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The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a political police force

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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  • Dec 13, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    FBI is ‘a political police force’

    Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:47AM GMT

    An American political analyst says the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the US is “a political police force” that focuses on “repression of dissent not stopping crimes against the people.”

    “They [the FBI] concentrate their efforts on Muslims and political activists, not on the violence against African American and Latino community,” said Joe Iosbaker, a member of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, in a phone interview with Press TV on Wednesday

    Eighteen current and former Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies are under investigation for committing crimes like beating prisoners and jail visitors.

    Other crimes the deputies engaged in included falsifying reports and thwarting an FBI investigation.

    However, Iosbaker says the FBI should be conducting such investigations all the time as US police are always mistreating minorities.

    “With the epidemic of violence by the police and the justice system targeting blacks and Latinos, why isn’t the FBI doing these kinds of investigations all the time?” he asked.

    The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department oversees the largest jail system in the US with nearly 19,000 prisoners. However, the history of abuse allegations at America’s largest jail system goes back to the 1970s.

    “The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world actually. And, these are very important issues and they’re getting worse as the economic crisis continues,” Iosbaker said.

    However, he added, the FBI is “a political police force” and would not focus on stopping crimes in US communities.

    “For example, it was the LA sheriff under the direction of FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force that raided the home of Carlos Montes in 2011. Carlos a long time leader in the Chicano movement was targeted by the government for his solidarity with Palestine and Colombian people’s struggles,” Iosbaker pointed out.

    theunhivedmind says:

    December 13, 2013 at 7:50 am

    The FBI was created by the Order of Malta using Maltese Knight, Charles Boneaparte. The FBI was also made up of most of the Pink Triangle Nazi’s whilst the Nazi SS joined the Office of Strategic Services to create the CIA using stolen Judiac wealth taken by the Nazi’s during the Holocaust. The only force with power in the Republic of America is your County Sheriff. The FBI in truth can only have jurisdiction over the United States meaning Washington D.C, Hawaii, Virgin Islands etc but not the original states. Washington DC holds no power over America it is all an illusion you believe through watching too much TV.

    -= The Unhived Mind