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Dr. Lasha Darkmoon

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July 20, 2013

Is mass surveillance the symptom of a terminal disease?


Will the new totalitarianism lead to a Bolshevik police state

engaged in the systematic slaughter of its own citizens?













Big Brother state

“National security is a euphemism for Jewish rule.”


— JB Campbell, G-2


The National Security Agency’s 1-million–square-foot, $2 billion headquarters is located in Utah in a valley just south of Salt Lake City. The Utah Data Center is to be the headquarters and epicenter of terrestrial surveillance: here trillions of millions of intercepted phone calls, emails, and data trails will be collected and scrutinized by analysts over highly encrypted fiber-optic links.

A project of immense secrecy, the Utah’s Data Center’s purpose, according to bestselling author and investigative journalist James Bamford, will be this:

. . . to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks…. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails…. Should the agency ever fill the Utah center with a yottabyte of information, it would be equal to about 500 quintillion (500,000,000,000,000,000,000) pages of text.
—  James Bamford, author of The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America. (See here)



According to Google’s former CEO, Eric Schmidt, the sum total of all human knowledge from the dawn of history up to 2003 comes to 5 exabytes. Our own calculations allow us to infer the following from this: given that one million exabytes equals one yottabyte or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (1024), one yottabyte of information would equal the sum total of all extraterrestrial knowledge on 200,000 planets identical to planet earth from their earliest times up to now.

To put it another way: 5 exabytes is equal to all the words ever spoken by mankind, while one yottabyte of information would take 11 trillion years to download from the internet using high-power broadband.

The mind boggles at the thought of such infinite oceans of knowledge, all of it theoretically recordable on a supercomputer.

According to Ray Kurtzweil, American futurologist described by Forbes magazine as “the ultimate thinking machine”, the next few decades will bring about an exponential growth in computing power.

IBM is at present trying to simulate the human brain with its own cutting-edge supercomputer called Blue Gene. What is Blue Gene’s brain capacity? You will be surprised to hear it’s a mere fraction of the human brain. It possesses only a billion neurons in comparison to the brain’s 20 billion. As for the connection between neurons known as synapses, it possesses 10 trillion of these compared to the human brain’s 200 trillion. For all its sophistication, the Blue Gene “supercomputer” possesses only 4.5 percent of the human brain’s capacity. (See here)

Whoever made the human brain was clearly a super-intelligent Being of some kind—unless you prefer to think that this incredibly complex organ came about by chance after a remarkable series of accidents starting with the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.

According to Kurtzweil, the human brain is about to be overtaken by computers. By 2045, he predicts, Singularity will occur—a merger between biology and technology. He says, “There will be no distinction, post-Singularity, between human and machine.” An ordinary computer in 2045 will possess one billion times more power than all human brains combined today.

Finally, by 2099, humans and computers will have merged. Literally, in every sense. By turning himself into a self-replicating machine, man will have achieved immortality.

Thus Kurtzweil, a man known for his uncannily accurate predictions.

In such a Brave New World, there can be no secrets. Big Brother will not only know what you are doing, he will know what you are thinking. He will know what you are going to do before you even do it.




Utah Data Center

 Obviously the only way to find the vitally important information is to filter though the vast repository of irrelevant trash. This is done through a process known as massive volume reduction (MVR).  The spooks say they are interested primarily in “metadata”, not in content. They only want to know your secrets if they are worth knowing. Your metadata basically tells them if you are a suitable candidate for more intrusive surveillance.

The information gathering process is facilitated by the use of “selectors”. These are key words or phrases. If you use these regularly, you automatically make yourself suspect. Search terms include subject headings, phone numbers, and email addresses of interest. There are roughly 30,000-40,000 selector terms.

According to whistleblower William Binney, there is a target list in the US of 500,000 to a million people. These are the ones being watched. Investigative journalist Christopher Ketchum thinks this figure too low. A reliable source told him that the number of potential terrorists in America was much higher. “Eight  million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect,” Ketchum reported. “In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.”

The idea that we are all being spied on in a responsible way, and that we have nothing to fear unless we are terrorists, will not bear scrutiny for a number of reasons. The famous Latin tag Quis custodes custodiet?—Who will watch the watchers?—says it all. We are referring here to Israeli infiltration. The fact that everything known to the NSA and GCHQ is also known to Israeli intelligence, through Israeli internet giants such as Verint and Narus, is a cause for extreme concern.

For more on this subject, read Christopher Bollyn’s “How Israel Spies on Us All through the NSA”.

This is the problem then: not only does Big Brother in America know all your secrets, so does Big Brother in Israel.

Apart from Jonathan Pollard, a long list of American Jews have spied for Israel. Surprisingly, none of these Jews have been prosecuted and punished. Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Steven Bryen, Douglas Feith, Michael Ledeen, Steven Rosen, Keith Weissman, Jane Harman—the list goes on—have never been brought to justice. They cannot be indicted, no matter what crimes they commit, because they are beyond the law. The law applies only to ordinary citizens—to you and me. The ruling elite, now disproportionately Jewish, remains untouchable.

James Petras puts it like this:

Because of the power and influence of the Presidents of the 52 Major American Jewish organizations, Justice Department officials have ORDERED DOZENS OF ISRAELI ESPIONAGE CASES TO BE DROPPED. Israel is a key overseas ally of the National Security Agency, as has been documented in the Israeli press (Haaretz, June 8, 2013). Two Israeli high tech firms, Verint and Narus, WITH TIES TO THE ISRAELI SECRET POLICE (Mossad), have provided the spy software for the NSA. And this, of course, has opened a window for Israeli spying in the US against Americans opposed to the Zionist state. (See here, emphasis added)

So here we have two Israeli companies, Verint and Narus, with unlimited access to the private data of the entire population of America. Verint taps the communication lines at Verizon. Narus does the same at AT&T. And both companies, we learn, “have extensive ties to Israel, a country with a long and aggressive history of spying on the US.”

It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots.

That the state of Israel has access to all the electronic communications of Americans—and yes, of Europeans too—would not be of undue concern if Israel had a good reputation and if Mossad agents were known to behave in a responsible manner. Unfortunately, Israel’s past behavior does not inspire confidence, and most people would sooner trust an angry rattlesnake than a Mossad agent. There are rogue elements in Mossad, moreover, that are known to have close links to organized crime in Israel, i.e., to the Judeo-Russian mafia. (See here, here and here). There are also rogue elements in the NSA and in the Israeli internet companies, Verint and Narus, which have a back door (as we have shown) into all NSA information.

We are told of Paul Jacobson who worked for the NSA:

Paul lost his security clearance. He did crazy stuff… they thought he was unstable… [NSA] employees referred to him as “weird”…  he “acted like a robot”… was mentally and emotionally unstable… he also began changing his name, first to Jimmy Carter and later to Alfred Olympus von Ronsdorf!!! (Quoted here)

Eventually Jacobson was sacked. He was too much of a liability. How can the world be safe, it needs to be asked, if its secrets are allowed to fall into the hands of loose cannons and kooks like Jacobson?

Then there is Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, a former Israeli intelligence officer who founded Verint that monitors all the telephone calls at Verizon. He is now a fugitive from justice.

Kobi Alexander


Former head of Comverse, parent company of Verint, Kobi Alexander is now a wanted man who fled US justice to Africa and is reportedly now hiding out in Israel. “It is important to note,” Christopher Bollyn writes, “that Kobi Alexander and Comverse were closely connected to Odigo, the Israeli messaging service that was used to warn Israelis to stay away from the Word Trade Center on 9-11.”

Wanted by the FBI on three dozen charges of fraud, theft, lying, bribery, money laundering and other crimes, Kobi Alexander is a typical example of the type of Israeli Jew who can echo the infamous words that  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made to Jonathan Pollard on exiting Pollard’s cell after a prison visit, “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”

It comes as no surprise to learn that two of Tobi Alexander’s top associates at Comverse, Chief Financial Officer David Kreinberg and former General Counsel William F. Sorin, were charged with similar crimes. Both pleaded guilty and are now behind bars.

These then are mad, bad, and dangerous operatives who have access to the private details of millions of people not only in America but all over the world. You might as well hand over your national security to the Jewish mafia. The Judeo-Russian mafia, as this writer has already taken pains to point out elsewhere, is by far the most dangerous criminal organization in the world today. It has five million members in America right now, many of them illegal immigrants and specialists in extortion and blackmail.

There’s a whiff of doom in the air nowadays: killer vaccines, chemtrails, fluoride poisoning, GMOs, EMFs, Monsanto Frankenfoods, Fukushima radiation, the Israelification of airports and the police — all accompanied by unprecedented police brutality.

What is even more ominous is the knowledge that the DHS has acquired 1.6 billion rounds of hollow-point bullets for use against American citizens: enough to sustain a hot war in America for 20-plus years.

Over 2,700 giant, armor-plated vehicles, totally impenetrable to civilian defensive weapons, have been prepared for use in American cities. If this isn’t frightening enough, tens of thousands of burial vaults or thermoplastic graveliners, each for the reception of a cheap plastic coffin, have been moved into an enormous storage depot in Georgia where they now await their future occupants.

Today we learned to our astonishment that Homeland Security has been training secret assassination squads for the summary execution, without trial, of anyone in America that this criminal regime wants to get rid of: top politicians, legislators, academics, whistleblowers, patriots and political dissidents.

VT political columnist Preston James asks: “Is DHS now morphing into a new Bolshevik style Cheka, preparing to deploy mass murder and Red Terror in America?”

Few Americans have heard of the Red Terror. If they have, they probably think that those distant events, which claimed the lives of 66 million people in the Soviet Union between 1917 and 1953, are unlikely to occur again.

They could be in for a big shock.

It looks like the American Titanic is about to hit the iceberg.

The Captain and his crew, wreathed in smiles as they stand on the deck of the doomed ship, appear to be unaware of the approaching catastrophe. As for the passengers on board the ship, these catatonic and mesmerized masses are all  locked into a state of collective psychoparalysis that does not bode well for the future. Like sleepwalkers in a mist, they face a rude awakening.

Here are some of things we can expect to see happening soon, for history tends to repeat itself with an unnerving frequency. These quotes are a collage plucked from multiple sources. Google any phrase and it will take you to the relevant source. Other primary sources are listed below.

My mother tried to save me by offering herself…I was only skin and bone, just 14. To no avail.  She got a rifle butt in her face….Before our eyes they picked on the very young first, on toddlers, the younger the better….They shot a mother stone dead, riddled her with bullets, for trying to defend her 10-year-old daughter like a tigress. “Frau komm,” was the cry, every woman and every young child dragged into a dark corner and raped on the spot….On and on it went all night, the raping did not stop….it was a scene out of damnation, out of Dante’s Inferno, but much, much worse….They would beat us, spit on us, even piss on us….
Even nuns in habits were raped….182 Catholic nuns were raped by Red Army soldiers in the diocese of Kattowitz, the soldiers left behind 66 pregnant nuns.  Some women lived for weeks on rooftops trying to escape the violence….
The Russians had gone as far as actually to crucify nearly all the villagers whilst still alive, nailing a number of women and even babies to barn doors…. Every room contained bodies, the corpses of children and of women who had evidently suffered serial rape before their deaths….women who had been raped and mutilated one by one, each with an empty wine bottle in her vagina….
Now two Poles came in, dressed only in their trousers, and the girls cried out at their sight. They quickly grabbed the first of the girls, and bent her backwards over the edge of the table until her joints cracked. I was close to passing out as one of them took his knife and, before the very eyes of the other girls, cut off her right breast. He paused for a moment, then cut off the other side. I have never heard anyone scream as desperately as that girl. After this operation he drove his knife into her abdomen several times, which again was accompanied by the cheers of the Russians….
The Commissar [officer in charge, almost certainly Jewish] made sure I was watching. One girl had not undressed completely…around seventeen years of age. They soaked her bra with oil and set it on fire, and while she screamed, a thin iron rod was shoved into her vagina…
( 12345678910 )

It all happened. And it is likely to happen again soon. If there’s one thing we have learned from history, it is this:  most of the terrible things done in the past, from the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution and from World War I to World War II,  were done by non-Jews — with Jews in the background pulling the strings. Indeed, no Jewish rule would be possible but for the enthusiastic collaboration of the goyim.

A government that spies on its own citizens so obsessively and pathologically, to the extent that it needs to record every single telephone call and email, does not inspire confidence. It cannot by any definition be called a democratic government, for no government could possibly obtain the willing consent of its citizens to the total destruction of their privacy. Even the spies cannot be happy about being spied upon.

No consent, no democracy.

JB Campbell notes in his latest essay: “The CIA, FBI, Secret Service, FEMA, DHS, IRS … all of these agencies are dedicated to our being rounded up and put in prison camps or psychiatric prisons.” And he adds, in a memorable phrase I have already quoted above, “National security is a euphemism for Jewish rule.

Paranoia? I don’t think so. From mass surveillance to mass murder is one small step. It will come. We now live in a neo-Bolshevik police state which will soon be engaged in the systematic slaughter of its own citizens.

The New Terror


There is nothing new under the sun. What has been, will be again. The same Bolshevik beasts who once ran amok in war-torn Russia and Germany have been reincarnated in America and now await their hour of satanic bloodlust.

Never forget: the same criminal cabal behind the coldblooded murder of 3000 American citizens on 9-11 is in power today. Not a day goes by but their robotic drone “warriors” slaughter innocent civilians, mostly women and children, in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They tortured the innocent at Abu Ghraib. They continue to do so at Guantanamo. Right now they are beating the war drums for the mass murder of the Iranians, a people guiltless of any crimes, and all this for the greater glory of Israel.

Like Stalin and his criminal cohorts, many of them non-Jews like the rapist killer Beria, these psychopaths will soon turn their attention to the American homeland. Killing is their raison d’être and torture their favorite sport. It won’t be long now before they cast their baleful eyes on their own people, in preparation for a blood sacrifice to Moloch.

Get ready for the gore and the gulags. Prepare for a new Red terror in the killing fields to come.


Dr Lasha Darkmoon is an academic with higher degrees in Classics. She is also a poet and translator. Her articles have been published here and here; her poems, translations and various other pieces here.