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F.B.I. Intelligence Bulletin - Anti Terrorist Division

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• Unusual or prolonged interest in security measures or personnel, entry points and access controls, or perimeter barriers such as fences or walls

• Unusual behavior such as staring or quickly looking away from personnel or vehicles entering or leaving designated facilities or parking areas

• Observation of security reaction drills or procedures

• Increased anonymous telephone or e-mail threats to facilities in conjunction with suspected surveillance incidents, indicating possible surveillance of threat reaction procedures

• Foot surveillance involving two or three people working together

• Mobile surveillance using bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, cars, trucks, sport utility vehicles, boats, or small aircraft

• Prolonged static surveillance using operatives disguised as panhandlers, demonstrators, shoe shiners, food or flower vendors, news agents, or street sweepers not previously seen in the area

• Discreet use of still cameras, video recorders or note-taking at non-tourist locations

• Use of multiple sets of clothing, identifications, or the use of sketching materials

• Questioning of security or facility personnel

This information was not prompted by any specific event or intelligence
