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Trump Defense Lawyer Pam Bondi Eloquently Explains the Biden's Ukraine Rolls


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Trump Defense Lawyer Pam Bondi Eloquently Explains the Biden's Ukraine Rolls

Trump's defense lawyer Pam Bondi exposed Joe and Hunter Biden's roles within Ukraine in front of the full Senate and the indictment drew the praise of CNN's chief legal analyst Jeffry Toobin.

According to The Daily Caller:

Bondi suggested the Ukrainian gas firm Burisma only hired Hunter Biden to gain influence over his father, who was then Barack Obama’s point man on Ukraine.


“In fact, every witness who is asked about Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma agreed, there was a potential appearance of a conflict of interest. Multiple House Democratic witnesses, including those from the Department of State, the National Security Council, and others unanimously testified there was a potential appearance of a conflict of interest,” Bondi told those assembled in the Senate chamber.


“Hunter Biden was paid significantly more than board members for major U.S. Fortune 100 companies said Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup. The typical board member of these fortune 100 companies are titans of industry, highly qualified, and as such, they are well compensated. Even so, Hunter Biden was paid significantly more. This is how well he was compensated. Hunter Biden is paid over $83,000 a month. The average American family of four during that time each year made less than $54,000.”

“When speaking with ABC News about his qualifications to be on Burisma’s board, Hunter Biden did not point to any of the usual qualifications of a board member. Hunter Biden had no experience and natural gas, no experience in the energy sector, no experience with Ukrainian regulatory affairs. As far as we know, he doesn’t speak Ukrainian. Naturally, the media has asked questions about his board membership.”

Watch the takedown here:

Bondi also pointed out how Joe Biden bragged that he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor looking into his son's corruption was not fired.

CNN's Jeffery Toobin praised Bondi's ability to show just how sleazy Hunter Biden was.

According to Newsweek:

CNN's chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin praised former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi for one aspect of her defense of President Donald Trump during the impeachment trial Monday, saying she did an "effective job" talking about Hunter Biden.

Toobin was however critical of the rest of Trump's defense team's work today, including Bondi and attorney Eric Hershmann's condemnation of former Vice President Joe Biden.

"I thought Attorney General Bondi did an effective job at showing how sleazy the hiring of Hunter Biden was," Toobin told Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer Monday. "There is no way to dress that up. He was given a great deal of money for a job he was unqualified for and the only reason he got it is because he was the vice president's son."


When asked by White House counsel Steve Castor if Hunter Biden was qualified for his position at Burisma, Vindman answered, "As far as I can tell, he didn't seem to be, but like I said, I don't know his qualifications."

The Biden's corruption has been at the center of the impeachment probe because it was their corruption that warranted the inquiry by President Trump. However, Democrats continue to argue that because Joe Biden was Trump's "political rival" it made him immune from investigation, especially if the inquiry was made by President Trump.