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SENATE DEMS PANIC: Demand Pompeo Recuse Himself After Lindsey Graham Requests Biden-Poroshenko Transcripts

Cristina Laila

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| November 22, 2019

Mike Pompeo

Senate Democrats panicked after Lindsey Graham began the process for a Senate impeachment trial and requested full transcripts of three phone calls between Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham on Thursday sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo demanding the transcripts and Senate Democrats are now screeching for Pompeo to recuse himself from Trump-Ukraine matters.

The Democrats want an impeachment trial in the Senate, they’re going to get what they deserve.

“The only legitimate option is for you to recuse and to delegate the Department’s response to the Trump-Ukraine scandal to a senior career Department official,” Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democrats demanded of Pompeo.


n other words, the Senate Dems are panicking and want a Deep State bureaucrat to take over in order to protect the Biden crime family.

Chad Pergram





Senate Foreign Rltns Cmte Dems to Pompeo: The only legitimate option is for you to recuse and to delegate the Department’s response to the Trump-Ukraine scandal to a senior career Department official.



13:31 - 22 Nov 2019


The Senate Dems said Pompeo has a “profound conflict” and must recuse himself.