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Airports Install New LED Lights That See You NAKED!

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mARCH 6, 2014

New Jersey airport has recently installed a new type of technology that does the same thing as TSA body scanners. The only thing is, travelers don’t know they’re being scanned as these LED lights have the ability to see passersby virtually naked.

Being boasted as a top of the line technological advance, the airport is installing the lights while informing the public of half truths. Recently invented, the light is said to have been formatted to allow Wi-Fi signals to be transmitted through light waves that they produce. Stating that they offer the convenience of airport internet accessibility, these lights are more devious in nature as they present a direct violation to everyone’s natural Fourth Amendment right.

(See also: Government Surveillance To Be Operated By Artificial Intelligence)

Of course in the name of security, it seems that organizations such as the TSA think they aren’t being invasive enough. Despite the fact that according to reports, the newly prison-like TSA procedures have yet to actually prevent one terrorist event, they are still struggling to further infringe on the rights of traveling American’s.

Screenshot 2014-02-28 at 5.56.44 PM

The newest technology, simply added to the surveillance street lights, are already being installed in Europe. Just like the aforementioned LED lights, these additions also subject passersby to the peep show of snooping authorities. All in the name of safety, the technology has the ability to strip you down in search of weapons.