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Pax Americana - The American Nightmare

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tant U.S. Attorney Generals John Zavitz, and Jan Elizabeth Mitchell were even forced, in Federal Court, to admit that America used its CIA and Secret Service agents who used the names David Sourwine, Rene Whitherspoon, Mark Bell (alias Mark Beal) and several others they refused to name, to carry out all that is mentioned below on American soil, without ever so much as accusing Vince Diehl of violating any law.



The U.S. government provably conspired to kidnap natural born U.S. citizen Vince Diehl through decoy and deception. By feloniously fabricating a bogus indictment in a foreign state, accusing him of stealing his own lawfully owned property. It then forced him to cross state lines against his will: Held him for a $625,000.00 cash only ransom: Refused him any sign of Due Process and Equal Protection, to include access to law books: Literally tortured him into submission by such hideously inhumane acts as refusing to feed him, thereby shrinking his stomach to the size of a tennis ball, making it impossible for him to eat normal food: Forced him to contract contagious diseases: Denied him medical attention, and a lot worse, as we will document later in this report. By these and other hideous methods, America literally forced Diehl to plead "guilty" for stealing his own property. After they had already submitted their "case" against him to every judicial entity in the United States, to include the U.S. Supreme Court, only to be told by every such judicial entity that Vince Diehl had violated no type of law at all, not even so much as a simple misdemeanor. THEREFORE: AFTER every judicial entity in the nation, to include the U.S. Supreme Court, had decreed to these same Federal Agents that Vince had done nothing wrong, and that they had no case whatsoever against him: All of which was done to Vince Diehl by the United States government, in a state county court that had no Subject Matter Jurisdiction because even if they had accused him of stealing someone else's property, the item they feigned to "prosecute" him for stealing had a value that had long since been decided by the Supreme Court to be exactly ten cents. Which could not invoke the felony jurisdiction of a state district court, for lack of value (one thin dime), even if he had stolen it, which he quite obviously had not.

All of which was done to Vince Diehl by the United States government, in a state county court that had no Venue Jurisdiction, because if it had been physically possible for him to do what these Federal Agents were accusing him of doing (which no one could have, because it wasn't do-able by anyone, muchness by Vince Diehl), he could not have possibly done so in the county in which these Federal Agents conspired to feign his so called "prosecution". Because the property they alleged he had stolen was known by all to have never existed in the county in which they feigned his prosecution.

All of which was done to Vince Diehl by the United States government, in a Texas county court that had no Personal Jurisdiction over him. Whereas, in the absence of accusing him of a crime, these Federal Agents feigned his "prosecution" in the Randall County District Court, which is located in Randall County, Texas. And since Vince Diehl was well known to be a resident of the State of New Mexico. They had no lawful authority to force him to leave his home and to cross state lines against his will.

Therefore, in the absence of any type of indictment or accusation that Vince had violated "some" law: In the absence of any type of jurisdiction: Under the law, these Federal Agents did not in any way prosecute Vince Diehl. But instead they kidnapped him, held him to service against his will, and caused him great bodily harm. All of which is a First Degree Felony Crime under both New Mexico law, and Federal Law.

New Mexico State Felony Kidnapping Statute 30-4-1(A)(1)(3)(B)

Kidnapping is the unlawful taking, restraining, or confining of a person by force, or by deception, with intent that the victim: (1) be held for ransom; or, (3) be held to service against the victim's will.

The fact that the subject conspirators conspired to intentionally cause Vince great bodily harm as part of their kidnapping makes their acts to do so a First Degree felony. See 11 A.L.R. 3d 1053, for the legal definition of the term "harm".

Moreover, there is no statute of limitations on prosecuting the crime of kidnapping.

It has been held that if the crime of kidnapping may be committed without actual violence, by menaces: It would seem that any threats, fraud, or appeal to the fears of the individual which subject the will of the victim and place him as much under the control of the defendant as if actual force was employed, would make the offense of kidnapping as complete as if it had been accomplished by the use of force and violence. State v Walker (1961) 139 Mt 276, 362 P2d 548. Since all these issues are valid, no one can even claim what was done to Vince Diehl was done at a trial, nor in a courtroom, nor by a judge. In the absense of Subject Matter Jurisdiction alone, there was never a lawful court proceeding under the law. In other words these federal government officials had no more authority to put Vince Diehl on trial than you as a common citizen would have, to pick up your neighbor and take him at gunpoint to some warehouse and feign that you were putting him on trial.

Without a grand jury indictment, without ever accusing him of commiting some felony crime, it cannot even be said that the room in which they did what they did to Vince Diehl was a court of law.

As part of the above, the CIA, Secret Service, and FBI, conspired to decree that Vince Diehl is not permitted (by them) to earn any type of monetary income, nor permitted to ever be in business for himself, nor ever permitted to enter into any type of a contract, for the rest of his natural life, forcing him to live day by day in literal rags. Otherwise known as sackcloth.

Which decree was not issued by some court, nor by some judge, but by the CIA, Secret Service, and FBI, which all the courts mentioned in this report later condoned.

Then, subsequent to the above, the United states government conspired to deny Vince his Constitutional Right under the First Amendment to seek redress of grievance, by denying him any access at all to both state and federal courts. Thereby conspiring to prevent him from doing anything ABOUT what it, the United States government, had feloniously conspired to do to him.

All of which clearly demonstrates that - YOUR - rights as an American citizen are literally non-existent. They are utterly worthless if you ever actually need them.

Therefore this report does not pertain to a simple mistake while seeking justice, but instead pertains to a provable conspiracy involving every judicial entity in the nation, which was approved by then president George Bush senior, approved by the U.S. senate, approved by the U.S. house of representatives, and later approved by every type of court in these United States of America - AFTER - the supreme court had decreed that Vince had violated no law.

If Vince Diehl has no rights - None of us have any rights.

( Paid for by friends and supporters of Vince Diehl, a U.S. citizen )



We are not a church. We're not affiliated with any church. We're not affiliated with any religious or community organization. We do not solicit for, do not want, do not need, NOR, do we under any circumstances ACCEPT monetary donations. Therefore, if you ever find, or have reason to believe, that ANYONE, for any reason at all, is using anything related to this site for the purpose of collecting any type of money, or to solicit any type of monetary commitment, CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY !!


Every word you're about to read is substantiated by file stamped public court records that still exist and are available for public review by just anyone !!!


Vince Diehl was a true example of the American dream. He began his diagnostic computer business by designing and building his first two hundred computers in his family's living room. He even made his own plated through printed circuit boards. He had thousands of happy customers all over the nation, no secured debts, and a million dollars in paid for assets. Then for no knowable reason the U.S. government began illegally using what it later admitted were CIA and Secret Service agents, in conjunction with agencies no one would ever expect, to force him into bankruptcy, and to thereby destroy his business.

As if that wasn't enough: In their quest to secretly control his rights to buy and sell, they then set out to totally destroy him as a person, by inhumanely torturing him into submission as outlined below.

At the CIA's own request: First Danny Hill, the local D.A. in POTTER County, Texas, then the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Amarillo, Texas, then his boss, the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Dallas, Texas, then the U.S. Attorney General in Washington, D.C., and even the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. all reviewed Vince's alleged conduct. Each Judicial Entity along the way refusing to prosecute Vince telling them that his conduct violated no law. However, their intent was to imprison Vince, not prosecute him. So, in order to get around the above Judicial Authority's decrees that Vince hadn't done anything wrong, these CIA and Secret Service agents simply went to RANDALL County, Texas, where it was known that its District Attorney, randall Sherrod, would prosecute anyone for anything as long as the price being paid was right, even though neither he, nor Randall County had no type of lawful jurisdiction in the matter. So, armed with these known facts, the C.I.A. sought out several known crooked Randall county judges and officials, indicted Vince in a county that had no type of lawful authority, for stealing his own lawfully held property. They then conspired with Vince's attorneys, so they would raise no defense on his behalf.

As their part of the conspiracy: 1) His Albuquerque, New Mexico attorneys, Leon Taylor and Philip Gaddy ignored the fact that Vince Diehl was being prosecuted for stealing his own property; 2) Never questioned their obviously illegal venue jurisdiction; 3) Ignored that the subject court did not have subject matter jurisdiction; 4) Complained not, when they denied Vince his rights to subpoena witnesses; 5) Ignored that he was denied any hint of Due Process; 6) Overlooked that Vince was totally denied Equal Protection; and, 7) Failed to mention the fact that all the above named Judicial Entities, to include the U.S. Supreme Court, had already decreed to his so-called "prosecutors" that Vince's alleged conduct violated no law, even if he had done everything they were accusing him of doing. In fact, the charge against Vince was so transparently bogus, the CIA couldn't even provide an opening statement at his so called American "trial", to let anyone, including Vince, know for what conduct he was being tried.

By this process they obtained an utterly illegal "conviction" of Vince for conduct that violated no law, after placing a CIA agent on his jury who posed as the choir director for a local church. All done in a court and county that had no legal authority to indict him, to prosecute him, to try him, nor to sentence him. They couldn't even provide one hint of requisite Sixth Amendment Notice as to "how" they claimed he committed the alleged offense, because doing so would make it obvious that Vince was being tried for conduct that violated no law whatsoever.

Having received a six year sentence for conduct that violated no law, Vince filed his OWN notice of appeal, because Albuquerque attorneys Philip Gaddy and Leon Taylor, having taken just short of seventy thousand dollars in cash money from Diehl to do so, then did not one thing at all.

However, instead of allowing the appellate process to run its course, they continued to plot against him.

In order to deny him access to the Appellate process: After Vince's so called "American trial" for conduct that violated no law at all: In the same county that had no legal jurisdiction to do anything at all to him: In their efforts to deny him his rights to America's bragged about Appellate process: These same CIA and Secret Service agents went back to the same crooked district attorney in Randall County (namely Randall Sherrod), neither had any type of jurisdiction to prosecute him, obtained another twenty five individual illegal indictments for the very same conduct that violated no law. And using these illegal documents, they had Vince arrested at his residence in New Mexico, held him for a $625,000,00 cash only bond, then used that to force him to cross state lines against his will, and to present himself to the Randall County Texas jail. Where Vince was immediately locked in a solitary confinement cell, denied heat, denied any and all of his so called rights that America brags about. Then inhumanely tortured him into submission as described below.

All this, for allegedly "stealing" his own property !!!

Meanwhile, during this same period, Vince had lived on plain water only for a period of 29 days.

When he was finally allowed by them to eat, they forced him to live on nothing but six Ritz crackers, twelve ounces of orange juice, and four ounces of Lipton's Noodle Soup, for every meal, three times a day, for a period of over two consecutive months.

After their Ritz cracker diet came their all you can eat potato chip diet and twelve ounces of orange juice, which was maintained every day for the next three full weeks, for all three meals. After the potato chip diet came their all you can eat "stale donut" diet and twelve ounces of orange juice, which lasted the next eight days, for all three meals every day. After which, they tried to get Vince to exist on nothing more than jalapeno flavored processed cheese, but by then he was much too ill to be able to eat anything at all.

During this same time period the CIA made various attempts to murder Vince in ways they would likely not be blamed, by telling a prisoner named MacGloughlin to stab him in the stomach with a lead pencil while he was sleeping.

During this same time his captors gave Vince a safety razor, ordering him to shave. Only to be told by other prisoners who were screaming "DON'T USE THAT RAZOR, PABLO JUST USED IT". Then advising Vince that Pablo Santiago was known to be dying from a "full blown" case of Aids. (Vince refused to shave)

Now suffering from pneumonia and obvious malnutrition, Vince was denied any medical treatment for the next four months. He was then rushed to the Northwest Texas Hospital, where it was determined that his stomach had been shrunken to the size of a tennis ball.

At the hospital Vince's personal physician ordered that he be given all the fruit juices he could drink, at any time he could physically drink them. In addition, it was prescribed that Vince be given all the ice he requested, which was to be placed on his bare stomach to ease the pain. Once back at their jail, his captors refused to allow him to have the ice or juices, even though both were only ten feet away, and in plain sight.

Days later Vince was rushed back to the hospital, where his physician made it clear to his captors that unless he was provided with the fruit juices and ice he had prescribed, Vince would very likely die in just days. His captors then took him back to his solitary confinement cell and left him lying on the concrete floor screaming in pain. Refusing to give him any ice or juice, when both were still just ten feet away.

Two days later Vince was again rushed back to the hospital, where his physician then told his captors if they ever again refused to honor his prescribed ice and juice, he would have Vince removed from their jail by court order.

Only after he had lost almost 100 pounds in five months, and his physician had threatened his removal from their jail, was Vince allowed to have the prescribed ice and juice.

During this time, he was denied access to courts. Denied access to applicable law books. Denied access to any hint of Due Process. Denied any hint of Equal Protection. Denied access to the so-called free press. Denied access to Joe "Nick" Patoski of the Texas Monthly Magazine, Denied access to his own Bible. Denied sufficient light to prepare his defense. Denied sufficient heat to be able to move his fingers when he was finally allowed enough light to read. In fact, for his first six months in their captivity, most of it in a solitary confinement cell, Vince was denied any information whatsoever, as to for which of their obviously illegal twenty five (25) indictments, he should prepare a defense.

The only thing Vince was told, was that unless he agreed to abandon his efforts to appeal their illegally imposed "conviction" for conduct that violated no law, and agreed to plead "guilty" to at least one of their twenty five illegal "indictments", which were accusing him of stealing his own lawfully held property:

"Win, Lose, or Draw, they were going to keep him in their Randall County, Texas jail for the next twelve and one half years, trying him on each of these twenty five illegal allegations one at a time, at six month intervals. Furthermore, that his treatment at their jail was going to become "one hell of a lot worse".

It was at this point in time, while laying on the concrete floor of his solitary confinement cell, that Vince cried out to GOD to be consoled, clutching his Bible which he had just been allowed to have.

Lyin John Sluder

The following day, having vowed to provide no additional information, Vince told chief jailer "Lyin" John Sluder that because of what the residents of Randall County were allowing government to do to him: A Plague will be sent to Randall County, Texas, and to the city of Canyon, Texas in particular, the county seat for Randall County, that will utterly devastate that area's economic base; That their cattle industries, and their farming industries be utterly ruined; That the very soil which these industries have always relied on will literally turn to powder. That all of these area's will be subjected to a drought that will be far more severe than their infamous dust bowl; That before this Plague is canceled, Randall County, Texas, and the area referred to as the city of Canyon, Texas in particular, will be nationally recognized as the recipient of the most severe drought in America's recorded history; Even more severe than their 1929 Dust Bowl drought; That, before this drought is canceled, the farmers in Randall County, Texas will have no grain to sell; That the cattle ranchers in Randall County, Texas not be able to find any food to feed their cattle; That Randall County's cattle will become undernourished, and that Randall County cattlemen will literally have trouble giving them away. As for the rest of the state of Texas, all the agricultural industries in the state of Texas either lose one/third of their crops; Or, they lose one/third of their normal annual net profits.

Diehl then quoted the prayer he had prayed in his solitary confinement cell:

Wherefore Lord, your Word is either true, or it is not true. And I have requested the above believing firmly that it is true.

" ...take vengeance on her; as she has done, do to her." (Jeremiah 50:15)

" ...Punish her according to her works; According to all that she has done, do to her. For she has been arrogant against The Lord, against the Holy One of Israel." (Jeremiah 50:29)

"Do to her as she has done to you. Do double to her, double according to her works. In the cup which she has filled for you, fill it double for her." (Revelation 18:6)

May the violence done to me and to my flesh be upon America. May my blood be upon her inhabitants. Wherefore Lord you have promised to plead my cause; to take Vengeance on my behalf; to dry up her waters; to make her an astonishment, a hissing, without an inhabitant. And it is this promise that I, your lowly bond servant am humbly clinging to, as promised by you in Jeremiah 51:35-37. And upon which I have made my request.

Vince then left a white paper cup on Sluder's desk on which he had carved, then filled with a red substance too nauseating to reveal, the words:

" Just one like ME, will chase tens of thousands like YOU !!! "

He was then led back to his solitary confinement cell in shackles and chains.

After he had gained his freedom, in the years 1993, and again in 1995, Diehl stood on the steps of both state and federal courthouses throughout the state of New Mexico (USA) and passed out written copies of the following prophecies to people passing by.

1. The Lord will raise up the Arabs against America. They will attack us on our own soil;

2. HE will send foreigners to intimidate America. They'll oppose everything we try to do;

3. He will bring the high towers that represent America's financial strength to the ground;

4. America's larger corporations will take their jobs and financial strength to foreign soil;

5. There will be two presidents Bush. The next will be appointed, verses being elected;

6. The fertile soil that now surrounds Randall County, Texas will literally turn to powder;

7. There will be nothing to feed Randall County's cattle. They will have to be given away;

That his prophecies mentioned above came to pass is obvious to one and all.

Regarding the Randall County Plague he added (in writing) that every agricultural industry within the state of Texas would as well lose at least one third of its crops, or in the alternative lose a minimum of one third of its bottom line net profits.

Did his prophecy come to pass re: Randall County and the state of Texas?

Just ask anyone who resides anywhere around Randall County, Texas. Ask Dan Rather of CBS-TV. Ask the farmers and cattle ranchers of Randall County, Texas: If in June, 1996, they were not dumping hands full of dirt onto the ground on national tv, complaining that it had literally turned to powder! (Try 48 Hour's, or 60 Minute's Archives)

In 1996 the normally fertile top soil from all around Randall County, Texas did indeed turn to powder. In fact scientists found large chunks of it clinging to the upper outside western walls of the Empire State Building 2,000 miles away. In fact, the entire area was engulfed in the worst drought in its history. Far worse than even its drought of the great dust bowl.

Funnier yet, is the fact that scientists were confirming that even larger clumps of Randall County's fertile top soil were being found on the upper decks of cruise ships, in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, three thousand miles away! Within a few months Randall County ranchers could be seen in huge trucks on national tv, hauling their sick starving cattle as far north as Canada, looking for ranchers along the way to whom they could literally give their cattle - free of charge. (See archives, CBS-60 Minutes)

As for Diehl's five year on-going prophecy that by 1993 included the entire state of Texas:

Ask all the people in Texas agriculture if they didn't all lose a minimum of one/third of all cash crops. Or in the alternative, lose a minimum of one/third of their total bottom line net profits in the year 1996.

In view of a certain person in the Texas lumber industry ridiculing his prophecies, Diehl has now prophesied that the entire state of Texas will lose exactly HALF of its lumber industry.

Arrogant you assert: You might consider that Diehl has declared himself The Lord's witness as to what America is now doing, and has in fact done to him. Then read the following:

"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy 1,260 non consecutive days, clothed in sackcloth. (worn out clothes - rags) These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire (The Word of God) proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: And if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire." (Revelation 11:3-5)

You might also take note of the last sentence provided by GOD himself, which declares they are Authorized to do so as often as they desire to do so.

It is government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people isn't it?

Which makes all who lay claim to that declaration, to include all proud and boastful Texans, personally responsible for not doing anything to either stop, nor correct, nor expose, what was and is being done to Vince Diehl, or otherwise accepted, by their state and/or federal government.

Moreover, in the year 1995, Diehl added that as soon as Randall County, Texas, home of the nation's largest beef processing plant, recovers from his above described prophecy of plague, he will then prophesy about Mad Cow Disease being established in Randall County, adding that "Not all the cattle in Randall County will be infected".

No one can deny ANY of the above. It was all issued in writing, and provided to massive numbers of people, to include lots of elected officials, in the year 1995.

An official copy of which can be found in the archives of the U.S. Senate !


For two straight months an armed guard, who turned out to be Vince's trial judge, Randall County judge Patrick Pirtle's, personal bailiff, had been posted just outside his solitary confinement cell, to make certain that Vince spoke to no one, and that no one spoke to him.

Throughout this time, if Vince needed to eat, or needed to use the telephone to try to prepare his legal defense, they would force him to eat, or to use the phone, in a "containment" cell in which they housed their contagiously ill prisoners. Dozens of other phones were available but he was denied access to them.

Once in the containment cell, they would lock him in it for most of the day. By doing this, they literally forced Vince to contract the tuberculosis virus.

After ten full months of these and other even more hideous abuses: America's CIA and Secret Service were eventually, out of fear for his life, able to brainwash Vince into dropping his appeal for conduct that violated no law at all, and brainwash him into pleading "guilty" to one of their new twenty five obviously illegal "indictments" which were accusing him of stealing his own property. And literally, and illegally, force him to agree to go to the Texas state penitentiary for a period of six years.

Vince spent the next three months in the Texas state penitentiary, with no sign of abuse in that facility, when a well respected member of the parole board realized he (Vince) had not even been accused of violating any law, and obtained his release. Whereas in the absence of a lawful grand jury indictment, by law, the penitentiary never had any lawful authority to accept Vince as a prisoner in the first place. And it was obvious on the face of the document America had illegally used to imprison him, that he had not even been accused of violating any law at all.

The problem being, as we will soon document: The rights we all rely on as Americans have become totally worthless. Absolutely illusionary, if we, as citizens, ever actually need them.

In order to keep him out of the computer design business, the CIA illegally claimed Vince was then on "parole" for conduct they could not reveal to him. First, they demanded he obtain full time employment so he wouldn't have neither time, energy, nor finances to sue them. Then when they realized he was earning over twenty six hundred dollars a week as a consultant to the Spartan Electronics firm in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, ($2,600.00 a week), and could soon afford a lawyer, they made Vince quit his sixty five dollar an hour job. (In 1992, $65.oo an hour was really big money as wages)

At this time, fifteen months after his obviously illegal trial for conduct that violated no law had already been concluded: They, the CIA, not some court, not some judge, issued a decree that Vince is not permitted to earn any type of income, nor permitted to be self employed, nor permitted to enter into any type of contract. As part of their feloniously illegal decree, they further stated that if Vince breached these conditions, he would be forced back into prison without the benefit of a hearing. The CIA illegally claiming that “not being gainfully employed” was part of Vince's so-called, but utterly illegal parole.

All of this was done to covertly control his God given rights and Constitutional rights, to buy and sell.

The CIA has no legal right to sentence anyone - for - anything. Nor, to sentence them to do anything.

But the fact is, America is no longer governed by its three branches of government, but instead, those three branches of government are now governed by America's CIA, and her Secret Service, who are in turn controlled by America's "special interest" groups.

During the next few months the CIA tried every slimy deceitful trick in the book to break Vince. To include: 1. Ordering him to give them the names and addresses of any publisher he might be considering have publish the book they suspected he might be writing; 2. Denying him his rights to medical attention under medicaid as an indigent, penniless, American citizen who was obviously living in rags; 3. Confining him to the boundary lines of Bernalillo County New Mexico; 4. Conspiring to try to claim he suffered from delusions of persecution and that none of the above ever happened. 5. They even went so far as to try to feloniously confer jurisdiction on each other, trying to provide each other with the appearance of having official immunity, so they could continue denying Vince his rights.

Vince filed Cause CIV91-1101 in Federal Court (which he clearly copyrighted) trying to obtain just some "hint" of any of the rights America tours the world bragging she provides to every citizen. But Federal Judges simply decreed that Vince's captors were "Absolutely Immune" from his lawsuits for injunctive relief. In fact, these Federal Judges decreed that all the defendant "federal employees" were:

Immune, for their acts to deny Vince due process, and equal protection;

Immune, to deny him his so-called "Constitutional Rights" to access state and federal courts;

Immune, to deny him his so-called "Constitutional Rights" to legal counsel;

Immune, to deny him his rights to subpoena witnesses at his "American" trial;

Immune, for the therein identified defendant's acts to attempt to starve him to death;

Immune, for their act(s) to attempt to force him to contract the Aids virus;

Immune, for their acts to literally force him to contract contagious diseases;

Immune, for their acts to lock him in solitary confinement cells and physically and mentally torture him;

Immune, for their acts to extort money from him;

Immune, for their felonious acts to kidnap him through felonious decoy and deception;

Immune, for their acts to force him into involuntary servitude and slavery;

Immune, for their acts to attempt to murder him;

Immune, even for their acts to prevent Vince, by physical force, to relinquish his rights to appeal his "conviction" under documents 5677-B and 6646-B, for stealing his own lawfully held property.

In the first place, its a criminal offense for anyone, to include persons who just happen to be employed as state OR federal judges, to influence, to obstruct, or to impede, the due administration of justice.

In the second place, anytime you as an American citizen attempt to obtain the so called "rights" that you rely on from her federal courts: Her Federal Judges will only fabricate lies to prevent you from actually receiving any type of justice at all. Except in high profile cases involving murder or rape that will provide America something to brag to foreign countries about all the rights to due process she provides.

As her next to last defense to prevent you from actually receiving any of your so called rights as American citizens: If you are persistent enough to demand your rights, your American government will only use its "Rules of Civil Procedure" and its "Local Court Rules", to make damn certain that you are never able to obtain even one hint of the "rights" that America brags to other nations about.

The above, documenting that we as American citizens in fact have no rights whatsoever.

Just in case you think being tenacious will somehow get you your rights, Better think again.

In his quest to obtain just any "hint" of any of the rights America tours the world on her white horse claiming to provide all her citizens, Vince filed an entire menu of lawsuits trying to get HIS rights, all of which were a continuation of Cause CIV91-1101, and therefore likewise copyrighted. This prevents the government from altering their Pleadings. It likewise prevents the government from laying claim to any part of any Pleading and/or Decision that becomes related to same. A smart move as you will soon see. Because it prevents the government from claiming Vince has no legal right to publish what they've done.

Vince filed Cause 92-0374 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, against President George W. Bush of The United States of America;

Vince filed Cause 92-0375 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the Congress of The United States of America; And as well,

Vince filed Cause 92-0376 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the Senate of The United States of America. Trying every avenue imaginable to obtain just - ANY - rights at all.

And just so they could never be able to claim "they just never heard about Vince's lawsuits against them in his efforts to obtain his so called rights as an American: Vince subsequently filed Causes CIV91-1037 and CIV91-1101 in the U.S. District court for New Mexico, suing all the persons and entities mentioned above in this report. To include the U.S. Congress, the U.S. senate, to include George W. Bush, the CIA, the Secret Service, including the "bbb", their vicious, underhanded, covert, information gathering arm, and to include all of the above named Federal Judges: Trying to obtain at least "some" of the rights America, the self appointed protector of human rights, tours the world bragging to guarantee her citizens.

In which lawsuits he vividly documented everything you are now reading. And was totally ignored by all.

In his efforts to try to get America to provide just "any" of the rights she tours the world bragging about: Vince even sued The United States as a nation, The National Republican Party, and The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, hoping to stumble over just one decent forthright entity, judge, or person "somewhere" within the American government.

But to no avail ...

The fact is, America has prostituted all your rights. They are now literally NON EXISTENT !!

And so there can be no mistake. So that no one can make the false claim that this is some type of a ploy by some other "political" party. Let it be known by all that Vince Diehl spent his entire life as a staunch member of the republican party and that he in fact regrettably VOTED to make George W. Bush president.

When the Federal Courts denied him any of the rights America tours the world bragging that she provides to all her citizens: as part of his on-going continuation of copyrighted Cause CIV91-1101, Vince filed Cause CV-93-11148 in New Mexico State District Court, trying to obtain his so called rights.

As a prelude to this lawsuit Vince began to suspect that its the CIA and/or the Secret Service behind all the above. So as part of the Discovery Process he set a trap for them, and forced the U.S. government to admit that all the above was and is true.

However, the CIA then literally and feloniously - literally - reworded his Original Complaint in Cause CV-93-11148, to cause it to read that Vince, who is a long time resident of New Mexico, was somehow complaining as a resident of Texas. Even though his Complaint had clearly documented that he was a resident of New Mexico.

America's leaders rant, and call other nations "the evil empire". How evil is it considered that they as American officials, were given access, by state court, to Vince's Original Complaint in CV-93-11148, after normal court business hours: And were given Vince's Original Complaint to take home to their office so they could literally reword his Complaint to suit themselves.

And, to in fact, cause it to read that Vince was complaining as a citizen of the state of Texas.

They also illegally reworded Vince's Complaint in CV-93-11148, to read that the defendant agents were somehow residents and employees of Randall County, Texas. Thereby causing Vince's Complaint to imply that every litigant was a resident of Texas, that Vince was a resident of the state of Texas, and that no New Mexico court had Venue Jurisdiction to hear his case. So they could literally steal that too!

When in fact, all were residents of New Mexico; All had offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Were in fact employees of the State of New Mexico; And in fact, as documented by his file stamped "Return of Service" forms for each of them, they had - ALL - been served their Subpoenas in New Mexico.

These CIA and Secret Service agents then had the United States government literally steal Vince's case out of New Mexico State Court, move it a thousand miles away to Muskogee, Oklahoma, to the Federal court of Federal judge Frank Seay, change its docket number so Vince Diehl wouldn't be able to find it, refused to allow him to file pleadings in the New Mexico federal Courts, and, refused to allow him to file Pleadings in the Oklahoma Federal Court when he - did - find it.

After all this, they dismissed his case against all the "federal employees", declaring they were "absolutely immune" from lawsuits for their hideously inhumane conduct, and, because Vince was not able to file timely Pleadings in judge Frank Seay's Federal Court in OKLAHOMA, a thousand miles away. to which, he had been denied his Constitutional right to access: Because these agents had also issued a decree that Vince was not permitted to leave Bernalillo County, New Mexico, thereby preventing him from doing anything to pursue his lawsuit in Oklahoma anyway.

Aware that in Federal Court his so called rights under the U.S. Constitution were bogus and illusionary.

Vince went back to New Mexico State Court and filed Cause CV-09085, suing any person mentioned above that he could find to sue, which included serving all the previous defendants subpoenas at their offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and/or at their residences in Albuquerque, New Mexico, thereby PROVING beyond any doubt that they were all in fact RESIDENTS of New Mexico, and had committed perjury in his previous Cause in Federal Court !!

You know, the ones who conspired to change the wording of his Complaint in CV-93-11148, to have it read that they were all residents of, and employed by, Randall County, Texas.

A certified copy of section Two of plaintiff Vince Diehl's "More Definite Statement" regarding Cause CV-93-11148 is available as part of this website

A copy of the Original Complaint in Cause CV-94-09085 has been likewise made available.

A copy of the Original Complaint in Cause CV-95-01840 has been likewise made available.

In Cause CV-94-09085, New Mexico state judge Susan M. Conway decreed that: "She doesn't CARE if Vince is being illegally imprisoned. She's not going to PERMITVince to enter any evidence at all in her court". So, Vince then sued state "judge" Susan M. Conway in copyrighted Cause CV-95-01840. After being denied any of his rights to present any evidence at all in Cause CV-95-01840: Vince then filed copyrighted Cause CV-95-01840, in which he named "judge" Susan M. Conway, and others, as defendants. Only to have this case assigned to Judge Conway's back-up judge, the "honorable" Gerald W. Thompson, who then conspired with "judge" Susan Conway, et al, at a secret meeting to dismiss Cause CV-95-01840, because Vince had used the word "certify" in his Certificate of Service!

As in his phrase: I, Vince Diehl hereby certify that I have provided every defendant named herein above with a true copy of this Complaint! Going on to tell Vince that: "He (vince) has no authority to "certify" a damn thing".

In this instance, the conspiracy allegations made in Cause CV-95-01840 were obviously well founded, because they were stupid enough to put most of their unlawful intentions regarding their conspiratorial secret meeting in the form of a written letter, which judge Gerald W. Thompson's secretary, Barbara Bachechi, somehow mistakenly addressed to Vince Diehl's residence !!

After which, giving no reason, providing no grounds, still having prevented Vince from providing so much as one singular shred of the literally boxes of evidence he has to prove every word written above:

Patricio M. Serna, (now) chief justice of the New Mexico State Supreme Court, advised Vince that HE (serna) is dismissing all of his lawsuits in state court, going on to add, referring to Diehl: "You might also be advised that - I - am not afraid of YOU, Diehl, nor am I afraid of your God !!! At which time, in open court, Vince Diehl issued the following prophecy (in open court mind you):

"Ok, judge, you not being afraid of me means nothing. but I will now tell you that because of your declaration: The annual rainfall for Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for the State of New Mexico in general, will be reduced by at least one third, for the entire year, 1995, and her monsoonal rains will be blown all the way to the state of Arizona; A corridor will be constructed along her southern border that will keep the monsoon rains from entering New Mexico,. and if the monsoon rains do enter New Mexico, other sets of corridors be used to keep them out of Albuquerque. Also, her potato crop will be greatly diminished, and you sir (pointing to the state's attorney) had better learn to spell Spinal Meningitis".

Immediately after this encounter with judge Patricio Serna, Diehl went home and printed out a thousand copies of a prophecy declaring that the State of New Mexico's economy would be penalized for her arrogance to allow what America has done to him; That New Mexico green chili growers, apple growers, pecan growers, and all other agricultural entities, to include New Mexico's horse and cattle industries, her ski resorts, and every tourist based industry in the state of New Mexico, to include the Kodak International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, her most profitable tourist attraction, be included in the following Plague, and be severely restricted:

That the annual rainfall for Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for the State of New Mexico in general, be reduced by at least one third, for the entire year, 1995.

That her monsoonal rains be blown all the way to the state of Arizona; That a corridor be constructed along her southern border that will keep the monsoon rains from entering New Mexico. And that, if the monsoon rains do enter New Mexico, other sets of corridors be used to keep them out of Albuquerque.

Then New Mexico State Attorney General, now Congressman, Tom Udal, was one of the persons to whom Vince Diehl placed a copy of the above written declaration(s) in his hot little hand. Udal even came over to Diehl's car while he was passing out even more written copies of this prophecy, to get a copy of same. He will remember doing so.

So, there can be no doubt, and no question, that Diehl did exactly and precisely as we are now describing.

Just ask present day Congressman Tom Udal !!!

Did Vince's prophecy regarding New Mexico come to pass ?

On December 15, 1995, Diehl stood on the steps of the courthouses in Albuquerque, in Santa Fe, and in Taos New Mexico, and passed out written notices that read: "As of today, December 15, Albuquerque, has received only 5.55 of its normal 8.88 inches of rainfall. The math is pretty simple: Two/thirds of 8.88 equals 5.92 inches. 5.92 minus 5.55 equals .37 inches. Therefore, unless Albuquerque gets over .37 inches of rain by January 1, 1996, which it will not, its seems obvious my Prophesy that New Mexico's fallen moisture will be reduced by one/third has already been fulfilled.

Was this a true and verifiable statement ?

Ask "weather" anchor Robin Marshment, if Vince Diehl didn't leave a written copy of his above stated prophecy at the front desk for her when she worked at Channel 13 in the years 1995-96 in Albuquerque. He even spelled her name wrong, writing it as Robin Marchment. She will remember that much of it. Marshment now works for Kob-tv in Albuquerque. Ask her if the relative humidity wasn't held to a mere outrageous four percent (4 %) for months at a time. Ask her if she had ever even - heard - of four percent readings in her entire career as a registered meteorologist before that.

Albuquerque's normal relative humidity is in the 30's and 40's.

Within a very short time the Kodak Corporation ceased to sponsor New Mexico's Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. Against which Fiesta Diehl also later made a personal appearance and issued additional written prophecies.


Subsequent to that, Taos, New Mexico judge Joseph E. Caldwell was dispatched to a courtroom in Albuquerque by the "chief justice" of the New Mexico Supreme Court, to reiterate that all of Vince's lawsuits had been dismissed, and that HE would have Vince imprisoned if he ever filed another one.

Well, well, thank fortune for copyright laws, because, since the State of New Mexico has seen fit to provide a synopsis of all Vince's (copyrighted) lawsuits to a firm called "":

It is now easy to document that not only did the Federal government's CIA agents take Vince's Court Pleadings "home" and feloniously reword them to suit themselves: It seems that judge Joseph E. Caldwell illegally permitted them to reword Vince's Original Complaint !!!

Because, according to the information has published, which we will now provide as a link, in the face of NMSA 1978, Sec. 14-3-15.1(1995), which claims the state owns Vince's copyrighted lawsuits: It seems that "judge" Joseph E. Caldwell, as his basis for dismissing Vince's lawsuits, has officially and fraudulently, and deceitfully, claimed that Vince is the one who "voluntarily" dismissed them. Which is an arrogant, deceitful, provable, bold faced - LIE. &@$#^!!

What you have read is but a synopsis of what the U.S. government did to Vince Diehl.

It was based on the above, that Vince Diehl became one of two of The Lord God's witnesses against America, and as well the sole reason for which he was granted Authority to issue prophecy.

Although only a small portion of his prophecies have been posted on this website, we are working dilligently to post them all. There are some fifty more to post. See:

Laugh as you may: America will soon murder Diehl and one other, leaving their bodies lie in the streets to be viewed by all, trying to disprove them as prophets. After three and one half days The Lord GOD will raise them. Immediately after there will be the largest earthquake in history. Over 7,000 Americans will lose their lives. After which one tenth of America's land mass will slide into the sea. A nuclear bearing device that Science will call Wormwood will fall from the sky onto the area where the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico come close to joining (just north of Amarillo, Texas), burning like a torch. It will enter what is commonly referred to as the Hugoton Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve, and as well ignite the area referred to as PANTAX which is also located in that same area. Pantax being where America stores all its largest nuclear weapons. The H-P reserve being the world's largest Natural Gas Reserve, upon which the entire North American Continent is perched. Which will literally bring America to its End by burning the dirt itself. By which process the city of Centralia, Pennsylvania was literally burned off the map as an example that the above described process is not only scientifically feasible, but totally predictable. See: HOW in the left column links Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm, or I, The Lord Of Hosts, will strike you.

I will make your land desolate, a perpetual hissing. Every one who passes by shall be astonished. Their eyes will bulge, and they will wag their heads, at what I, The Lord, will do to your land."

Thus Decreed The Lord God Of Hosts, The Holy One Of Israel, The Judge Of All Nations.

NOTE: The Plague first issued in Jeremiah Fifty regarding all forms of transportation, industry, and finances has been reinstated against America.


I cannot speak for you, but as for myself, and my family, we have published a public apology for the manner in which America has treated Vince Diehl, who is obviously The Lord's prophet; since, as stated in Samuel Two, only The Lord has control over the weather and had to be the only one who could approve or to in fact do the things Vince Diehl has prophesied. We have at the same time asked to be forgiven for any part we may have unknowingly played in allowing our government to become so incredibly vicious and mean spirited. We also asked The Lord to consider our apology when He destroys this nation, which I am most certain He is about to do. We have provided below a copy of our public apology. Whereas Scripture requires that we acknowledge The Lord publicly. We belong to several yahoo, google, AOL, and several other media groups in which we will likewise make our apology public.


To the God I serve I offer this formal public apology for the manner in which my fellow Americans and our government have treated your prophet and Bond Servant Vince Diehl. Not only should your servant not be treated that way, no human being should ever be subjected to such a mean spirited purpose, much less to such an inhumane demonic government organized program.

I therefore publicly ask your forgiveness for any part I might have played, and may therefore be guilty of, for unknowingly allowing my country to become so mean spirited that it would even consider doing such a thing. When you destroy this nation, and I can now understand why you will, please consider that I have tendered the only method I have to redeam myself in your eyes. That being to humble myself and publicly seek your forgiveness. I therefore, in Christ's name, ask that you accept this as my family's formal and most sincere public apology. For anyone who is wondering what this apology is about, you will find what America did to Vince Diehl at:

Kirk White

NOTE: Anyone wanting to use the above as their own public apology, or to use it as a format to write out their own family's public apology, is certainly welcome to do so.

We are as well considering the possibility of publishing it in a local newspaper, feeling that our very Salvation may well hang in the balance based on the information in the following link.


If you would like to find out how all this fits into Bible prophecy we invite you to read the fifty or so prophecies at:


If you believe as we do that the prophecies contained in this report are of The Holy Spirit, directed at America, you are required by GOD HIMSELF to tell others where to find it.

As Decreed by God in Jeremiah 50:2, you are required to publish it..


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