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31 Dems not committed to impeachment

Mat Staver

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Last night, news broke that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 31 Democrat legislators from districts President Trump won in 2016, REFUSED TO PUBLICLY VOICE SUPPORT FOR IMPEACHMENT.


This signals there could be a major break in the ranks of Democrats against impeachment. And you could be what makes the difference.


Rep. Anthony Brindisi, a New York Democrat, said he "will make a decision over the weekend." According to the Daily Caller, Brindisi said he has gotten "a lot" of people who have contacted his office and "we'll take that all into consideration" as he makes this important decision.


For less than a dollar per legislator, you can have a personalized, urgent fax sent to these decision-makers. I urge you to take action today! - Mat



The truth is, Democrats are having to lie about the impeachment in order to try to move it forward.


From the beginning, Rep. John Ratcliffe said the "whistleblower" made false written and verbal statements under oath. Then Rep. Schiff shut down Rep. Elise Stefanik from even speaking, let alone asking questions, during the short time allotted to Republicans. After which, Democratic legal counsel Daniel Goldman testified under oath that no significant Republican questions were blocked!


This is a bold coup in broad daylight attacking our president and trying to oust him from his office.


During this whole process, radicals continue to change their accusations. From day one it has been impeachment in search of a crime. And these vulnerable Democratic legislators are concerned. Some are even publicly pushing for alternatives to impeachment, such as Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ).


These legislators are listening to the voters, and they are nervous about impeachment. And they should be! Impeachment is a house of cards built on lies and based on radicals' hate against President Trump and anyone who supports him.


Now is the time to stop this gestapo in its tracks. "Never in our country's history has a President been treated so unfairly by a sham investigation with one-sided testimony meant to undermine the will of the American people," said the Vice President Press Secretary, Katie Waldman.


The mainstream media, lobbyist groups, and radical legislators all are pushing to erase the 2016 election and erase the rule of law in our nation. Let's push back.

Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is starting to send conflicting messages. Yesterday she told reporters that she "won't be asking how others plan to vote, and that she is not trying to convince anyone to vote a certain way." She even hinted that impeachment could be "beneficial" to the president.


But radicals are a long way down this path. It will take a strong outpouring of freedom-loving Americans to stop them now. I hope you will demand the rule of law and justice prevail in our U.S. House using the only tool that these legislators truly care about—their reelection.

In case you think for one minute that radicals ACTUALLY care about whistleblowers, look at how they are treating my client Sandra Merritt, the person who exposed Planned Parenthood’s human organ sales. (Hint: They sent her to jail.) These radicals only care about their own agenda.


But at Liberty Counsel Action, we care about justice, we care about the truth, and we care about stopping this impeachment. Monday through Friday we are pounding the Capitol pavement to meet with legislators and other national leaders to find out how we can stop these attacks on our nation’s future. Help us stand up to the gestapo with an urgent donation.


We have spoken the truth to power. Because of that, we have been censored, shadow banned, and blocked by companies labeling our work as “spam” this year. This has hurt the spread of our message and diminished donations thus far. If you can, please make a donation today to help us meet our expenses for the year. Also, any donation that you make above the cost to send a fax goes to help support our organization.


As always, I am so grateful for the prayers and the support you have given our organization.



Mat Staver


P.S. Radicals are doing everything they can to suppress the truth. Now is the time to throw back the curtain and shine light on Capitol Hill by sending an urgent fax demanding a "no" vote on impeachment and exoneration for President Trump.


Sign our petition right now to have your name given to our President. If you are able to donate, your support allows us to continue fighting for truth and justice on Capitol Hill. Help Liberty Counsel Action spread the word and gather more signatures by sending this email to your friends.



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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
