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Patriot Act Use Expands

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se who are licensed to practice law "officers of the court", to wit: agents of the judicial branch of governmentt, can only be abolished by the either the abolishment of the State Bar Acts in the various Legislatures and forbidding lawyers to be officers in the government in order to preserve the liberty of the citizenry throughout the nation or a armed revolution will be the only option for the people to abolish the judicial oligarical tyranny which was established by the unlawful usurpation of the Constitution of the United States which requires the separation of the legislative power, the executive power, and the judicial power.

The separation of power was designed to prevent the establishment of a tyranny and to prevent he who has the legislative power to not have the power to execute the laws nor judge the laws that the legislative power exercises in legislating law and he who executes the law, has not the power to legislate the law nor judge the law which he executes and he who judges the law has not the power to pass the laws nor execute the laws which he judges. The very nature of the intolerable act of the Patriot Act in reality has under color of law and pursuant to the continuous traiterous actions of the lawyer have basically installed an armed military police dictatorship in the United States of America wherein the people are abused and terrorized by those in the government who have the guns to enforce and continue to establish the criminal, venal and oppressive unjust acts against the citizenry.

In reality the very type of tyranny which the American colonists had entered into a revolutionary war of rebellion against the "governemental system of the star chamber proceedings and the mock trials of the colonies where all the attorneys were agents of the crown and whereby the accused colonist was not able to emply sustantive and effective assistance of counsel wherewith to provide a defense against criminal charges lodged against him by those in governmental power and position. The continued establishment and the continued enforcement of the provision of the intolerable act of the Patriot Act will in time ultimately end in the mass extermination of millions of american citizens as was done in Nazi Germany and in europe by the Nazi regime established by the infamous Nazi dictator Adoloph Hitler, who was given the appearance of legitimacy by the similar actions of the Nazi German Legislative Body.

The deprivation of a fair and impartial hearing before a tribunal that has all the elements of the provisions of the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution which specifically are protections of the citizenry from continued abuse from those who corrupt government by the abuse of their authority and the powers that they are imbued with, leaves no choice to the citizenry except outright civil rebellion and the reestablishment of the Constitution of the United States as the supreme law of the land and the only legitimate government to reign and rule over the people of the United States.

For those who do not believe that the events which I am relaying in this missive are accurate have not read history and are unawre that the very actions of the government in the country of Nazi Germany was given the appearance of legitimacy with the Nazi judicial Supreme Court judges affixing their stamp of approval on the legislative acts passed by the Nazi German Legislature that had brought much death, misery and suffering on millions of inocent German and European men, women and children. When one reads thoroughly the provisions of the intolerable act of the Patriot Act that those persons who are accused of being involved in the drug activities of controlled substances and those who give them aid and comfort(friends and family) are deemed "terrorists" pursuant to the language of the Patriot Act itself.

Just as any tyranny needs to demonize a population in order to get the support of the masses, the Germans chose to demonize the Jewish population and the American nazi lawyers chose the people who are demonized to be undesireables and the reprobates of society if they use, possess, manufacture or distribute controlled substances. The Jaws of Hell on Earth have been opened with the blantant creation and enforcement of the intolerable act of the misnamed Patriot Act. Resistance to Tryanny is service to God for it is evil to call evil good and good evil. There is nothing Good of any acts which places the life and liberty of every person in the United States in peril and to live under a Reign of Terror to be perpetrated at the whim of those in power and enforced by the hired guns who are willing to help them in the law enforcement and American Nazi military.

The wise population will seek to leave the United States in order to avoid participating in the ultimate bloodshed that will come as the provisions of the intolerable act of the Patriot Act wrecks its misery on the remaining population. The various gun confiscations and gun prohibitions are designed to enslave the population at large in time for slaves cannot be trusted to possess or use firemarms. It is for this historical principle that General George Washington warned and instructed our ancestors in the beginning of the birth of Our Nation, the United States of America the following, " A free people should be armed and disciplined and ought to have sufficient arms and ammunition to protect themselves from all who might abuse them, INCLUDING THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT. The lawyers are the first that need to hang for if they do not the people themsleves will be hanging from the very ropes the lawyers have forged for their execution by the enforcement of the criminal intolerable Patriot Act. g G G

In, Mofmars3@w... wrote: > Click here: t r u t h o u t - Patriot Act Use Expands
