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Officials: Ridge to Announce ResignationCNN

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ns, Education Secretary Rod Paige, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham.

So far, Bush has named four replacements, all close associates. He nominated White House counsel Alberto Gonzales to succeed Ashcroft, Condoleezza Rice, his national security advisor and trusted confidant, to take over at the State Department and domestic policy adviser Margaret Spellings to replace Paige. On Monday, Bush selected Carlos Gutierrez to be the next commerce secretary, replacing Don Evans.

Ridge, in the past, has declined to be specific when answering questions regarding his future as head of the department. In July there were reports Ridge told colleagues he was considering stepping down after the November election because of job stresses and the need to earn money in the private sector to pay his children's college costs.

Ridge took office in January 2003 as the nation's first secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, which was created in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Assembling employees from 22 departments, the former Pennsylvania governor oversaw the largest reorganization of the federal government since the Department of Defense opened in 1947.

All of the Cabinet nominees must be confirmed by the Senate.
