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Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell Resigns

Sky News US Team

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June 12, 2013

The White House says he is leaving the agency to join President Barack Obama's intelligence advisory board.

The deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency is stepping down to join President Barack Obama's intelligence advisory board.

Michael Morell announced his resignation from the CIA on Wednesday, and the White House said President Obama would appoint Avril Haines to take his place.

In a statement announcing his retirement fromt he CIA, Mr Morell said: "I am passionate about two things in this world - the Agency and my family. And while I have given everything I have to the Central Intelligence Agency and its vital mission for a third of a century, it is now time for me to give everything I have to my family."

Mr Morell, who has spent 33 years at the CIA, was named acting head of the agency in November after then-director General David Petraeus resigned amidst a cheating scandal.

He served in that position until Director John Brennan was confirmed for the job in March.

"As much as I would selfishly like to keep Michael right where he is for as long as possible, he has decided to retire to spend more time with his family and to pursue other professional opportunities," Mr Brennan said in a statement.

Ms Haines is currently a deputy assistant to the president and legal adviser at the National Security Council.