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INVASION USA Mexico, U.S. to be 'integrated'? Fox's foreign secretary envisions cooperative future, slams Minutemen

Mexico, U.S. to be 'integrated'?

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Mexico's foreign secretary says he expects Mexico and the U.S. will one day be "integrated," and he blasted the Minuteman Project, calling for prosecution of the citizen border monitors.

Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez Baustista spoke to a group of University of Texas-Pan American students last week in Edinburg, Texas, reported KRGV-TV.

The official spoke about the future of U.S.-Mexico relations, saying he envisions a day when the United States and its southern neighbor would be "integrated."

Not all the students in attendance supported Baustista's vision of the future.

"I don't believe there will be complete integration here," Clarissa Pena told KRGV. "I don't think that's right."

"From my stance we should be separate because of terrorism and problems with terrorism," Aaron Pena said. "We do have to have secure borders and not just have people roaming back and forth."

After the speech, Baustista spoke to reporters about the Minuteman Project. Hundreds of American volunteers, many legally carrying guns and waving flags, are keeping watch around the clock until the end of the month along a 23-mile stretch of border between Arizona and Mexico. The volunteers reportedly are intimidating illegal aliens with their presence and alerting the Border Patrol via cell phones or radios when they see people crossing.

"Because (the Minutemen) feel frustrated or whatever reason they are doing this," Baustista said. "They are trying to take the [drug] war into their own hands.

"One thing I can tell you is that the U.S. of the 21st century is not the U.S. of the 19th century."

The official added he hopes the group and its members are prosecuted.

Baustista said he thinks the war on drugs is being won thanks to Mexico's efforts.

"I think the (drug) war is slowly being won," he told reporters. "What we have done in Mexico is got the heads of the larger organizations right now and we pursue them very strongly and work in very close association with U.S. authorities. But it doesn't mean it's going to be an easy win. It's going to be a tough win."


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