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US Adopts National ID: Homeland Security Now In charge of Regulations for All US States Drivers Licenses and Birth Certificates

By Jonathan Wheeler

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3,000 pages and though unread by individual Members of either the House or Senate nevertheless passed all of the legislative hurdles needed in order to become law.

President Bush lobbied hard for these provisions, only objecting when Senator Sensenbrenner attempted to require these same provisions for illegal aliens but which the President opposed. This provision was dropped from the final bill.

Beginning in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security will issue new uniformity regulations to the States requiring that all Drivers Licenses and Birth Certificates meet minimal Federal Standards with regard to US citizen information, including biometric security provisions.

Added to currently existing Federal Laws and Supreme Court rulings American citizens when born will be issued a Social Security Number that will be included on their Birth Certificates, along with DNA biometric markers. All birth certificates will also be registered in a Federal Government database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. No child will be allowed enrollment to schools or be entitled to either State of Federal Government benefits programs without first presenting a certified Homeland Security registered Birth Certificate.

Drivers Licenses will also contain DNA biometric markers and include the holders Social Security Number and be required for receiving and applying for all State and Federal benefits programs. Previous Supreme Court rulings have also upheld State and Federal Law Enforcement authorities right to request Identification from any American citizen, for any reason and at any time as not being violations of their, the citizens, constitutionally protected rights.

Major Banks and credit card companies have applauded the adoption of a National ID system as being important to counter fraud and increasing instances of identity theft. National ID cards with biometric markers will eliminate them from having to issue Credit and Debit cards, which for the first time in US history have surpassed the usage of checks and cash. Utilizing The Department of Homeland Securities centralized federal database, Banks and credit card companies will only require the presentation of a citizens Driver’s License to make purchases as all of the persons financial information, including credit and cash balances, will already be known in ‘real time’. (The combining of Homeland Security and Banking databases on citizen’s balances and purchases, along with their past and present purchasing information, has been allowed under previous Federal Laws including the Patriot Act.)

Also included in this bill is a law to require The Department of Homeland Security to establish a separate ID system for citizens to use prior to boarding airplanes, and which is eerily reminiscent of the Soviet and Nazi regimes dreaded Internal Passport.

Never before in our history have the words of Benjamin Franklin been so correct when he stated: "people willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both".

Today, December 9, 2004 will be one of those moments in time that future historians will look back on and pin point as being the day that the United States of American, and as it was founded by its forefathers, ceased to exist.


"Beginning in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security will issue new uniformity regulations to the States requiring that all Drivers Licenses and Birth Certificates meet minimal Federal Standards with regard to US citizen information, including biometric security provisions."

These biometric "security provisions" will include digitized fingerprint & retinal eye scans which can be electronically transmitted from remote biometric readers to the FBI database. When you hear about the citizens of Fallujah being required to show their retinal eye scan to enter their homes, these proceedures can later be invoked against Americans. The digitized fingerprint in Georgia that was illegally seized in violation of constitutional rights was reportedly a prototype for the National I.D. Those little ink pads in the bank when you cash a check can be expected to soon be replaced with electronic digitized fingerprint by inkless scanning device readers that can transmit to a master datebase just like your credit card does now.

Big Brother is watching you and now Big Brother will know when you buy and sell, travel, etc. The microchip approved for the FDA by Congress in the last couple of months can transmit your health information that the U.S. Government granted itself when it passed HIPPA 4/14/03. With Congress funding Bush's New Freedom in Mental Health for compulsory mental health screenings that is a precursor for involuntary mind and behavior controlling psychiatric medications and technology to implant regulated mind and behavior controlling medication, it's not just "Your papers please" it's out-patient medical human experimentation.

It won't do any good to protest because Congress doesn't care what the people think about the National I.D. At least go to and get the form forbidding the school to give your child a mental health screening without your knowledge or consent and read up on the involuntary psychiatric commitment laws in your state so you'll be prepared if they come to take you away for your political activism. Get a Medical & Durable Power of Attorney. If you have a probate judge that obeys the law,

at least you would have control over who has control over you unless he violates that civil right and appoints an attorney as guardian ad litem who's more interested in the next lucrative referral than representing your rights. Contact your state legislators now in opposition to submitting to the Federal Government taking over State's Rights in the driver's licenses and to refuse to accept the New Freedom in Mental Health Funding for compulsory mental health screening. Decide to be a slave and bequeath that legacy to your descendents by your inaction or stand up for your and your descendents liberty and freedom by defending your Homeland now against the corrupt government that has absoltely no intention of respecting your U.S. and State Constitutional rights. Don't wait until it's too late and then ask:

"What happened?"

Believe what you see not what you are being brainwashed by the mass media. If anyone would like to know more about fingerprints by inkless scanning device, retinal eye scans, and the historical Nazi influence in the development of psychiatric drugs and electroconvulsive shock therapy, you may call me 6PM-11PM & 5AM-6AM M-F or weekends until I am no longer in a place where I can still exercise my constitutional right to free speech.

Thank you,

Dr. Sandra Lance, D.C. 800 309 6560

All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

P.S. I lived 50 months with no Georgia Driver's license because I would not waive my constitutional right against illegal fingerprinting.

When my Mother committed suicide on the antidepressents that the FDA is now at least feeling guilty enough to put a warning label for parents to be careful while administering the genocidal drug to their children to watch to see if they commit suicide I was going to move to Alabama when she left me enough inheritance to own the ancestral home without a mortgage. The corrupt judicial system instead implemented the Communist Manifesto of the elmination of the rights of property and inheritance and confication of property of rebels to profit the Esquires (See U.S. Constitution #13 missing) and the judges their campaign contributions keep in office until retirement rather than honoring their Oaths of Office to protect & defend the U.S. Constitution & State Constitution.

None of it mattered because now all states will have what was being tested in Georgia as we expected in 1996 when HB 256 was passed giving the GDMV the law that said "MAY" take the fingerprint by inkless scanning device-not MUST OR NOT SHALL. The Attorneys in the Ga. A.G.'s Department, Thurbert Baker, Council on Foreign Relations members, know they are violating the law and know that the people do not want this. As long as the sheeple continue to be primarily concerned with shopping & football lulled into complacency believing that their own government is protecting their rights, the agenda will continue to be implemented more quickly than if there is indignant rebellion. You must asking yourself today if you are willing to go to a concentration camp or die for your country and just what your liberty and freedom that you have been priviledged to inherit paid for by the blood of those who paid the supreme sacrifice were willing to bequeath to you is worth to you. At least contact your state and congressional senators about your refusal to submit to a national id. Are you willing to drive without a driver's license in protest to the National ID?

Should the state legislators, like those brave Confederate States that choose recession rather than submission to a federal government that disrespected STATES RIGHTS, choose to succeed from the Federal Government rather than submit to these draconian civil and constitutional rights violations intent on surrendering our County to the authority of the UN? If YOUR government officials aren't obeying their Oaths of Office to protect and defend your rights, study the laws about impeachment on the internet and do your duty to remove them while we still have the vestages of government OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE and you still have your INALIENABLE RIGHT ENDOWED TO YOU BY THE CREATOR OF THIS COUNTRY.If you don't, you have no one but th person you see in the mirror to blame for what we are about to continue to experience in unpresidented suppression of Americans' rights on American soil by the U.S. Government.800 309 6560

Your Papers Please
