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Secrets of Porter Goss: CIA, Fraud & Patriot Act

By Al Martin

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Patriot II.” This would lead one to believe that they’re going to try to break it up and slip it in. Otherwise he would have said, “upon the passage of the act,” not “all provisions.” That gives you some clue as to what the Bushonian strategy is with the bill.

Ashcroft then went on to say that he would sign a so-called ‘Blanket Letter of National Security Findings,’ which would make the issuance of secret arrest warrants possible and eliminate the need for law enforcement to request individual letters from the Department of Justice or relevant agencies regarding actions against groups or individuals. There are currently six bills pending in Congress that would take provisions from Patriot Act II -- HR-3179, the Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Tools Improvement Act of 2003; HR-3037, Anti-Terrorism Tools Enhancement Act of 2003; HR2934 and S1604, Terrorist Penalties Enhancement Act of 2003; HR3040 and S1606, Pre-trial Detention and Lifetime Supervision of Terrorists Act of 2003.

Secrets of Porter Goss: CIA, Fraud & Patriot Act (continued) by AL MARTIN (ALMARTINRAW.COM)

The most sinister of these is HR3179, sponsored by Representative James Sensenbrenner and co-sponsored by the infamous/ sinister Porter Goss.

And who is Porter Goss? Porter Goss, (R-FL) is surprise! a former CIA agent who left the CIA under clouded circumstances. He was a field agent but was actually forced out because of a trail of bodies that got tagged to him, literally, all over the world. And here is, as they say, the rest of the story...

Porter Goss had been involved in the last-ditch efforts by the CIA to save the CIA-backed and -financed regime of Nicaraguan, tin-horn, right-wing dictator Anastasio Somoza, before Somoza’s fall in 1979. After that the Sandinistas were voted into power.

The CIA knew that the Somoza Regime was falling apart. In 1979, they undertook a last-ditch effort to save the regime by attempting to assassinate the leaders of the then-nascent Sandinista movement, which became a political party shortly thereafter. They attempted to penetrate the ranks of the Sandinistas. Porter Goss, it’s interesting to note, claimed that he was the one who turned the man who would later become a member of the Sandinista ruling council, Tomas Borges. Borges was subsequently the CIA ‘s point man in Nicaragua pursuant to the CIA’s narcotics trafficking during Iran Contra.

The CIA made an effort to save the dictatorship by undertaking a multi-pronged program, one with assassination. Porter Goss became too high-profile.

This is a long story with a hundred different parts. The KGB was aiding the Sandinistas very early on with intelligence. They were also feeding the Sandinistas weapons from Cuba to pressure and unseat the right-wing dictator Anastasio Somoza.

The KGB, in late 1979-1980, informed the Sandinista ruling council, which was headed by Daniel Ortega and his brother, of the CIA activity and what they were doing in Nicaragua. Later Ortega’s brother was assassinated by the CIA.

Goss was the Agency point man to conduct this operation to save the flagging Somoza regime. Of course, he didn’t have a title. This was done covertly, and illegally, of course -- as always.

This program entailed the assassination of senior Sandinista members. Daniel Ortega himself was targeted and very nearly assassinated by the CIA early in 1980. It was only at the last minute, as a matter of fact, that the KGB, operating out of Managua, saved Ortega’s bacon by foiling the plot. That plot was foiled, when the KGB informed Ortega in the still nascent ruling council. This is a few months prior to the actual elections that elected the Sandinista regime. Porter Goss then had to leave Nicaragua.

Porter Goss was supported by the Republican National Committee, in particular, the Republican State committee of Florida because of his CIA background and his long-time friendship with George Bush. Remember, he was one of George Bush’s rising stars when George was DCI.

Goss then won the seat for Sarasota, Florida and subsequently he started to become involved in 1983 in Iran-Contra profiteering with Jeb and Neil Bush. That is how he got subsequently exposed in his involvement in Neil Bush’s Destin Country Club development fraud–a fraud out of which he made about $3 million illegally. He then became involved with Carlos Cardoen and Swissco Management, and the fraud that Swissco Management committed, not only in Florida, but throughout the United States, in those so-called illicit “tax-swap deals,” which Senator Bob Graham of Florida, senior Senator, also profited in.

So how did Porter Goss get on the current short list to be the Director of the CIA after the resignation of George Tenet? It’s because of who he is. This is a long-time Bushonian loyalist that stood up and took the heat in 1986 when, thanks to yours truly, Goss’s involvement in the Destin Country Club group, the Swissco Management fraud, the Topsail Development Ltd. fraud, the Destin Dome development fraud, and various other Bush Family frauds was revealed in the Washington Times.

Porter Goss is a Cabal loyalist who is finally getting the reward that he had been waiting for. He made millions in that time frame. We’re talking about what would be a lot of money today. DCI would be a crown for him, the ultimate reward. He’s already been rewarded financially. But this would be less of a reward. Within the Cabal, it is a proof of strength. The Cabal is strong enough to get a guy with a long history, like Porter Goss, to be DCI, to be able to get that appointment approved in Congress. It’s a test of strength. It’s a re-affirmation that the Cabal rules.

Porter Goss, it should be noted, kept his mouth shut when then DCI director George Bush Sr. was arrested in a DUI while Goss was in the car with him.

You could compare it to the crime family where the soldier rises from the street to become the capo, which has taken the hits over the years for his superiors in the organization. Of course, unlike an organized crime family, the difference between the Bushonian Cabal and your average, run-of-the-mill organized crime family is that the Cabal controls, not only the entire nation, but influences policy throughout the planet. They are above all laws and impervious to any action. By sponsoring this Patriot II Act, the implication is that he is continuing the Bushonian Cabal’s agenda.

There is also something tangential that can be read into this -- the fact that the Bush-Cheney regime would be prepared to stick its neck out, which it is certainly doing, particularly in an election year, to potentially support Porter Goss to become DCI. There is no way that they could prevent Porter Goss’s past from being looked at. I’m sure that would only be superficial, but to even superficially look at, it still going to get all over the Internet. And suddenly I’ll be getting calls from people I haven’t talked to in 10 years, saying, “Help me out with Porter Goss.” I know how that goes.

But the fact that they’re willing to stick their neck out (and it would be a risk politically to support Porter Goss, who has such a long history that inculpates the very same people who are now going to support him, both as his nomination and in Congress), those people that would need to vote on him in Congress who are directly tied to the same frauds he’s tied to from the past. Obviously, it’s a risk, however.

The Bush-Cheney Regime must feel that (a) it is a risk worth taking because they’re now in de facto control of mainstream media. So, therefore, how much of Goss’s past would be brought up? If it is, it’s going to be brought up in alternative media in the 3 or 4 million people that are interested in such a thing. Besides it doesn’t make any difference anyway, because they ain’t going to vote for any Bushes or pro-Bush faction Republicans.

The risk is still there, and it tells you what could happen if they get behind Porter Goss, but I don’t think that decision has even been made yet. But if they do decide to get behind Goss and push him through and burn up some favors in the House and particularly in the Senate, it indicates that they want an old Cabal member as DCI.

Let’s put it this way. If I were going to foment an incident for the sake of political terror, to use Patriot I to seize power, I’d want a Porter Goss as DCI. You’d want somebody that’s battle-hardened, a loyalist, one who understands the game, and someone who has liquidated people before and has no problems in doing it. Porter Goss is someone who has no problem with making American citizens disappear.

When George Bush Senior used to say “battle-hardened” about Bill Casey, that’s exactly what he meant. The Bushonian definition of “battle-hardened” when it comes to a DCI is a DCI that’s got no problems making American citizens disappear; American citizens, we should say, who find out something they shouldn’t have found out and who become politically inconvenient.

If there’s a real effort to push Goss and if Goss becomes the frontrunner, then, maybe, this history should be known and understood. The other sponsor of this legislation is Jim Sensenbrenner, an old Bushonian Cabalist. Sensenbrenner also profited during the Iran-Contra period from frauds he got pieces of from Archer Daniel Midland and from Carl Lindner of Dole, from United Fruit. He was what they call a longtime Bushonian Ag Fraud guy. Sensenbrenner was the one that did what he could to attempt to prevent the Kerry Commission from being formed. Sensenbrenner was famous for the comments when Iran-Contra broke apart after `86, when there were a lot of pieces that began to run about it. Sensenbrenner in 1987 made a comment about the Honduran peasants picking bananas. And the CIA had taught Honduran security people different torture methods and he said, “Oh, you have to take the whip to these Honduran peasants to keep them picking bananas.” To get back to the passage of Patriot II… Ashcroft would sign a Blanket National Security letter, which would give law enforcement absolutely dictatorial power, with the specific provision in Patriot II, which increases the Patriot I so-called omnibus warrant powers.

In Patriot II, it allows law enforcement to completely circumvent grand juries. Patriot I was the secret subpoena. Patriot II is the secret arrest. So now, post-Patriot II, law enforcement will have the right to execute secret arrests to hold citizens under false names in undisclosed locations to prevent them from speaking, from even being represented by counsel, and not to be accountable as to the whereabouts of said citizens to any supervising body above them, and not to have to disclose the ultimate fate of those citizens. An ACLU spokesman said that this legislation “may be un-American,” but I suppose it depends on what your view of America is. America has always acted to liquidate those who know too much, to discredit them, and to set them up on false charges.

The only thing Patriot I and Patriot II does is to make legal the actions the U.S. government has always undertaken to prevent the American people from knowing the truth. People called in to radio shows very distressed about Patriot I and Patriot II. And I say -- What are you all upset about? It has always been this way. This just legalizes it. But they listened to the lie and they believed it. That’s why I said in “The Conspirators,” -- What about these 438 citizens that disappeared in the post Iran Contra cover-up, under clouded circumstances because they knew too much. Does any one care about them? But that’s the way it works. It’s always worked that way. That’s what people have to understand. It has always been this way.

And now it’s going to be “legal” and formal.

(For the rest of this story, subscribe to Al Martin Political, Economic and Financial Intelligence, just $6.95 per month for online subscription. The preceding was excerpted from Al Martin's column of June 21, 2004)

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* AL MARTIN is an independent economic-political analyst with 25 years of experience as a trader on NYMEX, CME, CBOT and CFTC. As a former contributor to the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, Al Martin is considered to be a source of independent analysis for financially sophisticated and market savvy investors.

After working as a broker on Wall Street, Al Martin was involved in the so-called "Iran Contra" Affair as a fundraiser for the Bush Cabal from the covert side of government aka the US Shadow Government.

His memoir, "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," ( provides an unprecedented look at the frauds of the Bush Cabal during the Iran Contra era. His weekly column, "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway," is published weekly on Al Martin, which also publishes a bimonthly newsletter called "Whistleblower Gazette."

Al Martin's new website Insider Intelligence: The Real Story Behind Tomorrow's Financial Headlines) ( will provide a long term macro-view of world markets and how they are affected by backroom realpolitik.

* AL MARTIN is an economic and political analyst as well as America's foremost expert on corporate and government fraud. His columns (for subscribers only) are published weekly on Al Martin Political, Economic and Financial Intelligence ( His memoir, "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," chronicles his adventures with the Bush Cabal (National Liberty Press; 866-317-1390). Unprecedented in publishing history, this book is a detailed account of criminal government operations, including state-sanctioned fraud, drug trafficking and illicit weapons sales.
