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MURDOCK: Back-to-Normal Biden Remains AWOL

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March 18, 2021

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NEW YORK — Some 80 million ballots were cast for Joe Biden last fall, many because voters believed that he would bring America “back to normal” — such as it was before Donald J. Trump’s highly effective, albeit-tumultuous, presidency. Nearly two months into the Biden Era, voters should feel betrayed. Nothing comes close to normal.

Start with the catastrophe on the U.S.-Mexico border. Biden promised a 100-day moratorium on deportations of illegal aliens, including violent criminals. His campaign website still pledges to “Reverse Trump’s public charge rule” and make America “open and welcoming to all, not just the wealthy.” This includes those who show up and then sign up for government assistance. 


Biden said he would “Increase the number of refugees we welcome into the country.” On Day One, he halted southern-border-wall construction and junked Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy. Biden soon scrapped Trump’s anti-caravan pacts with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. He then unveiled an eight-year path to citizenship for illegals.

These policies screamed, “¡Ven y cógelo!” — “Come and get it!”

Biden personally engineered a humanitarian, medical, and national-security disaster. 

Last month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered 100,441 illegal aliens on the southern frontier, up 97 percent, year on year. As of March 14, CBP had 13,000 unaccompanied minors in custody versus 3,200 last week — up 406 percent. 

Biden is releasing COVID-19-positive illegals into America and apparently leaving thousands more untested. House Democrats on Wednesday sank Iowa Republican Rep. Marianette Miller-Meeks’ bill to require illegals to test COVID-19-negative before entering the USA.

Team Biden has capsized Team Trump’s transparency. It has gagged Border Patrol agents and blocked journalists who try to document the pandemonium in Biden-Harris’ child-clogged detention facilities or “reception centers,” as they propose to rebrand them. Why not call them concierge desks?

Also, three Yemenis and a Serb on the FBI’s terrorist-watch list were nabbed at the border since October. How many others slipped through?

While the border resembles a house with a wide-open garage door, the U.S. Capitol echoes East Berlin. A huge fence, topped with concertina wire, has surrounded America’s legislature since January 6’s deadly riot. Absent any discernable threat, National Guard chief General Daniel R. Hokanson tried to withdraw 2,280 troops deployed on Capitol Hill.

However, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin overruled Hokanson and ordered these guardsmen to stay until May 23. Team Biden now owns this military occupation against nothing in particular.

Unlike President Trump’s five, bipartisan COVID-19 relief bills, Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan passed Congress with only Democrat votes. Atop other outrages, this spend-o-rama provides $1,400 stimulus checks to federal and state inmates. 

The White House announced that it would re-open America’s K-12 classrooms. Overpromising and underdelivering, the goal is merely to teach in person in at least half of schools for at least one day per week.

Meanwhile, cancel culture is thriving. Beloved toys and characters such as Mr. Potato Head, Dumbo, Pepe Le Pew, Peter Pan, and Speedy Gonzalez have been ostracized as — what else? — racist, sexist, and gender-binary. Biden fueled this national menace by purging Dr. Seuss from the annual Read Across America Day proclamation on March 2, Seuss’ birthday. This reinforced Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ ceased publication of six titles that previously had harmed no one. eBay then banned used copies of these volumes. This carbon-neutral book burning perfectly suits America’s neo-totalitarian Left.

New presidents usually lead press conferences by this point. Instead, Biden has held zero such events in his first 57 days. Biden plans a presser for March 28 — Day 64 of his presidency. Such stage fright pre-dates President Herbert Hoover.

By their first March 16, these presidents had conducted multiple solo press conferences: Trump five, Obama two, G.W. Bush three, and Bill Clinton six.

One might applaud these changes as triumphs of social justice or assail them as the hardest-Left broadside against the American Way ever. But nobody can call Biden’s first two months a return to normal.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.