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Required Government computer chip in Humans, May, 2008 !

Michelle Bruce

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loaded the DMV form an my Alaska Drivers license had my photo on it and thought that maybe that would help her out. She waved my AK DL in front of me and stated "California doesn't recognize this as a Federal ID"!!! I was floored. She told me to return with my birth certificate. I left...angry of course. I went home and ordered my birth certificate from Nevada,. costing me $41.00.

Three days later I went back into the DMV (my AKDL was expired at this point). I took the test, passed and was going through the process of obtaining my California license...the clerk then asked me what last name I would be using on my drivers license!!! Incredulously I asked her what on earth is she talking about. She then informed me that the last name on my birth certificate was different than what was on my Alaska drivers license and she didn't know which name to use! I stared at her with my mouth open in astonishment! I then managed to explain to her that the last name I had been born with was called my "maiden" name, which of course changed when I had married...thus explaining the different last name showing on my Alaska Drivers License. She asked me if I had changed my name back to my maiden name when I divorced and I informed her I hadn't. She then told me that in order to give me the California Drivers License I had to bring in a certified copy of my marriage certificate to prove my name had indeed been changed from my maiden to married last name! We're talking about something that happened over 25 years ago!

NOW I'm being asked to prove my name had changed! At this point I flipped out and in a very threatening voice told the clerk that I'd come into the DMV three freakin times to get a blasted drivers license and I wasn't leaving without one. I informed her that I was divorced and didn't even have a marriage certificate (having gleefully destroyed it along time ago along with my wedding pictures)..I had provided her with more than the required two pieces of identity. I was furious! The clerk's supervisor was sitting next to her and told the clerk to go ahead and give me the drivers license.

At that point they required me to submit my thumbprint to them. I complained about the lack of freedom in this state and asked them why they just didn't tell everyone that in order to get a drivers license in their state we would need to bring in a suitcase full of ID,s as well as blood and urine samples to go with our thumbprints!! The supervisor then informed me that as of May 2008 that won't be necessary as every state will require (as per Federal Law) every driver to go to the DMV and obtain a FEDERAL ID number which will be implanted in the hand of the individual!!!! They ACTUALLY told me this at the DMV! Apparently, several years ago the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT tried to get a law passed requiring everyone to receive a FEDERAL ID NUMBER. It was turned down by the citizens of the United States.

Well, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT being the lying, cheating criminals that they are-quietly inserted that law into a bill giving federal funds to the Katrina victims. When that bill did the requirement to receive a FEDERAL ID NUMBER! According to that (now) law, as of MAY 2008, every driver will be required to go to their local DMV office to obtain a federal ID number. They must take in certified copies of their birth certificates, marriage & divorce certificates and social security card. They will also submit to being finger and/or thumbprinted. They will then receive their new FEDERAL ID NUMBER to be inserted under the skin of their hand. At that time they will then be licensed to drive! If you choose not to participate in this FEDERAL ID will not be able to: DRIVE, TRAVEL ON COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT, GO INTO FEDERAL BUILDINGS (that means you can't defend yourself in Federal Courts if you don't have a FEDERAL ID number) STEP ONTO FEDERAL LANDS (say goodbye to hiking, camping, rafting, etc....), RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY, RECEIVE ANY FEDERAL FUNDS & BENEFITS, RECEIVE TAX REFUNDS, WORK FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, RECEIVE WAGES FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, SERVE IN ANY OF THE ARMED FORCES, RECEIVE VA BENEFITS etc...etc...etc...

Does this LAW affect YOU??? Do you like it? IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THIS LAW You MUST fight this. You have one year to get your representatives to reverse this law. You MUST write all your Congressmen, Senators and Representatives and DEMAND that this "LAW" be reversed. None of us can afford to sit and ignore this law.

This law effectively takes away our last remaining rights as citizens of this country. When the Federal Government starts to enforce this will NOT have any rights. NONE! You cannot stand on the Constitution as it will be ONLY for those who have received their ID number!!! Don't believe me??? Call your local DMV and ask them!!!!.... PLEASE PROTECT WHAT LITTLE RIGHTS WE STILL HAVE LEFT.....FIGHT THIS LAW! EVIL PROSPERS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING

If we choose not to fight this law.....we DESERVE the government we get.

As you can imagine, I left the Auburn, California DMV in shock!!

Our government is not for's against us...