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Chief of Homeland Security is a Dual Citizen / The Man and His Star-Crossed Past

Blog / Jim Kirwan

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the Pentagon, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, is also an Israeli citizen, as are a great many key players in the Bush administration including Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, Donald Kagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Edward Luttwak, Robert Satloff, David Frum, David Wurmser, Steve Goldsmith, Marc Grossman, among others.]

It was Michael Chertoff's cousin, Benjamin Chertoff, who authored the ludicrous 9/11 hit-piece in Popular Mechanics magazine that attempted to debunk 9/11 revisionist theories that run counter to the official consensus reality mythos. When confronted with the question of his relationship to the head of the DHS, Benjamin actually pretended not to know that Michael was his cousin. However, Benjamin's mother, contacted by phone, said, "Why, of course Michael is his cousin."

DHA czar Michael Chertoff's mother, Livia Eisen, was a former Mossad agent and the first hostess for El Al, Israel's state-owned airlines, founded in 1948. The omission of Michael Chertoff's mother's Zionist past suggests that there is an effort by the media to conceal his ties (as well as the ties of all the others in the Bush administration) to Israel and his status as a "de jure" Israeli national, by birth. Under Israeli law, a child born to an Israeli citizen, including children born outside of Israel as first generation out of Israel, is considered an Israeli citizen. The child remains an Israeli national until he or she formally renounces their Israeli nationality. Chertoff's father was the New York-born Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff.

On Sept. 21, 2006, Michael Chertoff announced that a consortium headed by the Chicago-based Boeing Company had won a multi-billion dollar contract to install sensors and radar along the U.S. border. The deal, the first part of a multibillion-dollar government plan designed to reduce illegal entry along the Canadian and Mexican borders calls for cameras, sensors and even unmanned aircraft (UAVs). When Chertoff was asked why DHS had chosen the Boeing-led group he declined to comment. The reason for Chertoff's silence, however, is telling: the Boeing team includes an Israeli military subcontractor who will play a key role in "securing" US borders. Meanwhile, America's entire defense system -- including NORAD -- as well as all military and FAA control infrastructures and other key systems are all based on...Israeli-produced software. Software, as the world knows, is the lifeblood of modern technology. Ergo, virtually ALL of America's defenses now lie firmly in Israeli hands.

Seen in this light, Ariel Sharon's boast to Shimon Peres a few years ago hardly seems baseless:

"Don't worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."

Nor the words of the late Senator William Fullbright, Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on CBS's "Face the Nation" a quarter of a century ago, on October 7, 1973:

"The Israelis control the policy in the Congress and the Senate."

Welcome to the United States of Israel.

And beware: the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, signed by the President on October 17, 2006 allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America, without state or local consent, in order to "suppress public disorder". In other words, the power to declare Martial Law. Meanwhile, over 100 Haliburton-built internment camps, capable of collectively holding millions of recalcitrant citizens, quietly await their first influx of tenants.

Chertoff announced yesterday that he has a "gut feeling" that there will be a major 911-type terrorist attack in the US this Summer. And what gives this man the right to tell the country that he has a "gut" feeling we're going to be hit? His response:

"Summertime seems to be appealing to them. We do worry that they are rebuilding their activities."

Wow....What crystalline intelligence, piercing instinct, stunning perspicacity.

Let's not delude ourselves: there most certainly will be public disorder when Chertoff's "gut feeling" materializes in the form of another false flag operation on American soil this Summer and people finally begin to awaken to what's really going on in this country.

My only fear is that it might be too late for "we the people" to respond...


Michael Chertoff: The Man & His Star-Crossed Past

By Jim Kirwan


"...The dual citizenship of our Homeland Security Czar is incompatible with his position in government today. The USA is large enough to require that all our highest officials be Americans without dual citizenships, or conflicts of national interest, from any other nation... Many have wondered who let the detained suspected Israeli agents — including the group of 5 Israelis seen videotaping and celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center — go back to Israel, immediately after 911. Apparently it was Michael Chertoff..."

Very few Americans, not directly affected by this man of many faces have no idea, of who really directs the duties of the 180,000 government employees in DHS: Duties that this man now holds in his stained and conflicted hands. It seems that the variety of controversies which have paralleled Michael Chertoff's meteoric rise in government have been allowed to languish in the shadows for far too long. If the public does not soon become familiar with who their Director of Homeland Security really is -- then they may live to regret that oversight. The details of Michael Chertoff's personal history should have disqualified him for high office: but instead his nomination for this job was approved without objection by the Senate.

The Senate voted 98-0 to approve Chertoff on February 15. Chertoff, 51, took the oath of office that night in "a private ceremony at the White House.

DHS has a $32 billion budget, 180,000 employees, and jurisdiction over immigration, customs and transportation security, the Coast Guard, the Secret Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The question of Chertoff's dual-nationality doesn't seem to have concerned a single U.S. senator.

Many have wondered who let the detained suspected Israeli agents go back to Israel, immediately after 911. Apparently it was Michael Chertoff.

"Chertoff allowed scores of suspected Israeli terrorists and spies to quietly return to Israel. In several cases, Israeli suspects working for phony moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems from Weehawken, N.J., were caught driving moving vans which tested positive for explosives. On September 14, Dominic Suter, the owner of the moving company, which was found to be a Mossad front company, fled to Israel after FBI agents requested a second interview.

One group of 5 Israelis was seen on the roof of Urban Moving Systems videotaping and celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center. These Israeli agents were returned to Israel on visa violations.

These Israeli suspects, and others, who had apparently transported explosives in the New York area, were allowed to return to Israel without being properly interrogated or their presence and activities in the United States having been vigorously investigated. (1)

What is publicly available about Chertoff's life and his various careers is not comforting, if you care about either law or justice -- and it's especially troubling if you demand a depth of character from those who occupy the highest offices in this land. Ah but then this is the Cheney-Bush Era of Empire, so that 'quaint idea' is probably now completely without merit.

Chertoff is credited with authoring the Patriot Act, the 300-plus-page blueprint for the modern National Security State; patterned to great extent on the successes of the KGB in the Soviet system. He's admired among his Bush cadres for making sure that government surveillance operates at maximum efficiency. Under his stewardship at the Dept of Justice, the 4th amendment has withered like summer grass. The long-held belief that citizens, have a right to a "reasonable expectation of privacy" has buckled under the demands of "Big Brother" and the new "intrusive" security paradigm."

And: "Chertoff's record of failure at Justice is second only to that of Ashcroft. His 4-year tenure hasn't produced even one identifiable success. (Check out his "obstruction of justice" in the John Walker Lindh case on Democracy Now) Instead, his personal ineptitude and his palpable contempt for the law have only showered more disgrace on the institution of American justice. That probably explains why he's being moved up the bureaucratic dog-pile to the top rung of Homeland Security. In Bush-world "failing upwards" is more commonplace than cowboy boots at a Crawford tent-show." (2)

As someone that controls the largest Federal Agency in the US government; the life and accomplishments of Michael Chertoff ought to be available and easy to locate: but that has not been the case. Instead the important details concerning Michael Chertoff's past have been meticulously scrubbed from the net. The basics are available from Wikipedia but the facts surrounding the depth of his family's involvement in the actual creation of the State of Israel, have disappeared.

"Chertoff is the co-author, along with Viet Dinh, of the USA PATRIOT Act , signed into law October 26, 2001. As head of the Justice Department's criminal division, he advised the Central Intelligence Agency on the outer limits of legality in coercive interrogation sessions." (3)

One of the little known aspects inside all the secrecy surrounding The vile National ID Card, the HOMELAND Security Act, and the shadowy FEMA camps that many believe are about to be used -- concerns the other master criminals that Cheney-Bush hired to ensure that Americans will become as completely controlled a population, as were the people of Communist East Germany or the old USSR.

For Instance: "This "card" (the National ID Card) was designed for Homeland Security by the former East German STAZI chief, Marcus Wolfe, a master of manipulation and intimidation and Primakov the former head of the KGB in the USSR. These two former spy chiefs are who really run our SECRET National Interior Spy Service. Bush employed them specifically for what they brought from their communist states -- now they decide who lives and who dies in America! These men have not changed, they are who they are, and that's why Bush & the Bandits hired them for HOMELAND Security. If these men appeared for work, in the uniforms of their former States, the public would be outraged, and rightfully so! How is it that the radical right continues to decry Communism, yet they have allowed Bush to employ top communist counter-intelligence officers to oversee every facet of our lives?" (4)

Throughout this long international nightmare there remains the still incomplete tragedy of the insertion of Israel, as a State, into what was once Palestine. This conflicted and war-torn place has been the international flashpoint of privilege over human rights and bondage over freedom for over half a century. Flames and blood from this dispute were ignited by greed and by those dark and destabilizing dreams of Empire that were beginning even before the First World War. Here's something that one woman adds to the on-going dialogue in Palestine -- because what she's found is pivotal to the veracity of claims made by the Zionist extremists that control "Israel" today. This is why the dual citizenship of our Homeland Security Czar is incompatible with his position in government today. The USA is large enough to require that all our highest officials be Americans without dual citizenships, or conflicts of national interest, from any other nation.