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HAARP Comes On In Idle Hi-Power Mode Just After High Terror Alert Issued

Just After High Terror Alert Issued

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By Marshall Smith

Editor, BroJon Gazette

Sunday December 21, 2003

This report is to identify a strange coincidence. Just as Secty Tom Ridge announced today the raising of the Terror Alert status to HIGH, HAARP came on the air in a standby mode. The transmissions were on 3.39 MHz and were at highest daytime transmitter power.

This standby mode is a standard pattern of a 3 second pulse, a 20 second pause, another 3 second pulse, a 20 second pause, then a very long 18 second (sometimes 30 second) pulse. This is then followed by several 3 second pulses with 20 second pauses in between. The pattern lasts for about 5 minutes, then there is a long pause of about 25 to 30 minutes and the pattern is repeated. This pattern seems only to be for keeping the transmitters warm and in an idle condition and awaiting a remote control signal from NORAD/Space Command to enter the Space Weapon aiming and fire mode. I have identified this unique type of transmission the "3-3-18 pattern."

This pattern is not used for Navy submarine communication, nor is it the Air Force space weapon mode. This "3-3-18" mode is simply and IDLE pattern which has only been used at HAARP since March of this year. It was not used before, during and after the destruction of Space Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003. During that three hour transmission on Feb 1, 2003 the pattern was simply a 3 second pulse with 15 second pauses in between pulses, and repeated continuously for one orbital period before Columbia last passed over Hawaii and remained on until one obital period after Columbia crashed. This "3-15" mode appears to be the HAARP STANDBY and AIMING mode which means the weapon can be fired within 15 seconds of acquiring a target.

The previous HAARP transmissions during this month of December 2003 were for one hour after midnite on Dec 4th. On the early morning after midnite on Dec 5th, HAARP was on for testing in several modes for about 3 hours at low power. On Sunday Dec 13, HAARP was on for about 2 hours just before sunrise in the 3-3-18 IDLE mode at low to medium power and was so low in power it faded out at sunrise. Thus the current transmission on Sunday Dec 21st, is unique both in the strong daytime high power signal, and its 3-3-18 repeating pattern, which so far has been repeating for about 5 daytime hours from the announcement of the HIGH alert at 11am PST and continuing to the time of this report at 4pm PST. This current very strong and lengthy daytime transmission of HAARP is very similar to the very long 10 hour daytime transmission just following the announcement by President Bush of the HIGH military alert just hours after the attacks of 9-11 2001.

Does anybody see any coincidence in these events? Or is HAARP just doing atmospheric research on the northern lights during the daytime?

Marshall Smith

Editor, BroJon Gazette
