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Chief Wants FBI To Have A Domestic Spy Division

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es. The chief would report directly to Mueller.

Mueller told a House Appropriations subcommittee that an independent domestic spy agency would have to duplicate much of the expertise already in the FBI and harm what's become the bureau's top priority: fighting terrorism.

"Any reform proposal must recognize that intelligence is fundamental to successful FBI operations," he said. "Intelligence functions are woven throughout the fabric of the bureau, and any changes to this integrated approach would be counterproductive."

Mueller did not provide estimates of how many new people would be hired or any additional costs for the initiative.

Congressional reaction has been mixed on the need for a domestic spy agency.

The chairman of the subcommittee, Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., asked Mueller in February to consider creation of the separate entity within the FBI. Wolf disagreed with those who want a separate agency similar to the British intelligence service.

Britain's Security Service, known as MI-5, collects and analyzes intelligence to disrupt terrorism, espionage and sabotage but has no law enforcement powers.
