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y like normal. A yellow code means you would be subject to repeated searches and interrogation by police before you would be allowed to fly. A red code means you can't fly and may be arrested.

The system will eventually be expanded to every form of public transportation, including ships, trains and buses. It will probably also be expanded eventually to issuing driver's licenses and even opening bank accounts. The criteria for determining your travel code is secret, and there is no provision for challenging it.

So if you're assigned a yellow or red travel code, and you are prohibited from visiting your own children or lose your job because you keep on missing business flights while police interrogate you, tough luck!

Now TSA has dropped another shocker: The number of U.S. citizens to be initially yellow- or red-coded is enormous! Up to 8% of all U.S. citizens are to be yellow-coded initially, and 2-3% red-coded. That's 10% of the entire U.S. adult population!

TSA says they plan to implement this system nationwide within 12 months. And CAAPS II is just one of many threats you now face to your liberty and privacy, in post 9-11 America, including:


Under Total Information Awareness, the Pentagon is now creating comprehensive, computerized dossiers on every man, woman and child in America. (Code names: "The Beast" and "the Matrix.") If anything suspicious turns up, expect a visit from the new security police.


The USA Patriot Act creates the new crime of "bulk cash smuggling.' If you now leave or enter the U.S. without declaring that you have more than $10,000 in cash or currency instruments, you can be stripped of your money - without any proof you have committed any crime. You can also be sentenced to five years in prison.

Even carrying more than a few hundred dollars in cash in the U.S. can now result in your cash being seized by police as "drug money," under civil asset forfeiture laws.

Under the Patriot Act, your bank accounts can also now be seized if you have given even a single dollar to a Muslim charity or any organization the government classifies as "terrorist sympathizers," or if you have committed any of over 400 offenses - including shoplifting or drunk driving.


Under the USA Patriot Act (passed in October 2001), if you are accused of any activities which "violate federal or state law" and which "endanger human life" (participating in a demonstration where someone is injured?) you can now be classified as a "suspected terrorist" or "enemy combatant," and imprisoned indefinitely without trial.

At least 2,000 people have already been detained under this law, and hundreds are still imprisoned without charges -- including at least two dozen U.S. citizens.


To fully inform you of the dangers you now face in post-9/11 America - and how to protect yourself- we have created a new Special Report:

"Shadow Over the Land: The emerging American police state,

and how to fight back

This is the first report ever to detail the many Orwellian threats to your liberty and privacy in the U.S. after 9/11 - including universal passenger screening . . . Total Information Awareness . . . shocking details of the pending Patriot II and Victory Acts . . . the Pentagon's new "Beast" national data bank . . . real-time tracking of you by a new national facial- recognition system now being tested . . . new cash confiscation laws . . . indefinite detention without trial . . . and much more.

If you're like most people, you don't have any idea of how vulnerable you now are to police interrogations . . . confiscation of your assets . . . restrictions on travel . . . arrest . . . and even indefinite detention without trial.

WHAT'S NEXT "Shadow Over the Land" gives you the urgent information you need to anticipate what to expect next, protect yourself, and fight back politically. You will learn:

-- What will happen to your freedom and privacy after the next major terror attack . . . and why you can expect that attack before the next presidential election.

-- How the new terror laws are about to affect your finances, freedom and privacy.

-- Who in government, big defense and big media are behind the push to wipe out your liberty and privacy - (and why).

-- The growing opposition to authoritarian new laws, including the 174 communities that have gone on record opposing the Patriot Act or even banned enforcement of it!

-- Dozens of simple and practical techniques you can still use to protect your assets and freedom, get money out of the U.S., and save your family.

-- 20 easy ways to get politically active and make a positive difference in the future for your children and grandchildren.

To learn more about the growing war on your liberty and privacy, and how to protect yourself, click here:
