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Original Scorched Carbon of CIA Memo Links -- Parts 1 and 2 (Updated 8/4/08 with Part 3)

Linda Moulton Howe

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Part 1: Original Scorched Carbon of CIA Memo Links

Government UFO Cover-Up and JFK Assassination

© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe

“As far as I know, this ‘burned memo’ is the only document

that I've ever heard anyone claim could be the authorization

to kill President John F. Kennedy.” - Robert Wood, Ph.D.,

Physicist and Retired Aerospace Manager

Tab A, TOP SECRET/MJ-12 Central Intelligence Agency memo

from Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1) to MJ-2 through MJ-7 allegedly written

in 1961 to 1963 time period. Leaker says he worked1960 to 1974 in CIA counter-intelligence

for James Jesus Angleton, Director, CIA Counter-intelligence from 1954 to 1974. After James

Angleton died on May 12, 1987, leaker said he pulled this 9-page memorandum from a fire

that was burning up Angleton's most sensitive MJ-12 secret files.

Image provided by Robert Wood.


August 3, 2008  Newport Beach, California - In 1993, Robert Wood, Ph.D., retired from his management work at McDonnell Douglas Corporation, a large aerospace company where he had worked since 1953. That was the year he received his Ph.D. in Physics at Cornell University where his focus was theoretical physics and aeronautical engineering. Immediately after graduation, he began working for McDonnell Aircraft Corporation in Maryland, but was drafted into the U. S. Army for two years and was assigned to Aberdeen Proving Ground northeast of Baltimore. For the Army, Bob analyzed the boundary layers of ballistic shells. After completing his draft service, he left as a corporal and returned to McDonnell Aircraft, which on April 28, 1967, merged with Douglas Aircraft to become McDonnell Douglas Corporation.

Bob Wood explained to me that beginning in 1967 during his continued employment with McDonnell Douglas, he was asked by his boss to investigate the possible anti-gravity propulsion system attributed to unidentified aerial vehicles.


Robert Wood, Ph.D., Physicist and former Aerospace Manager for McDonnell Douglas Corporation, now retired in Newport Beach, California: “In 1967, I was asked by my boss to look into UFOs because he had to give a speech on the subject. And that assignment resulted in my establishing a group of  about five scientists who studied the UFO subject for a couple of years. That’s when I met James McDonald, Ph.D.

 [ Editor’s Note:  Senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and Prof. in the Department of Meteorology, University of Arizona, Tucson, who was convinced UFOs were extraterrestrial, testified before Congress in 1968 about the need for serious study of the phenomenon and was found dead on June 13, 1971, in a Tucson creek. His death was declared a suicide, but another theory is that he was murdered by MJ-12 authority to enforce a policy of denial in the interest of national security that required keeping facts about the  UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon out of the public and media.]

I also visited Edward Condon, who headed the Condon Committee UFO Project at the University of Colorado in the late 1960s.

 [ Editor’s Note:  Edward Condon, Ph.D., graduated from the University of California-Berkeley, in 1926 with a Ph.D. in Physics. By 1943, Condon joined the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb. Later he was Research Director of Corning Glass, Director of the National Bureau of Standards, and President of the American Physical Society.

Condon was also Prof. of Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder when the U. S. Air Force asked him to oversee a review of UFO reports and to produce an official report for Air Force use. From 1966 to 1968, Condon directed the University of Colorado UFO Project in which he concluded there was nothing to the UFO phenomenon. His formal conclusion contradicted facts and eyewitness testimonies and many researchers have concluded the Condon Study was a deliberate misinformation project by MJ-12 through the USAF and Condon to discredit UFOs in the context of Project BLUE BOOK. After that, the USAF's standard comment to UFO inquiries has been the Air Force no longer investigates UFOs because Prof. Condon investigated and concluded there was nothing worth investigating.

One of Condon’s students was Cornell University astronomer Carl Sagan, who is also suspected of replacing Harvard astronomer, Donald Menzel, on the MJ-12 member list. Nuclear physicist and long-time UFO researcher, Stanton Friedman,  hypothesizes that Menzel and Sagan had classified MJ-12 assignments to misinform the public and media about the UFO/extraterrestrial presence in order to sustain the MJ-12 policy of denial in the interest of national security. ]

Robert Wood:  “My science team at McDonnell Douglas did not discover the secret of  anti-gravity, but we worked on it. Stanton Friedman, nuclear physicist and long-time UFO investigator, was one of the contributors to our work.

When the group broke up, I knew I wanted to attack this problem further. In the meantime, I had to earn a living. So, at McDonnell Douglas I became an expert on radar for ballistic missile defense and worked on the international space station and other space-related projects.

In 1993 after I retired, I heard from Stanton Friedman that Don Berliner at the Fund for UFO Research received undeveloped 35mm negative film by mail that I should see. So, I called up Don who asked me to visit him in Washington, D. C., and we went together to get some high quality photographs of the undeveloped film. That turned out to be  the SOM1-01 Special Operations Manual. I examined the blown up photographs in great detail and typed up paper copies of the text to share and study. That research got me very interested in the authentication of questioned documents. For Robert Wood details on the authentication of the SOM1-01, see 111903Earthfiles in Archive.

Restricted SOM1-01 MAJESTIC-12 Group Special

Operations Manual, dated April 1954 with War Department logo entitled: 

“Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal,” classified

TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES ONLY. Manual cover provided by Robert Wood. Entire

document of text and images can be seen in my book, Glimpses of Other Realities,

Vol. II: High Strangeness © 1998, and at

Robert Wood:  “In the meantime, I learned that Timothy Cooper’s father, Harry Bob Cooper, was assigned to Holloman AFB in the late 1940s and one of the jobs he had was to run their reprographics facility (document printing and copying). Apparently, in later life, he told his son, Timothy, that during his work at Holloman AFB, he was involved in some UFO research. The father, Harry Cooper, even had a certificate commending him for working in the UFO research program, which is amazing since the U. S. Air Force has never acknowledged the existence of such a program!

Tim says he was with his father on November 22, 1963, watching television about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Timothy told Bob Wood that there were tears in his father’s eyes when Harry Cooper said, ‘They really did it.’ That led Timothy to become very interested in the Kennedy assassination. Timothy Cooper started putting in Freedom of Information requests back in the late 1980s for information about the Kennedy assassination. At the same time, Timothy began to ask about UFOs. Timothy had put in FOIA requests to about fourteen different government agencies for everything they had about the Kennedy assassination and UFOs.

In 1996, Timothy Cooper received a surprise in the mail – a leaked document. Timothy wrote to UFO researchers, Stanton Friedman and Richard Haines, to let them know he had information relevant to White Sands in 1947. None of them did anything about it. There was no visit to Timothy until Stanton Friedman called me up and said, ‘You live a lot closer to Big Bear Lake, California, than I do. That’s where this Timothy Cooper is. Why don’t you go visit him?’

So, that was what caused my first visit to see Timothy Cooper in the early 1990s. He showed me some of the documents that he had received in various ways. I was pretty impressed. But most of what he first showed me were all xeroxed copies. He did not show me any original documents at that time.

June 1999 - Timothy Cooper Received

Two Significant Original Documents

But in June 1999, Timothy sent me an email saying, ‘Wow, you won’t believe what I got in the mail today!’ That was when I went to Bear Lake to visit him again for the second or third time. What he had received was the Vernon Bowen manuscript – 339 pages that came in an envelope mailed from Fort Meade, Maryland (U. S. Army and headquarters of the National Security Agency – See Websites below).

Encyclopaedia of Flying Saucers

© 1961 by Charles Vernon Bowen

Title page of Charles Vernon Bowen's 339-page 1961 manuscript classified


Timothy Cooper in June 1999, with original ink notes by Bowen in margin.

Now partially excerpted at See Websites below.

[ Editor's Note: writes about the Vernon Bowen manuscript title page above:  “Perhaps the most stunning physical evidence for the existence of the TOP SECRET/MAJIC program is this original 339 page manuscript about flying saucers. Written by Vernon Bowen, the original is on watermarked paper with red TOP SECRET/MAJIC stampings on some of the chapters. Most of the rest of the document is marked CONFIDENTIAL. Original handwritten marginalia shows linkages to Project White Hot, Twining, Vannevar Bush, Moon Dust, and Donald Menzel. A well written snapshot of the public history of flying saucers from 1947 to 1954. Bowen was personally well-connected to many top (government) people.”]

Robert Wood:  “The author was Charles Vernon Bowen who in 1961, produced a manuscript entitled Encyclopaedia of Flying Saucers. Then a friend of Bowen's in the U. S. Air Force asked to show Bowen's manuscript to some U. S. Air Force authority and some one there apparently gave it to someone else in the U. S. Army, because it was returned from the FOIA office at Fort Meade in 1999 to Timothy Cooper.

Charles Vernon Bowen was an advertising agent who spent most of his lunch time in the New York Public Library looking up everything in the Periodical Guide to Literature on UFOs and flying saucers. His encyclopaedia was basically an unclassified summary of everything he had read.

We’re not sure where exactly his manuscript went in the government, but we do know there were people actively reading it because they were writing on the margins. I’ve analyzed the age of the ink when those marginalia occurred. The earliest date is 1961 and those were the ink marks made by Vernon Bowen, the last marks he made on the manuscript. Other ink margin notes are dated 1977.

The interesting thing is that the notes made in the margins of this original manuscript were datable by pen and ink and some of the notes identified Harvard astronomer, Donald Menzel, as a guy who was a member of the inner (government UFO) circle.

 [Editor’s Note:  Donald Howard Menzel (April 11, 1901 to December 14, 1976). An American astronomer and astrophysicist who was one of the leading astronomers of his era. Menzel also earned notoriety as an early skeptic of UFOs as being any extraordinary phenomenon. Physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman reported that his own research (including examination of Harvard University archives) showed that Menzel had served as a consultant to the National Security Council.

The fact that Menzel had security clearance and worked with the U.S. government is not on its own extraordinary; many scientists participate in sensitive duties for the U.S. government. What is somewhat unusual about Menzel's case, is that he held the rarefied ‘Top Secret Ultra’ clearance. Menzel's dual membership in the academic community and in the black world of military secret projects was apparently unknown to many colleagues and military contacts in the USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center.

Friedman argues that Menzel's high-level clearance is evidence that he was a member of MJ-12. In fact, Friedman found Menzel's name on a list of purported MJ-12 members. Friedman then concluded that Menzel's persistent debunking of the UFO phenomenon was a deliberate MJ-12 assignment to misinform and reduce public and professional interest in UFOs.]

Vernon Bowen's Encyclopaedia is significant in that it’s one of only two or three documents I have that are on original paper where you can actually date the paper and ink and determine it was authentic for that era.


I think I saw it for the first time probably a week after he got it in June 1999. But I got possession of the documents in 2001, when Timothy Cooper became disenchanted with the UFO subject, wanted to become a TV script writer and was really short of cash.

I asked him, ‘How much would it take to buy from you everything you’ve got?’ He agreed on a price and he shipped me the documents.


Yes. And interestingly enough, one week after I had been at his Big Bear Lake, California, home and saw the Vernon Bowen inked manuscript with the TOP SECRET/MAJIC stamp on the title page, I received an email from Timothy saying, ‘You won’t believe what arrived in the mail yesterday!’ Then he alluded to the fact that a new memo he just received had apparently been scorched in a fire. That’s when I first heard about the burned memo. As far as I know, this ‘burned memo’ is the only document that I've ever heard anyone claim could be the authorization to kill President John F. Kennedy.”

First page, TOP SECRET/MJ-12 Central Intelligence Agency memo

from Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1) to MJ-2 through MJ-7 allegedly written

in 1961 to 1963 time period. Leaker says he worked1960 to 1974 in CIA counter-intelligence

for James Jesus Angleton, Director, CIA Counter-intelligence from 1954 to 1974. After James

Angleton died on May 12, 1987, leaker said he pulled this 9-page memorandum from a fire

that was burning up Angleton's most sensitive MJ-12 secret files.

Image provided by Robe


“As you must know LANCER [JFK] has made some inquiries

regarding our activities which we cannot allow.” 

- Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1)



August 3, 2008  Newport Beach, California - The following documents begin with the cover letter dated June 23, 1999, sent by the alleged CIA counter-intelligence leaker with the 9-page “burned memo” to Timothy Cooper at his Big Bear Lake, California, home.


Tab (A)  President's EYES ONLY.

Tab (B)  “NEED-TO-KNOW.”

Tab (C)  DoD 5200.1.

Tab (D)  Project BLUE BOOK.

Tab (E)  Freedom of Information.

Tab (F)  PSYOP.

Tab (G)  BW.

Tab (H)  Project ENVIRONMENT.

Above:  9-page, TOP SECRET/MJ-12 Central Intelligence Agency memo

from Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1) to MJ-2 through MJ-7 allegedly written

in 1961 to 1963 time period. Leaker says he worked1960 to 1974 in CIA counter-intelligence

for James Jesus Angleton, Director, CIA Counter-intelligence from 1954 to 1974. After James

Angleton died on May 12, 1987, leaker said he pulled this 9-page memorandum from a fire

that was burning up Angleton's most sensitive MJ-12 secret files.

All images in this report provided by Robert Wood.

To be continued in Part 3: Discussion about “Burn Memo” with Robert Wood, Ph.D.