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Homeland Security

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been selected in local communities throughout the nation have been provided information on subversives from a number of sources, including Yahoo message board postings, surveillance of attendees at war protest rallies, and information from neighbors and co-workers of suspected subversives.

THWART team members are generally active and retired military or law enforcement officials, along with other patriotic Americans.

The THWART team members have provided the Office of Homeland Security, FBI, and local law enforcement agencies with their assessments of your individual threat levels based on their observations of your activities, interviews with neighbors, co-workers, and your previous criminal records.

Those of you identified as imminent threats to Homeland security are subject to immediate detention in one of the five regional detention centers that have been established. This is in the interest of National Security and these extra-constitutional powers were granted to protect the United States from further terrorist attacks.

You can wait for law enforcement to begin to round you up, or, to save embarrassment to your families and friends, you can surrender to any local law enforcement or FBI office.

Please use the period of your confinement to reflect on your anti-American views and decide whether or not you wish to remain a US citizen. Upon release, you will be allowed to stay in the US provided you reaffirm your citizenship with an Oath of Loyalty. Should you decline, you will be immediately deported.
