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Democrat Senator Furious With Biden Over His ‘Inaction’

TTN Staff

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September 7, 2021

Senator Richard Blumenthal is furious with President Joe Biden over his “inaction” to facilitate the evacuation of American and Afghan allies stranded in the country.

According to The Daily Wire:

The Biden administration’s inaction has raised the ire of at least one Democratic senator, Blumenthal, who ripped into the Biden administration on Monday. Blumenthal sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“My staff & I have worked night & day to secure the safe passage of two planes waiting in Mazar-e Sharif to take American citizens, at-risk Afghan allies, & their families to safety,” Blumenthal said. “My office joined forces in this humanitarian mission with an incredible coalition of advocates—NGOs, former servicemembers, & journalists—to try & evacuate our fellow citizens & Afghan allies.”

“I haven’t yet spoken publicly about these efforts because we worried that heightened attention would only escalate tensions & put these people at even greater risk of being targeted,” he continued. “I have been deeply frustrated, even furious, at our government’s delay & inaction. There will be plenty of time to seek accountability for the inexcusable bureaucratic red tape that stranded so many of our Afghan allies.”

“For now, my singular focus remains getting these planes in the air & safely to our airbase in Doha, where they have already been cleared to land,” the senator added. “I expect the White House & State Department to do everything in their power—absolutely everything—to make this happen. These are Americans citizens & Afghans who risked everything for our country. We cannot leave them behind.”

The State Department has stated that it lacks the resources to help the private groups, The Washington Free Beacon reported.