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Alex Jones News Alert : Homeland Security & "Red Alert"

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y Home, Await Word." Tom Baldwin went on to report that, while speaking at a news conference alongside Governor James E. McGreevey, Sid Caspersen, New Jersey's Director of the Office of Counter- Terrorism, stated, "If the nation escalates to "red alert," which is the highest in the color-coded readiness against terror, you will be assumed by authorities to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside your home."

The article also stated, "A red alert would also tear away virtually all personal freedoms to move about and associate." It went on to report that Caspersen said, "You literally are staying home, is what happens, unless you are required to be out."

On February 14, 2003 article in the Washington Post reported that Washington DC area schools were planning to prevent parents from picking up their own children in the event of a terrorist attack.

This is an incredibly dangerous trend that we see developing. The Federal Government has done almost nothing to beef up security on our borders since the September 11th attacks, and doles out visas at record levels to people coming to America from countries listed by the State Department a sponsors of terror. Meanwhile, emergency managers across the country are saying that if there is a red alert citizens will have to stay in their homes.

Almost as soon as I started reporting the news about national house arrest and school Lockdown and relocation on my syndicated radio show, the already bizarre story got ten times worse. I received a call on-air from a parent in Bolton, Massachusetts saying that he had gotten a letter from the Nashoba regional school district telling parents that they would not be allowed to pick up their children during a red alert.

He faxed our office a copy of the document, which states that not only will they deny parents their right to pick up their children, they will bus the children to a "secret location" that cannot be disclosed to parents.

Do you really believe that terrorists will carry out a strike and then have the resources to attack the secret location where the children will be? That's ridiculous. This is about the State setting a precedent that they can order you to stay in your home, or that you will be considered an enemy (the definition of extreme martial law) and that your children are their property.

I have also received internal documents from the US Postal Office in Kansas City, Missouri and Austin, Texas stating that armed guards will make Federal employees stay in the building for days in the event of a terrorist attack or red alert. I have now received faxes and calls from parents in multiple states, big cities and small towns (that's right, you're not safe even in the country) that are even worse than the fax that we've posted, but the parents are afraid to come forward.

I talked to the parents of two different children who are attending school in Milbourne, Arkansas. For the last week their children have been put through what can only be described as brainwashing more severe than the conditioning undergone by Hitler youth.

The children in the Milbourne Elementary School have been denied breakfast and lunch while being forced to watch terrifying video of terrorist attacks and archived battle footage.

On Friday, March 21, 2003 the children were supposed to get out early from school for spring break at 12:15. One of the parents only lives a mile away from the school in the rural community of only 1500 people. He became concerned when his 10 year-old son did not arrive home on time.

As he was calling the school, his son rode up to the house on his bicycle an hour and a half late. The distraught father told me that after his son told him that he was denied food and was forced to watch the "red alert" videos for three or four hours a day. He reported that school employees told the children that they were not going to be allowed to leave. Then men in dark blue uniforms with rifles locked the children and their teachers in their classrooms. The children's fear intensified when they noticed that their teachers did not know what was going on and were afraid themselves, trying the lock in vain attempts to get out.

The children were then marched outside where flat faced prison-style school buses were waiting. The parents I talked to said their children clearly saw "US ARMY" on the side of the buses. The children were then marched back to their classrooms and the uniformed men (not local police) disappeared. The children were only then allowed to go home.

In 1999, obtained an Associated Press report about a federal program administered by FEMA that was training schools to load children (handcuffed, in many cases) on school buses and take them to "emergency centers."

We have seen hundreds reports of this kind of training going on across the country. The government is clearly turning our schools into preparation centers for the police state. Charlotte Izerbyt, former Head of Policy for the Department of Education (1980-1984) had provided me three years ago with internal Department of Education documents where they gleefully announce that the public schools would be used as a system to brainwash our children into accepting a societal shift into authoritarian control.

It is absolutely vital that all parents contact their local school districts and demand that any attempt by the federal government to implement these programs be stopped.

Listeners have sent us dozens of local news reports from around the country where police in black uniforms and ski masks yell and scream while brutally manhandling children as young as twelve years of age in lockdown drills. In 2000, Ft. Worth Texas' "Police Officer of the Year" was killed at one of these drills.

Just sitting here writing this emergency press release, I remembered a story from 1999 where the US Marine Corps with elements of the Coast Guard took over Hobbs Middle School in Pensacola, Florida. The Marines terrified the children and told them, "the mock "takeover" of Hobbs Middle School was a way to illustrate what martial law is all about."

It goes on and on. Here's the bottom line, parents -- get your children out of these reeducation camps. Authoritarian governments always try to change society at the school level -- and it's happening again.

