URGENT vote today on IRS bill . .
Mat Staver
The U.S. House is holding an unexpected vote TODAY on the misnamed “Inflation [Expansion] Act of 2022.” Nancy Pelosi’s calling this vote last minute made each Representative pack their bag and fly back to Capitol Hill. If the House passes this bill, it will then return to the Senate where the last vote was 50-50 with Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. We can stop this bill!
One legislator described this bill as having “something in there for everyone to hate.”
House Democrats have just a four-vote majority at this moment. This means more of them are facing an uphill reelection battle and are very concerned about what the voters think less than three months before the election. Your voice is more powerful than you think! — Mat
Joe Biden and the head of the IRS were pushing erroneous talking points that this new, massive IRS effort will not target any person making less than 400,000 dollars per year. So, Republicans decided to put those words to the test. They introduced an amendment that would limit this bill to do exactly what the Democrats are claiming.
Democrats instantly shot down the amendment protecting people earning less than 400,000. This exposes these lies for what they really are.
Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), who helped write the Trump tax cuts, said the bill will target people making 75,000 or less. This bill will enable about 1.2 million new audits on top of the normal number of audits, and 60% or more will not have the money to fight these government goons.
When the IRS audits from last year were studied, more than half of them targeted taxpayers who earned 75,000 or less, according to The Daily Signal. If this bill is passed and the same pattern holds, the IRS will likely launch 460,000 or more new audits on people making 50,000 or less.
The IRS will be targeting hard-working middle-class Americans. They will try to squeeze blood from a turnip to pay for the nearly 800-billion-dollar bill.
The Biden administration has weaponized every federal agency. I never could have imagined that FBI agents would swarm the home of a former U.S. president. This administration will target anyone it wants to destroy.
Joe Biden is very familiar with the weaponization of the IRS. He and Obama directed the agency to go after nonprofit organizations.
This bill will expand the IRS budget by SIX TIMES what it is now and direct the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents. Help stop this inflation-causing bill attacking people and institutions. Send your urgent faxes to both the House and Senate to stop this radical takeover of our nation!
Included in its 730 pages, this bill will do all of the following, and more:
Remember Solyndra, the green energy solar panel startup that fleeced the government and taxpayers out of 535 million dollars? That amount of money is just 0.2% of the money this current bill throws at the same type of “green,” untested companies!
It will penalize the recent investments of honest American businesses that have reinvested into our country.
It will increase the deficit and further cause inflation.
It raises taxes on nearly every American.
It forces socialist price controls on drugs that will cost lives.
It bails out the already failed Obamacare and pumps thousands of dollars in subsidies to people making half a million dollars per year!
It will raise costs to get gas to the pump by reinstating the Superfund tax on American oil. This will hurt and hamper stateside drilling.
It will layer on another tax for our senior citizens and punish people who save with a 1% tax on the value of stock buybacks.
And this is just the start.
This massive spending will further push our nation over the edge of debt, inflation and market instability. And these are just a few of the worst problems of this bill. Tell Congress to STOP this bad bill now! Send your urgent faxes to Congress to stop this radical takeover of our nation!
While the bill will expand the IRS budget by SIX TIMES, it will do nothing to address the serious backlog that goes back years.
Instead, this bill spends 14 times MORE on enforcement to punish Americans than on improving the IRS’s renowned poor customer service.
This bill is clearly about punishing Americans to pay for socialist projects. This will supercharge the IRS to attack and intimidate you and other Americans.
And, make no mistake, the Biden administration will weaponize the IRS to target Christian and conservative nonprofit organizations.
We already know that the IRS has gone out of its way to target people of faith and conservative viewpoints.
That is why we need to block this bill. We have a very short time frame. Democrats are desperate to pass this horrible bill.
Imagine adding 87,000 more IRS agents. That is unthinkable. And this is only one of the problems with this bill. Send your urgent faxes to Congress to stop this radical takeover of our nation!
We must stop the inflation bill. It will usher in aspects of socialism while crushing freedom and wasting trillions of dollars while weaponizing the IRS to target law-abiding people and organizations.
DOUBLE your gift through our Challenge Grant.
In the midst of this assault of freedom, be encouraged with this promise in Isaiah 26: “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever” (vv.3-4a).
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Brady, Kevin. “Tax Provisions in Manchin-Biden ‘Build Back Better.’” House Ways and Means Committee. August 11, 2022.
Brady, Kevin. “Senate Version of Manchin-Biden Build Back Better: IRS audits on lower- & middle-income earners, new taxes on small business, and cure-killing drug price controls.” House Ways and Means Committee. August 7, 2022.
Richards, Gillian. “Which Americans Are Most Likely to Be Audited by IRS under ‘Inflation Reduction Act’?” The Daily Signal, August 10, 2022. Dailysignal.com/2022/08/10/these-americans-are-most-likely-to-be-audited-by-irs-under-inflation-reduction-act/.
Yarmuth, John A. “Text - H.R.5376 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Build Back Better Act.” Congress.gov. September 27, 2021. Congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5376/text.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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