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This NYTimes story proves beyond any doubt Dems holding ‘impeachment inquiry’ in secret have NOTHING on Trump

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(TNS) The Democratic water-carrying paper of record, The New York Times, published a story on Tuesday that proves beyond any doubt that the bullshit coup…sorry, “Impeachment” inquiry…Adam Schiff and the Garbage Party are conducting is yielding them nothing they can use against President Trump.

The paper reportedthat Democrats who had once claimed they would hold an actual impeachment vote by Thanksgiving have now said their ‘probe’ will take much longer, ostensibly because they’re just finding so much more damning evidence:

House Democrats have resigned themselves to the likelihood that impeachment proceedings against President Trump will extend into the Christmas season, as they plan a series of public hearings intended to make the simplest and most devastating possible public case in favor of removing Mr. Trump.

Democratic leaders had hoped to move as soon as Thanksgiving to wrap up a narrow inquiry focused around Mr. Trump’s dealings with Ukraine, buoyed by polling data that shows that the public supports the investigation, even if voters are not yet sold on impeaching the president. … 

Democratic leaders have pushed lawmakers with backgrounds in law enforcement or national security to make television appearances to discuss the inquiry, including Representative Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, a former C.I.A. analyst; Representative Val Demings of Florida, a former police chief; and Representative Tom Malinowski of New Jersey, a former State Department official.

As we reported, Democrats all last week held ‘depositions’ featuring all sorts of ‘witnesses’ who supposedly had all sorts of things to say about Trump that were bad, bad, bad.

Except that they didn’t.

In fact, the Garbage Party routinely put out versions of what these witnesses allegedly said, only to have the witnesses tell whomever in the dogshit media they could get to listen that the Democrats’ version of their comments was bullshit.

Now, Schiff and his douche nozzle Democrats are going to refuseto provide Republican lawmakers (who are supposed to allegedly vote on an impeachment inquiry in the coming weeks) transcripts of future ‘witnesses’ — and why?

Because the upcoming ‘witnesses’ also will not have any evidence that Trump deserves to be impeached.

So here comes the bullshit brigade led by the NYTimes trying to tell us that, damn, there’s so much evidence Democrats are going to have to delay a vote to digest it all and make a ‘compelling case’ to Americans.

More like, they need more time to come up with the ultimate lie.

Democrats are enemies of the state, period, and a shit stain on the undershorts of our republic.