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WATCH: Reporters shout questions at Biden after he signs phony COVID bill and he LEAVES Oval Office to get away from them

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Reporter were allowed into the Oval Office to witness Biden signing the phony COVID relief bill and here’s what happened after he was done:

When Biden is done a few reporters immediately start shouting questions and Biden then leaves the Oval Office with Kamala as reporters are being told to vacate.

Isn’t that weird? Why would Biden leave his office?

When Trump sat in the Oval Office with reporters, he wasn’t afraid of taking questions. But when he was done answering reporters he didn’t get up and leave. Rather, he sat there and watched as reporters continued to shout as they were being instructed to leave.

Are they so afraid of Biden slipping up and taking a question that they make him leave so he isn’t tempted to answer? That’s what it looks like and how ridiculous!