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Nefarious Livery Pirate Theresa May wants even greater surveillance anti-privacy powers

The Unhived Mind

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  • Jun 29, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    25 June 2014 Last updated at 10:29

    Theresa May pushes for greater surveillance powers

    Theresa May is continuing to push for a change in the law to give police and security services the power to access email and social media.

    A communications data bill – dubbed a “snooper’s charter” by critics – was blocked last year by the Lib Dems.

    But the home secretary said it was now a “matter of life and death” that the authorities got the powers they needed.

    Campaign group Big Brother Watch said a review of existing powers was needed before new ones could be introduced.

    The home secretary says internet phone systems Skype and Facetime, as well as social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, have become “safe havens” for organised criminals and terrorists.

    ‘Imminent harm’

    And she wants more powers for police and spies to access data held by internet companies, saying their inability to do this is wrecking important investigations.

    “Over a six-month period the National Crime Agency alone estimates that it has had to drop at least 20 cases as a result of missing communications data,” she said in a speech on Tuesday.

    “Thirteen of these were threat-to-life cases in which a child was assessed to be at risk of imminent harm.

    “The truth about the way the privacy and security debate has been presented is that it creates myths that hide serious and pressing difficulties.

    “The real problem is not that we have built an over-mighty state but that the state is finding it harder to fulfil its most basic duty, which is to protect the public.”

    She said it was “quite simply a question of life and death, a matter of national security” that the authorities got more surveillance powers and vowed to “keep on making the case until we get the changes we need”.

    She added: “I know some people like the thought that the internet should become a libertarian paradise, but that will entail complete freedom not just for law-abiding people but for terrorists and criminals. I do not believe that is what the public wants.”

    ‘Political consensus’

    She dismissed as “nonsense” claims that the UK’s secret listening post GCHQ is exploiting a technical loophole in legislation that allows it spy on YouTube and social media messages that are routed through foreign servers,

    The Communications Data Bill bill was meant to allow the authorities to access to details of who called whom, when and where – although ministers said it would not cover the content of calls.

    It would also have extended laws to cover new online forms of communication, such as Skype, and there were suggestions it could also give intelligence services real-time access to the data.

    The bill was blocked by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg but Prime Minister David Cameron has indicated that a future Conservative government would make a fresh attempt to get it into law.

    Commenting on Mrs May’s speech, Emma Carr, acting director of Big Brother Watch, said: “Yet again the home secretary is clashing with the broad political consensus that no new powers should be introduced until a full independent review into the currently available surveillance legislation and oversight mechanisms has taken place.

    “We know from surveillance transparency reports published by private companies that they largely comply with law enforcement requests for communications data.

    “Therefore, if the home secretary is stating that communications data was unavailable in specific cases, then that would suggest that a warrant was either not submitted to, or was rejected by, the companies in question. The question therefore should be why is this the case?”

    ·  theunhivedmind says:

    June 29, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    Now you know what one of the agendas is behind the ISIL issues in the Middle East which have been funded by Merill Lynch/Bank of America, Deutsche bank (Germany), Barclays bank/Bank of England/HSBC (UK/New Venice using Humewood and also Sherwood Investments), Bank of Japan (using UAG), National Bank of Spain and Citibank (Saudi) and organized by the likes of the American-Turkish Council. They want to use this so they can get around the Greenwald/Snowden privacy issues as they know their ‘Five Eyes’ surveillance programmes are under threat.

    There is a tie in to United Asian Group, a Central Bank of Japan secret proprietary that specializes in writing illegal cross-collateralized derivatives based on the world price of oil with the benefactors being the German NAZI Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank of England and the Bank of England.

    The bagman for this money laundry is Hillary Rodham Clinton’s financial stooge George Pasmore who works for Merrill Lynch and Bank of America

    The real terrorists are the backers and organizers of these so-called terrorist cells which quite frankly is the western intelligence networks such as CIA, MI6, DGSE and Mossad. No nations media system or government would continually scaremonger its peoples about terrorism unless they were the terrorists themselves out for change. The idea of a terrorist is to terrorize the people of the enemy and they can only do this through mouthpieces. If the media does not broadcast any threats or actions then the terrorist is scuppered immediately and will have to give in. So ask yourself who gains from this constant 9/11/al-qaeda/takfiri/al-nusra/ISIL/ISIS propaganda pushed by the paedophile BBC (MI6), CNN (CIA) and Fox News (MI6)? It is the hidden hand of the Venetian Empire (New Venice/Britain) ruling this world and ushering in the New World Order using the findings from the Iron Mountain Report which was to create false bogeymen to help usher in a so-called era of peace and a oneworld government.

    Theresa May is a Privy Councillor but also a nefarious pirate of the Livery within The Worshipful Company of Marketors. Notice how in the video she is standing in front of a evil City of London coat of arms spouting off propaganda nonsense in order to scare you and socially engineer your thinking using Tavistock Institute for Human Relations techniques based on over five-hundred years of Royal Navy intelligence. It is claimed that May is the second most powerful women in Britain so god help us all. Notice how this pirate of the high seas goes around bragging about her powers under the Royal Prerogative the same nonsense used to shield Tony Blair from his war crimes. Now when you are told the Queen (Doge of New Venice) has no powers just laugh because since 1689 and the signing in of the English Bill of Rights the Monarchy has all those powers back if they wish to use them. Nothing happens without the Doge’s knowing and acceptance along with the councils working with the Doge/sovereign.

    -= The Unhived Mind