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Biden Just Made History

TTN Staff

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March 11, 2021

President Biden has officially made history. Biden has been president for 50 days and has yet to hold a solo formal press conference making him the first president in modern history to do so.

Both President Trump and President Obama each held formal press conferences within 30 days of entering the White House.

Fox News reports:


While the president has taken questions from time to time from reporters during White House events about his administration’s early actions, the White House has not yet scheduled a time for him to do so in a formal setting.

“It is extraordinary, but predictable,” former Trump White House press secretary and Fox News analyst Kayleigh McEnany said. “I remember I warned reporters, in a joking way, when it was clear Biden was the incoming president, they should get used to the feeling of not seeing a president regularly.”

“If history was any indicator, the basement strategy would continue, just not in the basement, in the Oval,” McEnany said. “He promised to be transparent but he’s been anything but that.”

But McEnany said she felt the lack of press conferences was due to a “lack of confidence” in the president from his administration.

Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki has repeatedly said Biden will hold a solo press conference but hasn’t given any specifics when it will occur.