SORCHA FAAL: West Creates “Flashpoint Out Of Thin Air” While Presiding Over “Meat Grinder Hell”
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov responding to Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden saying he wants to have negotiations with Russia and China on nuclear weapon arms reduction with the statement: “At the current state of foreign relations development, they didn’t even propose to renew these talks...No requests on reopening this negotiating process have been made...The West has developed a habit of making announcements on the microphone and then forgetting about them”, says quick to follow was Director General Fu Cong of the Chinese Foreign Ministry stating: “The United States should withdraw all its nuclear weapons from Europe and refrain from deploying nuclear weapons in any other region”, then he called on the international community to “reject double standards in the area of non-proliferation”.
After responding to Socialist Leader Biden’s forgettable microphone announcement, this report notes, Foreign Minister Lavrov condemned Western colonial leader House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan, branding it a display of American disregard for international norms, and stated: “It was the drive to prove to everyone their impunity and to act accordingly. ‘I do whatever I want’, something like that...I can hardly imagine any other reason to create a flashpoint out of thin air, despite knowing what it would mean for China”—a condemnation joined by top Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, who stated: “We see this, it is being recorded by all countries of the world...We stand in absolute solidarity with China here...Its sensitivity to this issue is understandable...It is justified...And instead of respecting this the United States is choosing the path of confrontation...It doesn’t bode well”.
In response to the socialist Biden Regime disregarding international norms, this report continues, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng summoned US Ambassador Nicholas Burns and delivered to him the warning message: “The move is extremely egregious in nature and the consequences are extremely serious…China will not sit idly by”, after which he proclaimed to the Chinese peoples: “The United States must pay the price for its own mistake…China will take necessary and resolute countermeasures and we mean what we say”—a proclamation swiftly followed by China’s air traffic authority sending a formal notice to airlines operating in Asia advising them to stay out of six zones around Taiwan—today it saw China officially branding the United States and Taiwan as “the destroyers of peace”—and though it is not known how China is going to avenge itself, it has been assessed: “The saying goes that revenge is a dish best served cold...And China certainly has a lot of time on its hands to let that dish languish, choosing a time and place of its own to react...With the flick of a pen, Chinese officials could seriously upset the US economy, exacerbate inflation and send Biden’s Democrats packing in this year’s midterm elections, which would also mean dethroning Nancy Pelosi as speaker”.
In another example of socialist Biden Regime warmongering lunacy, this report details, quickly after Ukraine announced efforts to legalize homosexual marriage it saw Socialist Leader Biden rewarding them with more American weapons worth $550-million—and while viewing this lunacy, it caused former top Pentagon official and combat legend retired US Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor to assert that much of the military aid earmarked for Ukraine never reaches the country itself, with him revealing: “Most of the money goes to the Department of Defense to compensate the armed forces for the movement of equipment and resources over to Europe…That money in turn is then transferred to the defense industries, the contractors who support and provide the replacement equipment…The whole circular operation enriches everyone who is important to Capitol Hill in terms of re-election”, then he assessed: “My own view is that this war in Ukraine will not end with a bang but with a whimper, that eventually we will just sort of quietly run out of resources...We’ll have so many problems at home here in the United States that we’ll no longer bother with Ukraine”.
After top Ukrainian defense official VadimSkibitsky acknowledged they consult with Washington before launching strikes and that Washington has veto power over decision-making, this report notes, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded with the factual statement: “No other confirmation of the direct involvement of the United States in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine is required...They are fully involved…Now Kiev representatives are talking about their military involvement not only through the supply of weapons, but through personnel management in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, direct instructions and the choice of targets”.
As to how effective direct American involvement in Ukraine is, however, this report continues, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) notes that over the past day Russian troops delivered a strike by precision missiles to wipe out a depot of Polish-supplied armaments and ammunition in the Lvov Region, and in the Kharkiv region, the commanders of a battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine refused to follow orders—are Ukrainian commanders daily watching as unstoppable Russian military forces obliterate everything in their path—according to an independent military assessment, Russian military forces have obliterated 11,200 Ukrainian troops between 7 July and 2 August alone—is wholesale carnage confirmed by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who during a 5-minute address last evening fearfully stated: “We are unable to break the Russian army’s advantage in artillery and manpower, and this is very much felt in the fighting, especially in Donbass…Peski, Avdeevka, other directions…It’s just hell there…It cannot even be described in words”—but even though President Zelensky didn’t have the words to describe this “hell”, the same can’t be said about Ukrainian journalist YuriyButusov who’s embedded with the military in Donbass, and just posted an expletive-laden report from Peski calling it a “meat grinder”, wherein he revealed: “There is no counter-battery fire, none at all...Russian forces are firing 6,500 shells per fucking village in less than 24 hours...It’s been like this for six days now, and it’s hard to fathom how any number of our infantry remain alive under this barrage...Without counter-battery fighting, it turns into a senseless meat grinder, where huge numbers of our infantry are chewed up in one day...A reserve platoon that tried to advance was taken apart in minutes, with only one out of 15 men left unharmed...All the reserves are spent, the military equipment goes up in flames, and the enemy approaches and takes our positions without any problems after another barrage of artillery...Right now we are losing Péski, all our human and material capabilities are almost exhausted”.
Most critical to notice about the “meat grinder hell” in Ukraine, this report notes, is the factual observation: “The one aspect about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine that stands out the most is media coverage…Never in the history of corporate media has coverage been so biased and one-sided…And it does not stop there…Questioning the standard narrative is akin to treason and subject to censorship and cancellation”—and is critical to notice because the socialist Western colonial leftist media propaganda “standard narrative” about Ukraine has just met the reality: “Almost no American see Russia as a problem...Just 1% of Americans polled by Gallup cited Moscow as their top concern, compared to 17% for inflation”.
Causing the absolute failure of the “standard narrative” about Ukraine, this report continues, are the Americans awakening to the factual reality that this conflict was deliberately instigated and ignited by the socialist Western colonial powers as a means to distract from their own dismal failures—are failures not seen in Russia or China, whose popular governments promote such values as family, morality, solidarity, patriotism and secure borders—in order to keep their peoples from asking why Russia as a Christian theocracy works as well as China’s corporate-communism, the Western colonial powers have turned them into enemies—and is a fact the West doesn’t even hide, as evidenced by the leftist Bloomberg News article published in April entitled “To Save Democracy, We Need A Few Good Dictators”, wherein it revealed the Western colonial powers ignited the Ukraine conflict to brand Russia and China enemies to save themselves from their own peoples, and stated: “President Joe Biden talks of Russia’s war in Ukraine as part of a “battle between democracy and autocracy”...But we are not actually in a fight for democracy, however counterintuitive that seems...After all, Ukraine itself for many years has been a weak, corrupt, institutionally underdeveloped basket case of a democracy”,
In belatedly acknowledging the catastrophic damage being caused by the Western colonial powers, this report concludes, last week it saw the American magazine of international relations and US foreign policy Foreign Affairs published by the Council on Foreign Relations releasing its warning article “Ukraine Won’t Save Democracy”, wherein it assesses: “The threat to democracy comes from within, from Western and other societies themselves...The entire Ukrainian plot was planned solely to revive liberal internationalism and breathe new life into the increasingly dysfunctional post-Cold War world order, and at the same time intimidate dozens of countries of the world from embracing Russia and China”—an assessment followed by top Kremlin advisor Dmitry Kosyrev, who, in his just released open letter “Ukraine Will Not Help, The West Will Have To Save Itself Differently”, directly told the Western colonial powers: “Ukraine is your garbage dump where you're fanning a war in order to save your own system”—is catastrophic Western colonial damage so severe, today it caused top Foreign Ministry official Aleksey Drobinin to declare that Russian cooperation with the West has now ended forever, with him stating: “Regardless of the duration and outcome of the special military operation, even now we can acknowledge that a three-decade-long period of mostly constructive, if problematic cooperation with the West is gone for good”—and was a declaration immediately joined by Russia warning the world: “Nuclear conflict scenarios are back on table”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
August 3, 2022 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]