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Adam Schiff Sent Staffer To Ukraine In Aug. To Meet Org. W/Crowdstrike Connection

Wes Walker and Jeff Dunetz Schiff

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| Sep 30, 2019


As William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Something’s rotten with Adam Schiff, more rotten than usual.  At the same time, the whistleblower was filing his report, Adam Schiff sent a staffer to Ukraine to meet its former President and an organization whose staff included the co-founder of Crowdstrike. And just wait until you see who sponsored that TRIP.

This ‘whistleblower’ issue is shaping up to look an awful lot like the Kavanaugh shakedown all over again, isn’t it?

Trending: Flashback: Nadler Admits Impeachment Is All About ‘Undoing a National Election’

“The gravamen of the offense here is the president using the power of his office to coerce a foreign nation into helping his presidential campaign to once again interfere in our election, and at the same time withholding foreign aid that country so desperately needs to fight off who? The Russians,” he said.

“The situation demands that we move forward with the inquiry.”

Source: NBC

Yeah… hold that thought there, Rep. Shifty. Maybe YOU are the one that needs some thorough investigating.

The same piece of Schiff whose privileged access to classified information gave him the ability to make accusations nobody could question (like the bogus ‘more than circumstantial evidence‘ he claimed to have that Russia colluded with Trump… despite a Mueller investigation tasked to find precisely that evidence coming up empty) is in right in the thick of something else, now.

He’s up to his neck in the Ukraine controversy. And an interesting smoking gun has arisen:

BREAKING: Adam Schiff sent a House Intel staffer to Ukraine during Aug 24-31 just 12 days after receiving the whistleblower complaint. This is the same week Schiff posted his Ukraine military aid tweet – Aug 28

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸(@JackPosobiec) September 29, 2019

One of Schiff’s staffers took a trip to Ukraine in August. What an amazing coincidence!

And that was not long before the rules allowing for secondhand and hearsay evidence to be accepted for whistleblower use! Isn’t it amazing that all this is brewing just before the release of that highly-anticipated IG report into the origins of the Spygate scandal?

So what, exactly did Schiff’s staffer DO in his visit to Ukraine? He spoke with the FORMER President. The guy with strong Obama ties.

They met directly with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who lost to current president Volodymyr Zelensky in a landslide 73-25 victory

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸(@JackPosobiec) September 29, 2019