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Britain Calls Out Biden Admin for Lying


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August 31, 2021

The United States is trying to blame the British for keeping Abbey Gate open, but British officials have said this is simply, not true.

According to The Daily Wire:

Top British officials are forcefully pushing back on classified records that appear to have been leaked by the Biden administration that blame Britain for the Abbey Gate remaining open when an ISIS terrorist detonated a suicide vest, killing 13 U.S. service members and roughly 200 Afghans.

“Just to pick up on something which has emerged from the United States over the past 24 hours, there seems to be an accusation by the Americans that we somehow endangered their forces on the ground by insisting on one of the gates at the airport, remaining open, what is the truth of it?” a Sky News host asked Dominic Raab, Britain’s Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State.

“Look, we coordinate very closely with the U.S., in particular around the ISIS-K threat that we anticipated, although tragically we’re not able to prevent,” Raab said. “But we, it’s certainly right to say that we got our civilian staff out of the processing center by Abbey Gate–, but there’s no, it’s just not true to suggest that other than securing our civilians staff inside the airport that we were pushing to leave the gate open.”

Raab continued, “In fact, and let me just be clear about this, we were issuing changes of travel advice before the bomb attack took place and saying to people in the crowd, which is what I was particularly concerned that certainly UK nationals and anyone else should leave because of the risk.”



The US claimed that they kept the gate open in order to allow British allies to evacuate through the gate. That was reported by Politico.