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Republican Senate Fed Up With Adam Schiff – They Just Set Up A Vote To Condemn His “Illegitimate Impeachment Inquiry’

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October 25, 2019

Schiff thought he could get away with it – well Republicans won’t let him!

Democrats are on a collision course with reality. And boy, is it going to hurt!

Adam Schiff and his House Democrats are pushing an impeachment inquiry against all reason and support.

He thinks he can do whatever he wants, claiming he is investigating the president. Even though there has been no formal vote—nor any official procedure.

Schiff is just pushing his own agenda—hoping to find something to hurt Trump.

Well, the Senate is sick and tired of it. And they’re about to give him a wakeup call.

From Washington Examiner:

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plan to introduce a resolution… “condemning the House of Representatives’ closed door, illegitimate impeachment inquiry.”

Republicans have also questioned the legitimacy of the investigation because it was never sanctioned by a House vote or established with bipartisan cooperation on rules to govern the proceedings.

Boom! Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are introducing a resolution to condemn Schiff and the House’s impeachment inquiry.

The Republicans, who control the House, are fed up with how Schiff is running this circus.

His unwillingness to follow the rules, his secrecy, and his refusal to give Trump his fair rights is becoming too much for the Senate to stomach.

It’s obvious Schiff wants to drag this out forever. He probably hopes this will continue until 2020, so Trump’s chances at winning are reduced.

But the fact is, he doesn’t have forever. And Republicans are growing more and more frustrated.

Yesterday, many Hosue Republicans staged a revolt in Congress. Now, Senate Republicans are about to condemn Schiff.

How far do you think impeachment will go, if the House votes and sends it to the Senate. Not far, at all.

Schiff better wise up and rethink his plans. Otherwise, things won’t go so well for him and the rest of the House.