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Military Or Not Military?

By Bob Stevens

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in the military, he replied “no”, he was part of an organization which volunteers to do this kind of work and that they were not being paid for their services.

After I found my seat I decided to go and check out some of the other gates and see what was going on. I found out that all of the gates had someone dressed in camo checking bags and telling people what they could or couldn’t take into the stadium. I took a few pictures. At half time I decided to leave so on the way out I decided to have it out verbally with one of these people dressed in camo. The man I talked to was x-military and told me he was not in the military but he was considered to be military. He couldn’t really explain himself. There was also a woman with him at the gate whom I asked to see her military ID. She was really snappy with me for asking questions. She whipped out an ID that said something about Defense or something but it didn’t say military, army, navy, air force or armed forces on it anywhere. I found out that the woman was the wife of the man I was talking to and he apologized for his wife being snappy. I asked him If I could take his picture and he told me no. I told him that he is in public and I could take any pictures I want in public. He said I would have to talk to his person that was in control. He took me over to his boss whom was also dressed in camo. None of them had guns I might add. I asked him about their operation and he told me that they were an organization which took their orders from the Governor. He said they were not military. I talked to him about the legality of what they were doing and how they were misrepresenting things because the general dumbed down public thought they were military. I also found out that this man that was in charge was born in England and was raised in India and he told me he was in the merchant marines in the past.

The second man I talked to that day said anyone could join their organization if they didn’t have a criminal record. I asked him if I could join the organization if I were a member of the John Birch Society? He said I couldn’t because no one that was in an organization which spoke out openly against the government could join. When I talked to his boss about this he assured me that I could join as long as I didn’t have a criminal record. I told the man in charge that it was illegal for the military to police domestically and he told me it wasn’t. I told him that the military on the streets domestically was unconstitutional and he said a lot has changed since 911. He said a lot has been thrown out the windows since 911. He later told me that if I were to join their organization I would have to swear an oath to uphold constitution and I then asked him if this was Alice in Wonderland? I asked him why someone would have to swear an oath to uphold the constitution when the constitution was being thrown out the window? He just laughed and couldn’t respond.

Another thing that bothered me was that a police officer was at each of the gates but they just stood there and didn’t do a thing. The camo man told me that the police officer was whom he took his orders from. I talked to a few people in the Army at the game whom where there to raise the flag about these people at the gate and they all seemed kind of disgusted in it. I also asked these 3 men whom were in the Army if they would assist in disarming the general public if told to do so and I was told that they were state military and if that were to happen they would defend the people from the feds, (Cool).

To top it all off some of the people in camo had MP on their arm. Isn’t this the same thing as impersonating a military police officer? Isn’t this a felony? I will be looking into this and making some phone calls soon. If anyone can add any comments to this please do. Here are some pictures. Look at the MP on the non military person’s arm. I will add that the man below was very friendly and just thinks he’s doing his part.

OH! Did I mention the Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders where there too?

Bob Stevens

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