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House Republican Calls to Impeach Biden, DHS Chief Over Border Crisis

Szlly Kent

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August 3, 2021

President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas are facing calls to be impeached over their handling of the border crisis. Texas Rep. Chip Roy called for the two Democrats to be impeached arguing they had both violated Article II of the constitution after blatantly refusing to enforce immigration laws.


The Daily Wire reports:

“Total encounters: 205,029. Total known gotaways: 37,400,” Roy tweeted. “1.3 million for [Fiscal Year] 21 so far. Largest monthly encounter number since 2000.”

The numbers, if accurate, would be the largest total ever recorded by DHS, which was created in 2002 in response to the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks.

“What Joe Biden is doing at our border is impeachable,” Jesse Kelly, a political commentator, responded. “It’s more impeachable than Watergate. This is an attack on the sovereignty of America and it’s coming from the Oval Office. Republicans should move to impeach after 2022.”

In an exclusive statement to The Daily Wire, Roy explained his call to impeach Biden and Mayorkas, saying: “Over the past several months, President Biden and Sec. Mayorkas have blatantly and consistently refused to do their constitutional duty to take care that the immigration laws be faithfully executed, as required by Article II, endangering countless American and foreign lives in the process.”

A Washington Post reporter later confirmed Rep. Roy’s initial border numbers.