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National Clandestine Service The Man Who Murdered John Lennon?

The Man Who Murdered John Lennon?

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From: AP 10/13/2005:

"A top CIA manager who remains undercover will soon oversee traditional human spying activities for the entire intelligence community, a position created in the post-Sept. 11 intelligence overhaul.

Publicly, he is referred to simply as "Jose."

His posting as director of the new National Clandestine Service ends weeks of debate over whether the CIA would retain its primacy over the government's traditional human spywork, as an increasing number of U.S. national security agencies take on these types of assignments.

Jose will now broadly coordinate operations for the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and other agencies involved in human intelligence, or the information gathered by people, rather than by technical means.


CIA Director Porter Goss drafted a plan that would place the National Clandestine Service under his chain of command. The plan's acceptance is viewed as a victory for the CIA.



Now, where is Porter Goss going to find someone he trusts to run complex HUMINT operations? Well, he'd probably turn back to his roots, to the anti-CastroCuba operations where he cut his teeth in tradecraft-- back to Operation 40.

Fabian Escalante, a former Cuban security chief, gives a good outline of his old foes in an interview May 22 2005:

"Operation 40. . . . specialists who are already trained, have gone through the school, have already participated in operations against Cuba...I refer to the group of Felix Rodriguez Mendigutia, Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, ...

"And there was the team that brought together all of the North Americans: David Morales; David Phillips; Howard Hunt; Willian Harvey; Frank Sturgis; Gerry Hemming; John Rosselli, who was second head of the Chicago mafia and at that time in '62; Porter Goss, the current head of the CIA, who is in the JM/WAVE as a subordinate of Phillips and Morales."

"Operation 40 is the grandmother and great-grandmother of all of the operations that are formed later," continues Escalante.


"The first news that we have of Operation 40 is a statement made by a mercenary of the Bay of Pigs who was the chief of military intelligence of the invading brigade and whose name was Jose Raul de Varona Gonzalez," says Escalante.

"In his statement this man said the following: in the month of March, 1961, around the seventh, Mr. Vicente Leon arrived at the base in Guatemala at the head of some 53 men saying that he had been sent by the office of Mr. Joaquin Sanjenis, Chief of Civilian Intelligence, with a mission he said was called Operation 40. It was a special group that didn't have anything to do with the brigade and which would go in the rearguard occupying towns and cities. His prime mission was to take over the files of intelligence agencies, public buildings, banks, industries, and capture the heads and leaders in all of the cities and interrogate them. Interrogate them in his own wayÂ".

The individuals who comprised Operation 40 had been selected by Sangenis in Miami and taken to a nearby farm "where they took some courses and were subjected to a lie detector."



So, we have this Joaquin Sanjenis who trained agents in covert operations. Does that name sound familiar? It should. According to the Cubaninformationn Archives, the man's full name was Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo.

Jose, eh? Hmmm.

As previously reported here, the following points concerning Jose Perdomo have been ">uncovered by researcher SalvadorAstuciaa Dec. 31, 2004:

New information suggests the man tasked to protect John Lennon, on Dec. 8, 1980, may have in fact been his killer. Jose Perdomo is cited by multiple sources as the doorman on duty at Lennon's residence at the upscale Dakota apartment complex in Manhattan on the night the famous rock star was murdered. The following is a list of information I have collected about an individual named Jose Perdomo (also known as Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo) who sometimes uses the aliases, Joaquin Sanjenis and Sam Jenis:

Jose Perdomo was the doorman at the Dakota on Dec. 8, 1980, the night Lennon was killed.

Jose Perdomo was at the crime scene when the murder occurred.

Jose Perdomo asked accused assassin Mark David Chapman, immediately after the shooting, if he knew what he had just done. Chapman replied that he had just shot John Lennon.

Jose Perdomo told police Chapman was Lennon's assailant. One of the arresting officers, Peter Cullen, did not believe Chapman shot Lennon. Cullen believed the shooter was a handyman at the Dakota, but Perdomo convinced Cullen it was Chapman. Cullen thought Chapman "looked like a guy who worked in a bank."

Jose Perdomo was an anti-Castro Cuban exile. Perdomo and Chapman discussed the Bay of Pigs Invasion and JFK's assassination a few hours before Lennon was killed. This suggests Perdomo was a member of Brigade 2506 during the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961, a failed CIA operation to overthrow Fidel Castro.

Cuban Information Archives reveal a "Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo" (aliases: Joaquin Sanjenis, Sam Jenis) was a member of Brigade 2506 during the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961.

Joaquin Sanjenis worked closely with convicted Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis (deceased) for about ten years on the CIA's payroll.

Frank Sturgis claimed Joaquin Sanjenis died of natural causes in 1974; however, this was never confirmed by any other source. According to Sturgis, the CIA nurtured Sanjenis's anonymity and his family was not notified of his alleged death until after the funeral. Sanjenis may still be alive.


With the 25th anniversary of Lennon's assassination coming up on December 8, Big Media, from Hollywood movie producers to NBC News are obsessingoverv Mark David Chapman again. Chapman was a brainwashed patsy and unreliable gunman, controlled by the same text as John Hinckley, Jr. who tried to kill President Reagan three months later. These are complex operations and there is always redundancy built in to ensure success. And Perdomo, the trained assassin was there on the scene.
