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State Protest Against Patriot Act

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ALASKA, and VERMONT have all passed resolution to defend the Bill of Rights and civil liberties.

The NEW MEXICO House of Representatives has also approved a resolution. ARCATA, CALIFORNIA, is the first city to pass an ordinance!


Write your state and local elected officials and demand they adopt this or a similar resolution:


Bill Text



01 Relating to the USA PATRIOT Act and to defending the Bill of Rights, the Constitution

02 of the State of Alaska, and civil liberties.


04 WHEREAS the State of Alaska recognizes the Constitution of the United States to be

05 the supreme law of the land, which all public servants are sworn to uphold; and

06 WHEREAS the State of Alaska cherishes Alaskans' proud history of respecting the

07 fundamental right to privacy and individual liberties, as reflected in the Constitution of the

08 State of Alaska; and

09 WHEREAS the State of Alaska has a long and proud tradition of upholding the free

10 exercise and enjoyment of the inalienable rights granted to all persons by the Constitution of

11 the State of Alaska and the Constitution of the United States; and

12 WHEREAS the State of Alaska greatly benefits from the many contributions of its

13 highly diverse population, which includes citizens from around the world and is vital to our

14 state's unique character; and

15 WHEREAS the State of Alaska affirms its strong opposition to terrorism, but also

16 affirms that any efforts to end terrorism must not be waged at the expense of essential civil

01 rights and liberties of the people of the State of Alaska, the United States, and the world; and

02 WHEREAS the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act that expand theauthority of the

03 federal government to detain and investigate citizens and noncitizens and to engage in the

04 electronic surveillance of citizens and noncitizens violate civil rights and liberties guaranteed

05 under the Constitution of the United States; and

06 WHEREAS the State of Alaska recognizes that an infringement of the

07 constitutionally guaranteed rights of any person, under the color of law, is an abuse of power,

08 a breach of the public trust, a misappropriation of public resources,and a violation of civil

09 rights, and is beyond the scope of governmental authority;

10 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature remains firmly committed to

11 the protection of civil rights and civil liberties for all people, and that the State of Alaska will

12 completely avoid discrimination in every function of government and vigorously uphold the

13 constitutionally protected rights of all persons to peacefullyprotest and express their political

14 views without any form of governmental interference; and be it

15 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature joins communities in

16 Alaska and across the nation in expressing concern that the USA PATRIOT Act violates civil

17 rights and liberties guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States and the

18 Constitution of the State of Alaska; and be it

19 FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the policy of the State of Alaska to forbid, in the

20 absence of probable cause indicating criminal activity,21 (1) an initiation of, participation in, or assistance orcooperation with an

22 inquiry, investigation, surveillance, or detention;

23 (2) the recording, filing, and sharing of any

intelligence information

24 concerning a person or organization, even if authorized by federal law enforcement acting

25 under new powers granted by the USA PATRIOT Act or Executive Orders; this includes

26 collection and review of library lending and research records, book and video store sales and

27 rental records, medical records, financial records, student records,

and other personal data;

28 (3) the retention of intelligence information;

information that is currently held

29 shall be thoroughly and carefully reviewed by the state Attorney

General for its legality and

30 appropriateness under the United States and Alaska Constitutions; any

information that was

31 collected is to be permanently disposed of if there is no probable

cause indicating criminal

01 activity;

02 (4) enforcement of immigration matters, which are entirely the responsibility

03 of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; state government service will not be denied on

04 the basis of citizenship;

05 (5) collection or maintenance of information about the political, religious, or

06 social views, associations, or activities of an individual, group, association, organization,

07 corporation, business, or partnership; and

08 (6) profiling based on race, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, or political views;

09 and be it

10 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature urges Alaska's

11 Congressional delegation to actively work toward the passage of measures to correct

12 provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act and other measures that unduly infringe on civil

13 liberties, and to oppose the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 (aka PATRIOT II)

14 to the extent that it continues to unduly infringe on Americans' civil liberties and further erode

15 the American system of checks and balances so fundamental to our democracy.

16 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable George W. Bush, President

17 of the United States; the Honorable Richard B. Cheney, Vice-President of the United States

18 and President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable Ted Stevens, President Pro Tempore of the

19 U.S. Senate and member of the Alaska delegation in Congress; the Honorable J. Dennis

20 Hastert, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; the Honorable John Ashcroft,

21 Attorney General of the United States; and to the Honorable Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Senator,

22 and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in

23 Congress.

Thanks to for the majority of the text above.

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Impeach Bush -
