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JD Heyes

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Image: BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi caves to her lunatic Democrat base as she announces “full” impeachment inquiry into Trump

Well, it only took about 10 months, but the lunatic Leftists now fully control the Democrat Party as evidenced by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement Tuesday that she is authorizing a full impeachment inquiry into the most persecuted president in history — Donald Trump.

After meeting with her party caucus, Pelosi claimed that “the president must be held accountable” for his “betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and the betrayal of the integrity of our elections.”

What betrayal, you ask? Well, in reality President Trump betrayed the odds and oddsmakers by beating the most corrupt presidential contender in the history of the republic, Hillary Clinton. 

But Pelosi and the unhinged members of her party are claiming that the president ‘abused his office’ by allegedly withholding foreign aid to Ukraine until that government agreed to assist his administration with a probe into actions taken by former VP Joe Biden in 2015, in which he actually threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine if Kiev didn’t fire a prosecutor looking into corruption involving a company his son, Hunter Biden, was involved with (in a lucrative board member post).

Biden actually admitted on video that yeah, he did interfere. He did issue a threat. And the government of Ukraine did respond by bending to his wishes: They fired the prosecutor. 

So, in summary, Pelosi and the Democrats are claiming Trump did what Biden actually did — and in the messed up world of Washington, D.C., that somehow makes sense to certain people. 

But let’s be clear about what this is: An attempt to placate whacked out Left-wing voters. 

Democrats campaigned on “impeaching” President Trump last year; so they now have to deliver on that promise lest they lose big next year. And, as conservative talk giant Rush Limbaugh noted Tuesday, impeaching Trump is the only way Democrats can get rid of him (because they know he’s cruising to reelection next year — in fact, new polling shows the president’s approval rating up since this Ukraine nonsense began).

Democrats again make a mockery of our republic

As for the president, well, he’s always two or three steps ahead of these clowns — as he proved again Tuesday. Ahead of Pelosi’s meeting with her caucus of lunatics, the president announced he was releasing a full unredacted transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky which, of course, was very likely agreed to by Zelensky. (Related: Jake Tapper and Adam ‘Leaker’ Schiff just blamed Trump for EXACTLY what Joe Biden did in Ukraine.)

Trump has said repeatedly over the past few days that what is in the transcript of his call is nothing at all like what’s been “reported” by the garbage mainstream media — reports that have been based on an alleged deep state whistleblower who has no knowledge of the actual conversation between the two presidents. 

“I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country, but have authorized the release tomorrow of the complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine. You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo,” he wrote on Twitter.

Reporters in the garbage media are telling this story like they’ve already seen the transcripts and have spoken to the whistleblower. Neither of those things is true; not one Democrat who supports impeachment has seen any evidence, either.

It’s just the latest attempt to undermine a president who has driven them insane and remove him from office because they can’t beat him, can’t best him, and can’t get rid of him. 

It’s pathetic, really. 

But while we’re at it, since the president is willing to release the Ukraine phone call transcript, the GOP is calling on Biden to release transcripts of his calls as VP with leaders of Ukraine and China, both countries where son Hunter scored lucrative business deals, reportedly with daddy’s ‘assistance.’

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