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Schiff Makes Crucial Impeachment Mistake – Gaetz Turns The Tables, Plans To Call Him As Key Witness


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|October 30, 2019

Republicans just found Schiff’s weakness – now they’re going to squeeze!

Rep. Adam Schiff has been on the offensive, trying to dig up dirt on Trump. But something tells us he should start working on his own defense.

Schiff thought he could conduct this sham inquiry in secret. He refuses to release any real information to the public. Reports say he even forbids Republicans from asking questions during hearings.

It’s clear the fix has been in from day one. Schiff and the Democrats are running an out-of-control scheme to take down the president.

But it looks like Schiff is going to have to answer for himself, big time.

From Biz Pac Review:

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said Republicans will call Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who’s heading up the Democratic Party’s “sham” impeachment inquiry as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, as a fact witness…

“He said he’s like the Ken Starr, he’s the independent counsel,” Gaetz said. “Well, if that’s true and he’s able to do this secretive investigation, then we have not only a right but an obligation to call Adam Schiff as a witness and [Rep.] Doug Collins said that’s precisely what we are going to do in the House Judiciary Committee.”

Nancy Pelosi put Schiff in charge of this inquiry. Big mistake. Adam Schiff claimed to have no knowledge of the original whistleblower complaint before this all started.

But then we learned the supposed whistleblower had contact with Schiff prior to all this coming out.

In fact, stories suggest this person was discussing his plans with Schiff’s office. This puts him in danger of being charged with a felony false statement charge—for not disclosing that.

Which means Adam Schiff has to answer for all this. His story has already been contradicted once.

It gives Republicans a chance to put him on the stand and demand answers from him. The man trying to hide the facts from the public will be forced to answer for himself.

We already know Schiff isn’t interested in conducting this inquiry honestly. He opened hearings with a “parody” version of Trump’s call with Ukraine. A version that was entirely fabricated by the Democrat.

What else has he been distorting? It’s about time the country knew the truth.

If you think Democrats are squirming now, just wait until Pencil Neck gets on the stand!