on our right to privacy.

Thanks again for contacting me. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to let me know.


Stephanie Herseth Sandlin