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12 Characteristics Of A National Security State

By Chuck Michaels

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2 Lack of Civil Accountability of Law Enforcement for Conduct

3 Reduced Role of Judiciary and Executive Treatment of Suspects

4 Secrecy of Ruling Authority and Momemtum of Threat

5 Media in Service of State

6 National Resources Devoted to Terror Threat

7 Patriotism Moving to Nationalism

8 Lack of Critical Response by Religious Denominations

9 "Wartime" Mentality and Permanent War/Defense Economy

10 Targeted Individuals and Groups

11 Direct Attack on Dissent

12 Increased Government Surveillance of Citizenry

As I explain in the book, I am not saying that all of these characteristics are fulfilled at present, or that these are all of the characteristics of a national security state (issues involving youth and education, for example, could be added). But these surely would be on the list of common characteristics.

My book "rates" these characteristics as of the time of the manuscript, and purely for purposes of discussion. Those "ratings" probably would be changed given current situations.

