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GOP Judiciary members say Democrats never provided evidence to support impeachment charges

Shanon Peckham

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 December 14, 2019

GOP congressmen are voicing their frustration with Democrats’ articles of impeachment, but have said they are not surprised.

Following Friday’s decision, GOP Judiciary Committee members stated they are disappointed Democrats are still pursuing impeachment, despite not being able to provide any evidence for their charges against President Trump.




After today’s partisan committee vote, it is now crystal clear, that for Democrats, impeachment isn’t about the facts, it’s solely about politics. …

if it weren’t for double standards, Democrats wouldn’t have any


Rep. Mike Johnson stated Democrats are intentionally mishandling the impeachment process for political benefit. He said they failed to produce any evidence to support removing the president from office.

“The way our Constitution is written, is that the party in charge, even if you have the majority in Congress, you don’t get to remove a president because you don’t like them,” said Rep.

Johnson. “They did not produce a scintilla of evidence to support a charge of impeachment, and that’s why we’re so frustrated.”

Rep. Debbie Lesko also condemned the committee’s decision. She pointed out she had predicted Democrats would continue impeachment efforts even if there was no cause to charge the president.

“I have known that my fellow Democrats were going to go for impeachment since January of this year when they got power.

They predetermined they were going to do it and they did it, come hell or high water. They had no proof, no evidence, no crime. But they went ahead anyway and they’re tearing the country apart. They should be ashamed.”

– Debbie Lesko, U.S. Representative (R-AZ 8th District)


Congresswoman Debbie Lesko



Today the House Judiciary Committee voted on articles of impeachment against President @realDonaldTrump.

My vote was a resounding NO.

This entire process has been rigged from the start.




12:15 - 13 Dec 2019

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Louis Gohmert pointed out the hypocrisy of the House’s charges and stated that Democrats are really the ones guilty of abusing power.

“There was an abuse of power at the Department of Justice, the FBI, the FISA Court…all kinds of abuses of power,” he said. “Perhaps none more so than in the House of Representatives by the majority.”

In response to the vote, Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham called the proceedings a “desperate charade.” She went on to say that the president “looks forward to receiving fair treatment and due process in the Senate, which continues to be disgracefully denied to him by the House.”