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6 Signs That Democrats Won't Actually Impeach the President


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  • 2019-09-26
  • Source: TTN Staff
  • by: TTN
  • 67 16


    The Democrats may be pushing for impeachment but what are the chances of the President actually being impeached?


    The chances are not very high. 


    The Democrats are already running out of steam on the impeachment question and they just got started. 


    Here is why the Democrats may not go through with impeachment:




    1.) Bad Polling

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    By The White House from Washington, DC (Foreign Leader Visits) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


    Impeachment has always been bad for Democrats as a political option, the polling on the issue tells us that. The polling on the issue of impeachment is not favorable, almost 50% of the country is against impeachment outright and there are many who say that it is not justified yet.




    2.) Consequences in The Next Election

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    By Roger H. Goun [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


    Republicans suffered after they impeached then-President Clinton, the choice to impeach cost them many seats in the house. Democrats might not want to risk giving Trump a second term and more seats in the House, both of which are real possibilities if he is impeached ( impeachment does not immediately remove a candidate form office, a Senate trial is required for that).  








    3.) Cold Feet

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    By Cezary p (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


    While many of the new age progressives in the Democratic party are ready to move forward with the impeachment of the President there are still moderate Democrats and Democrats in vulnerable districts that want nothing to do with impeachment. This is especially true for any Democrat in a district that Trump won in 2016 and is expected to win in 2020.




    4.) Biden Looks More and More Guilty

    By Daniel Schwen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


    This whole mess with Ukraine started because of alleged corruption between Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and aid that was meant for Ukraine. Currently, there is more evidence to suggest that Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden are guilty of corruption than there is evidence to suggest that Trump is guilty of any crime. It might be the end of Biden’s campaign if fellow members of his party push in this direction.


    5.) Not Based On a Primary Account

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    Gage Skidmore, Via Wikimedia Commons


    The whistleblower's report that started the current circus in Congress was not based on an eyewitness account of the alleged event, this is all based on secondhand knowledge of the event that was alleged to have happened. Considering the amount of partisan sabotage that has gone on in the White House it might be ill-advised for Democrats to push this hard on impeachment. 




    6.) Bad Precedent

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    By WHITE HOUSE [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


    If the Democrats were to impeach the President based on what is currently known to the public they would set a very dangerous precedent for future Presidents. Impeachment was never meant to be used for political reasons, the Democrats might not want to change that.